Eirik stood by the fire warming his hands.

Brede’s heart sank when he stepped into the hall, but he would certainly not be seen turning tail and running.

Eirik stood by the fire warming his hands, although his flushed face and damp hair showed that he had probably only just come in from sparring with Sigefrith.

Brede would have to walk past him, and he decided he would only offer a nod as a greeting – if Eirik looked up at all.

But Eirik looked up at him and smiled. “Oh, good morning, Brede,” he said amicably.

'Brede stopped in his surprise.'

Brede stopped in his surprise. “Good morning, Eirik.”

“Cold day, or?”

“I suppose so.”

“Say, I think Eadgith was looking for you.”

'Say, I think Eadgith was looking for you.'

“What? Who?”

“Eadgith,” he laughed. “The young one.”

“For me?”

“I think so. She do sometimes.”

“What? She does?”

'What?  She does?'

“Don’t you know?” he laughed. “She have to come up and kiss you to get your attention, or what? Poor girl. She is too shy for you.”

“I wouldn’t say… I mean…”

“You’re some kind of fool,” he chuckled. “If she look at me like she look at you, I don’t wait to be kissed.”

'I don't wait to be kissed.'

“But she doesn’t look at anybody.”

“Don’t she?” he laughed. “You’re too busy looking at my foot,” he said with a wink.

“Well, can you blame me?” Brede asked ruefully.

“Someday I teach you that, when you’re tall enough to kick me where it don’t hurt.”

Brede smiled. “Where was she?”

'Where was she?'

“Good thing I don’t have to teach you how to kiss a girl. Right now she’s out riding with the Princess. But so, it mean she have to come back to the stable sooner or later, no?”

“That’s true. I… suppose I shall go see about my horse.”

“That’s good,” Eirik laughed. “But be nice – she is too shy! And also one thing, Brede. Next time I see a pretty girl looking for you, I kiss her while you looking at my foot.”

'I kiss her while you looking at my foot.'