Bertie is not scared

June 2, 1073

'Don't be scared about your Ma, Bertie.'

“Don’t be scared about your Ma, Bertie,” Iylaine whispered earnestly.

I’m not scared!” Bertie protested. “Wynnie is scared because she’s a girl.”

“Boys can be scared,” Iylaine said matter-​​of-​​factly. “Your Da looked real scared.”

“Not me,” Bertie huffed.

“She’ll be fine, Bertie,” Egelric told him.

“I know!” Bertie cried. “I’m not scared!” But then he thought of something else. “What about that baby, though?” he asked Egelric. “Githa Selle’s baby died when it was born.”

'What about that baby, though?'

“I’m sure the baby will be fine too. Do you want a brother or a sister?”

“Well, I don’t know…” he said thoughtfully.

“His Da wants another girl,” Baby told her father. “He told me he wants another girl to help out Gunnie.”

'His Da wants another girl.'

“Two boys and two girls would be fine,” Egelric agreed.

“But, Egelric,” Bertie said, having had another thought. “What about my Ma? She couldn’t have the wise woman because she was up to the castle for the Queen.”

“Your Ma didn’t have the wise woman for young Egelric,” Egelric said. “Githa knows what to do.”

“What does she have to do?” Iylaine asked.

Egelric cleared his throat.

'You listen to me.'

“I know, Baby!” Bertie said. “You listen to me. I know all about it. It’s just like when the mama cat has kittens. You just have to watch to make sure nothing bad happens, and cut the cord when the kittens come. I did that lots of times.”

“What if something bad happens?”

“Baby, why don’t we talk about something else?” Egelric suggested.

Iylaine shrugged and went off to join Wynna, who was playing with young Egelric on the floor.

“Egelric,” Bertie asked, “which baby do you think will come first, my Ma’s baby or the Queen’s baby?”

'Which baby do you think will come first?'

“Well, your Ma has had three babies already and the Queen only two, but I believe the Queen had an early start, since she got to Mother Duna first.”

“That’s so,” Bertie agreed. “I hope our baby comes first. Then he will be older than the Prince or Princess. But I am older than all the Princes and Princesses,” Bertie said proudly. “And his young lordship, and all the other lordships and ladyships.”

“And I’m older than the King!” Egelric laughed.

'I'm older than the King!'

“But that’s because you’re just old,” Bertie said. “That’s why we call you Old Egelric.”

“You imp!” Egelric laughed. “Think you’re clever! Why don’t we sit down and you show me how you’re coming with your Latin, and we shall see who’s clever then.”

“All right, Old Egelric, I’ll show you!” Bertie laughed and sat down with his tall friend before the fire.

Bertie laughed and sat down.