
March 1086
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March 11 Waxing Crescent 1086

Ethelwyn’s words are turned

'I've heard some interesting news about you.'

“I’ve heard some interesting news about you,” Sigefrith said once the formalities were behind them.

He turned his chair around, making the legs shriek across the floorboards. Ethelwyn was wound up so tightly he winced all the way to his chair.


March 10 Waxing Crescent 1086

Gwynn knows just what to do

'Meggie, what are you doing?'

“Meggie, what are you doing?”

Margaret closed the cabinet doors and sighed. So much for secrecy.


March 10 Waxing Crescent 1086

Saeward receives an apology

'Here it is.'

“Here it is,” Addonwy said, looking smug. “This has to be it. On the Nones of May, back in seventy-​one.” He read, “‘From the hill known as Holly Grove, southwest by a gill called Horse Tail, three hundred yards to an old wall, and thence west across Moss Beck, thirty yards to the stone which Wihtgar put in this place. And Moss Beck is the boundary for three hundred yards unto the gate of Whittle Fold, at a distance of thirty yards, except it be in flood.’”


March 9 Waxing Crescent 1086
Trigger warning

Sadb learns the truth about her home

Dust was the other thing Sadb would remember.

Dust was the other thing Sadb would remember when she spoke to her son of this day: the men and the horses, brushed to blinding in the morning sun, returning mud-​spattered, dirt-​clotted, and ashen, treading up a cloud of dust that would cast a pall over her world.


March 9 Waxing Crescent 1086

Sadb finds a hiding place

Sadb stopped to watch the wind tumble a speckled chicken feather over the dirt.

Sadb stopped to watch the wind tumble a speckled chicken feather across the path. She felt weightless and wind-​blown herself today, skimming in and out of conversations, skipping over whole parts of Mass, yet sticking at such grain-​of-​sand trivialities as a feather drifting across an empty court. Surely one good gust would simply blow her away.


March 9 Waxing Crescent 1086

Saeward is half-stranger, half-friend



Saeward stopped, his shoulders tightened, and for a moment he stood motionless as a rabbit caught in the open while scurrying from one burrow to another. The court, he must have been thinking, was not so very wide. It was rotten luck, he must have been thinking, that Ralf chanced to arrive at just that time.


March 8 Waxing Crescent 1086

Uallach’s world forever shatters

Aileann took a backwards-running leap and flopped back onto her bed.

Aileann took a backwards-​running leap and flopped back onto her bed.

“I hate Lent!”


March 7 New Moon 1086

Estrid names the finest treasure

With a fingertip Estrid traced the dust out of curlicue carvings.

With a fingertip Estrid traced the dust out of curlicue carvings on the back of the door, stopping and starting as the vines led her through a maze full of nothing but dead ends.


March 7 New Moon 1086

A mourner comes to the house of mirth

The candlelit arches of windows were plain.

Brede pulled up his horse before the gate and stared over the crossbar. The yellow lights twinkling through the pines had seemed stars at first, turning into torches as they climbed higher on the path up from the lake shore. But once around the last bend, the candlelit arches of open windows were plain.

“That doesn’t look good,” Brede said.


March 6 Waning Crescent 1086

Paul and Malcolm do the Christian thing

Aengus was trying to remember the last time he had waited up for his da.

Aengus was trying to remember the last time he had waited up for his da. As with most last times, he hadn’t known it then, and if he had he probably would have thanked the Lord. It was funny what a man could grow to be nostalgic for.

