Ethelred is caught in the act
Ethelred clapped his book shut and scrambled up to stick it on the shelf, only to lumber helplessly in place like a trained bear as his feet became mired in the cushions. Caught in flagrante delicto.
Ethelred clapped his book shut and scrambled up to stick it on the shelf, only to lumber helplessly in place like a trained bear as his feet became mired in the cushions. Caught in flagrante delicto.
Leofric’s boot slammed onto the frozen road, and Gunnora’s gabbling abruptly ceased. Into their silence the horse’s tack creaked and jangled, and the frosty fir trees clattered in the wind like fairy echoes.
Leofric’s heart was still pumping from the fright his niece had given him, and his fear made him growl.
“What—in God’s holy name—are you doing here?”
Leofric folded up the letter crease by crease as they walked, taking his time in the hope that words would come to him.
“It’s Brass-Dog, all right,” Ulf said as Harald and Thorkell stepped out onto the roof. “I told you they had to be his men camped up there. Look! You can see the sun shining off his hair.”
Gunnora had crept halfway down the stairs when a knock thundered at the old tower door.
Lord Hingwar slid back his stool and stood as Eadwyn and Ethelmer hurried in out of the rain. Eadwyn, who had come in first, lifted his brows and gave Leofric a look he meant for weary relief. But Leofric stared past him and solemnly bowed, as if some great noble had just stepped in.
Domnall, Gwynn found, was either more steadfast or more confused than she had estimated.
Lady Gwynn blinked her sticky eyes. Her room still had the deathly color of winter sunlight shining through green glass. She had not slept through to supper as she had hoped.
“Domnall?” she repeated groggily.
“Finger puppets?”
“Finger puppets!” Ete echoed, trembling with her own portent. “Puppets you wear on your fingers!”
Hetty awoke choking and rolled over just in time to vomit over the side of the bed. For a moment longer she hung her head and waited, her mouth open, for a second flood that did not come. Finally she flopped shivering back onto the mattress.
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