Alred comes up to bed

February 12, 1071

Duke Alred was surprised to find his wife still awake when he came up the stairs to bed.

Alred was surprised to find his wife still awake.

“You weren’t waiting for me, I hope?” he asked her.

“No, no, I was writing letters, but I shall go to bed now if you do.”

“That’s a fine idea.”

“Will you untie my dress? I don’t want to call one of the maids up.”

“I am ever thy humble servant,” he laughed. “I heard you talked to Egelric. That’s more than I’ve been able to do.”

'I heard you talked to Egelric.'

“I suppose he couldn’t refuse me. He’s terrified of me.”

“He must have picked that up from me.”

“Why doesn’t he want to talk to you?” she asked.

“I don’t know. He’s upset about the fire, perhaps because that girl died. Perhaps he feels guilty he saved the horses but didn’t save her.”

“It was her own fault for running into the fire. Was she mad?”

“I don’t know, I never met her.”

“Nonetheless she almost killed you.”

Alred grunted. “Didn’t though. There, all done.”

“Thank you.”

“You should thank Gunnilda Hogge while you’re at it,” he said as he undressed. “She’s the one that saved me.” He laughed as he thought of her. “What a character she is! Ran in where the men feared to go.”

“I suppose she’s used to being the man in her family, too.”

“Like someone else I know,” Alred winked.

Alred winked.