Where can I get...?
Kraaia’s Boy Clothes
Team Vash T-shirt
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Medieval Hair – Male
- Jeanette Hair for Male by cevic at mod the sims 2 – my favorite long hair for men! There is also a somewhat shorter version of the same by Nocomment.
- SimCribbling~ Hairs no.11~13 by Ren.
- SimCribbling ~ Straight Silky Long Hairs for Male by Ren.
- Long hair with braid and with barrette by tiggerypum.
- Longish hair from rosesims2, as seen on Stein
- Loose curly hair by beosboxboy
Medieval Hair – Female
- Medieval Hair by NeptuneSuzy!
Medieval Clothing
Sites with Medieval Clothing
- A Midsimmer Night’s Dream at mod the sims 2
- The Dark Project at mod the sims 2
- earendil’s Medieval Set 01 is great for “middle class” medieval Sims. Check out sets 02 – 07 on the list of recolors at the left side of that page as well.
- Fanciful Sims – Medieval Section
- SussisSoGoodSims2
- All About Style – Medieval Section
- Fashion2Sims.de
- Sims2 GARA’s Boutique
- Sim-Ages.com – mostly pay-site but there is some gorgeous stuff there
- The Elegant Sim
Medieval Clothing for Gentlemen
- Robin Hood tunic 14 colors, by the author
- Medieval Clothes for all ages by zoej
- “The Canturbury Tailor” Set by iamliz13
- “The Canturbury Tailor” Set 2 by iamliz13
- Plain Medieval Set by earendil
- Medieval Peasant Set by EnblithTheFair
Medieval Clothing for Adult Men
Medieval Clothing for Teen Boys
Medieval Clothing for Little Boys
- Fancy Tunics by iamliz13
- Boys Collection by zoej
Medieval Clothing for Ladies
- Medieval Dress by zoej
- Medieval Dress by zoej
- “The Canturbury Tailor” Set by iamliz13
- “The Canturbury Tailor” Set 2 by iamliz13
- Plain Medieval Set by earendil
- Medieval Sleepwear by zoej
Medieval Clothing for Adult Women
- Medieval Underwear by iamliz13
- Seven Eowyn gowns by Miien
- Medieval Gown 3 by zoej
- Four Medieval Gowns by ndayeni
- Medieval Gowns by ElegantSims
- Fancy Gowns by ElegantSims
Medieval Clothing for Elder Women
- Medieval Underwear by iamliz13
Medieval Clothing for Teen Girls
- Medieval Velvet Gowns
- Medieval Collection by zoej
- Medieval Underwear by iamliz13
- Medieval Gowns by ElegantSims
- Teen Maternity Gown by kaylynn06
Teen Maternity dress Recolors
(Get the mesh at Insimenator.org)
- Fancy Nightgown (1 color)
- Fancy dress, texture based on green elven dress by sherahbim (3 colors: “cobalt glass”, “golden grass”, “grape”)
- Another fancy dress, texture by ???
- Fancy dress or cloak, texture by marie_fay (6 colors: “blue”, “brown variegated”, “dark cerise”, “emeraude”, “olive”, “violet”)
Medieval Clothing for Little Girls
- Fancy Gowns by iamliz13
- Girls Collection by zoej
- Medieval Underwear by iamliz13
Medieval Objects
- A Midsimmer Night’s Dream at mod the sims 2
- The Dark Project at mod the sims 2
- Rumdinger’s Roadhouse by Loverat at mod the sims 2. Even if you don’t download the lot, you can get the “Rumdinger’s Roadhouse-Objects.rar” file which contains a ton of medieval objects from all over the place. Also, the creators of the objects are listed on that page, so you can follow their links to possibly find more goodies.
- Sims2 GARA’s Boutique
- Sim-Ages.com
- dh-sims-site Moroccan and Oriental Themed sets and Anatolian sets. These are not medieval European sets, but I use a lot of Near Eastern and Oriental objects for my elves to make them seem exotic. Some of these items would not look out of place in a medieval castle, and some could be luxury imports!
- “Candid by Candlelight” collection of candles by buggybooz
Must-Have Mods and Objects for Storytelling
- Gunmod’s Radiance Light System 2.2 BETA RC1
- GunMod’s Camera Mod 3.1
- jgwhiteus’s Buyable Ceiling and Dektora’s recolors thereof
- chris997’s Sky | Jasper’s Maelstrom recolor | Danicast’s recolor
- eXperion’s Reaction tester
- Hula Dance & more
- Squinge’s Toddler Poses
- Insiminator
- Inteenimator
- Wear Anything While Pregnant
- Sim Effects
- No ZZZs while sleeping by Numenor
Items You’ve Asked About
- Yicke asked about the stone arches you can see there and here for example. They are from Brasstex’s castle set at mod the sims 2.
- Mageborn98 asked about the windows across the front of King Sigefrith’s castle that occasionally appear in the image at the top of the page, and which can be seen in any of the many chapters which take place in King Sigefrith’s study. These are Lothlorien windows by Lethe_s which are available in the Midsimmer Night’s Dream set.
- Kimberly asked about Lili’s harp, which is from from Zita’s Music Room Set from Aussie Topenders. Unfortunately it’s not playable.
- Devin asked about Maud’s braided hair at the beginning of the story. It is by HappyMoonBelly from Parsimonious, and there is a lot more medieval/fantasy hair there.
- sim_terri asked how I make it look like Sims are sitting on the edge of a bed. I use Ariffrazalin’s “Sit Anywhere” Invisible Hipster Barstool which is just about the same height as a bed.
- Tiana asked where I got the dragon that Egelric saw at the lake. It is by Suiryuue and is currently available at TSR.
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The team Vash t-shirts are cute!!!
I was following your link for Squinge's Toddler poses and found out that the mod is no longer there. After a bunch of hunting, I found this message.
Just thought I pass on the information
Thanks, Joan. I just updated the link with the new location on InSiminator.net.
You mentioned in a post that you downloaded the Sim Effects thing from InSimenator.Net, and you might want to add it here. ^^
Oh, and the InTeenimator seems to have moved to http://box156.bluehost.com/~aestudi1/forums/inteenimater/index.php, as I can't find it anywhere else.
And--sorry to bother!--you forgot the Dark Project here, I think.
I love that one. We need more largeish medieval projects.
The Dark Project is beyond awesome. Thanks for reminding me.
I'am just putting this link if anyone else wants to download these gowns. http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=138916
I just found these new dresses by zoej http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=241987
Ooooh thanks Devin! Linked and downloaded! If this keeps up I should just put a link to zoej's profile page up there... she makes so much gorgeous medieval stuff.
Your Welcome is there anyone in particular thats going to be wearing those gowns?
Hmm, there is something about them that says upper-class but not royal. I can see myself putting them on someone like some of the younger wives of knights, like Lady Angharat, Lady Affrais, Lady Anna, or the new Lady Edeltrude.
Thats very interesting it seems a little fun deciding which class wears this type of clothing. The styles of Lothere is changing from 1067 to 1085. One of my favorite dressed ladies of lothere was Queen Maud she was simple but elegant. I also like Lili and Hetty's look especially Hetty's. Now I always thought Lady Sela looked okay before Egelric was created a knight but when he was a knight Sela kinda looked below her station imo. If she was alive in 1085 whould you have changed her dress and appearance or just keep her looking like an elf?
Part of the reasons why styles have changed so much is because I have so much more custom content now. But I have always said that if I had had the dress then, all of the women would be dressed like Princess Irene, since that is more like how women dressed then. With head covered and all. Since I didn't start that way, though, I might as well have fun with my incorrect clothes!
If Sela had ever come to live at the castle, she probably would have changed her clothes. However, that's because she would have already changed a lot in her head before she would agree to go there. I think it would be more likely to happen if Egelric had gradually pressured her to go live there, which he might have done as the years passed. But he was very happy in their little cabin.
It's funny about Hetty... no matter how I dress her and Eadie, Hetty always looks so much more elegant and queenly than Eadie does. Especially the last time we saw Hetty with her hair up.
And Maud always looked like a queen somehow. *sigh*
I know Maud always looked like a queen to me I liked seeing her in that green dress. And I liked seeing her hair braided before Sela died I had hoped she would braid her hair like Maud. Now Eadie never really looked like a queen to me but just as a regular noblewoman Hetty looks more regal with her hair up and with the headress on her head.
I always preferred Egelric and Sela's cottage than their castle a cottage seems more cozy and snug than a castle. But a castle is more protective then a cottage.
I don't know if you downloaded thses dresses already but I just found them. http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=193900
Added. I think I did download them but I don't think I've used them yet. That mesh is pretty when their arms are down, but if they try to do anything like hugging people or holding babies, it is quite weird-looking because the sleeves are stiff and appear to cut through things and people. Also it doesn't have a pregnant belly. I try not to use that mesh much nowadays.
I was wondering what you're using for the body hair on Aldred and Dunstan - I get sick of all my bare-chested simmies. Thanks!
hello... I saw in a comment recently that you mentioned where to get the buyable rooves. I tried to find them on mts before when we talked about them but I never did manage to locate them. And now I can't find the comment again where they were mentioned. Would you mind directing me to it
Ah, I forget that you can't search comments on this blog as I can. Here is the comment, and I also added the links into the "Must have mods (and objects!) for storytelling". Because they are seriously must-haves. I remember in the early days how I was always stuck using stupid camera angles to hide the blue sky indoors, especially in big rooms such as Sigefrith's hall. That and the plumb bob! Ugh!
Thanks so much, I have been getting so annoyed with having to scrap a lot of camera angles
Lothere, you've been doing so much with vikings lately, I can't resist putting up a link for this building set I found: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=267394 It's russian, but might serve for some of the fancier viking places. Admitedly, it has more of the look of some grand mead hall on the mainland than Whitehand's relative outpost of viking culture. Still, might come in handy.
Thank you!
I just downloaded everything... I love little architectural elements like that and I always wish there were more. I can't wait to see how it looks in-game. I am sure I will find a use for it... even if I have to start doing chapters in Norway, or even Kievan Rus. 
Lothere did you know that the medieval section of All About Style has been updated?
No I did not!
I just download practically everything on the last 2 pages. I love the "Green Gown Jewel", I will just have to decide who will be prettiest in it. And no, not Aia. 
I know, the green gown would look nice on Hetty and the purple peasant dress would look nice on Aia. I always thought that purple would have looked nice on Lady Sela and also on Aia.
Hetty is such a funny, frosty color it's hard to say. I thought she looked wonderfully regal in red last time, but maybe she has some bad memories with that dress. Not to mention the red/Matilda connection. Maybe she would like green now after all.
I think Sela and Aia both look so sweet in brown. We shall see!
Well I thought Lady Sela was very pretty in her brown dress but she did look below her station. But IMO since their complexions are so fair darker colors suites them best like purple and red. Thats if Aia lives with her sister's husband and children of course.
I found this dress on ModTheSims 2 http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=268397
On the forum, you mentioned a need for more birth defects. There is a cleft lip here http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=138129 that works for all ages.
Thanks! That has me thinking of ideas... Too bad it doesn't apply to babies, though, so I can't do a story where someone has a baby with a cleft lip. Hrrmmm... I have a new character coming that I might use it on. I would need to make some teeth makeup too to have a missing tooth or two where the cleft is, hmm hmm... Thanks for the link, as you can see you got me thinking
Lothere, I just popped over to MTS2 and someone uploaded these beautiful dresses for medieval and renaissance periods. (http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=281399) Just giving you a heads-up.
Wow wow wow! Those are spectacular! I need about ten different colors of the Maiden gown.
I have a formal party coming up and I was just beginning to fret about what the ladies would wear. They can't keep wearing the same gowns. 
I clicked on the link for "Hula dance and more" and it doesn't seem to be working... i it just me, or has it moved? Please help...
I just found these perhaps you already downloaded them but just in case here are a couple of gowns that might look great for the elves.
Hula has moved again! These people are breaking the Internets!
Currently you seem to be able to download it at the Sims 2 Graveyard... let's hope it stays, because I don't know where it can go after the graveyard.
And, Devin, I found those gowns already.
Those are some of the gowns I mentioned, that hopefully we would be able to see soon.
Thank you very much, Lothere.
Wow, thanks! I was about to ask for Hula and more, and there is the link! Thanks immensely! *bookmarks*
Lothere, what skins do you use for the sims? I want more lifelike ones if I ever start my own story.
Karen I just put a long and handsomely illustrated answer to your question up on the forum.
I was browsing modthesims2 again and I found dimples! I remember reading that Brit has a dimple and I think it'd be pretty on her.
If you want it, it's by Navetsea.
Glassless window alert! Really gorgeous set, with recolors to make them work for either morrocan or medieval: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=283359
Whoa! So incredible! I only have one other glassless window I can use so this is so awesome. I downloaded the stone textures and the red patterned textures to see how they looked. I am afraid the patterns will seem more Mediterranean than anything I can use in an English castle (though the stone should be perfect), but maybe that will encourage me to do something in Leila's country.
I love that they have some thickness to them - I hate the cardboard wall problem as much as you do. Something in Leila's country... oooo!
Yes! The one that was three blocks deep had me excited already. I like a door or window frame that has a real depth to it, which helps with the cardboard walls. I really liked the idea of a 2-square-wide glassless window, too, I can't wait to try that out. I think some of these windows and arches could even work in a cloister.
Or when we finally get to meet this Syrian Princess.
Recently, someone asked about Hetty's lounging dress. It's from http://www.simdreams.cba.pl/ in the themes/medieval section. Gorgeous dress and has a matching underdress - great for a poor woman's wardrobe in the green.
Yes!!!! that is it! I am glad you found it because I obviously never would have. Somebody must have linked me to it the first time!
Lothere, do you like mermaids? Do you like mermaid dresses? Well do you like mermaid dresses??
Personally, I don't like the shape, but maybe you could use the textures or something?? I thought this could look good on Lady Eidgith or maybe preggers Hetty? Maybe Matilda? I hope this successfully lags you lots!
Hmm, I would have to see how the meshes look in-game but I rather like the shape too. I think the one with all the embroidery would even look good on a Queen Eadgith for a less-formal dress. The blue one would be nice with her eyes. Having embroidery on the butt is a bit weird, but it will give Sigefrith an excuse to put his hand on it.
All of those might work for a Lady Eadgith too since they are kind of soft and matronly looking. But since they are not too fancy they would also work nicely for "middle class" women like Mouse.
I can't get over the stitching and lacing details on those dresses!
Thanks! My iamliz13 folder alone is surely already causing a large amount of my game's lag.
Lothere, where could I find those enormous fire places you use? Or are they like campfires placed in a recess in the wall? Either way, they're pretty sweet.
They're from the Olde English Fireplace Set by CycloneSue at TSR. They are so, so awesome.
There are invisible diapers on Mod. They're old, but I thought you could use them for your fresh-out-the-womb babies.
Excellent! That's so old I never even saw it. (It's here.) Apparently it is a mod, so you would have to remove it if you wanted to have a diaper, but that's OK I guess. As long as I know ahead of time whether I'm taking pictures of diapered or undiapered babies. That will be useful when Brit's and Eithne's babies are born, as you said.
Or wait-- wait-- Synne's IDENTICAL TWINS!!!
Lothere, someone just made some mesh conversions of the Vamp dress that is available for adults, but made it for teens. Personally, I love these things, because my medieval neighborhood has a couple of teenage vamps running around in peasant-wear and now they could have the Maxis-approved uniform. Don't know if these will be helpful, but maybe you could use the mesh? Maybe. I'm horrible at meshing, specifically converting, and I guess alot of people are like me, so..... here!
Thanks! I saw that yesterday, and I was like "Should I download? Or shouldn't I?" I was kind of hoping I could wait until someone like iamliz13 did some retextures of it. Because otherwise I will have to.
The nice thing about those dresses, from my understanding, is that you can steal the textures from the equivalent adult mesh and use them directly on the teen version. I have done that already with the teen pregnant mesh. (I wonder if this mesh has a pregnant bump?? Doh! now I will have to download to try it out.)
But the thought of firing up Bodyshop makes me shudder right now. How many times have I told myself I was just going to tweak one small texture, and I'm still there at midnight, five hours later, going WHEEEEE!!! with the hue/saturation/brightness slider in Photoshop?
hahaha! I'm not sure it has a preggers bump, but I'm the same way in Photoshop, instead of fixing a small seam, I always make something completely different, getting sidetracked because I'm over-paranoid when ever I make something. And then it takes HOURS to load up body shop, that if I start directly after I get home from school at 4:30, I'm still sitting in front of my computer at 7:00 just waiting for it to load. Man, I gotta clean my downloads out. And yea, I pm-ed iamliz13 a day or two ago asking if she wanted to take up the challenge of recoloring. She hasn't gotten back just yet, so now I'm going to have to brave bodyshop for three hours! Wish me luck! *SWOOSH*
More finds!
for your markets...
GRAIN IN A BARREL http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=231139
FOOD SACKS http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=229628
FOOD BARRELS http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=229612
Oh, well I was looking at Mod and I found some pretty nice walls for peasants and quite possibly a castle.
http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=289237 http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=289238 http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=289241
Good ones!
I already used a wall from the last set in Alred's study!
I keep seeing Eadred mentioning Connie's dimples when she smiles. Have you thought about using the dimples I posted about earlier?
I don't think I tried them out on Connie's skin yet. I tried them out on a couple people -- maybe lighter skinned -- and I found it looked more like dirt than dimples. The problem with her dimples is that they need to disappear when she's not smiling, but that won't work with face makeup unfortunately. I'll try them out on Connie this weekend, but I'll probably go on pretending.
Ew, dirt? Well, that's a childish quality alright.
The Captain would be tempted to lick his thumb and wipe it off, just like Mammie used to do.
I don't think Connie needs makeup to make her look like she has dimples though. Smiles like this just scream dimples. And, I don't know, but somehow I always see dimples on Verity's Cindra too.
Oh, I've just started browsing Mhalwe in the past few days. Isn't Cindra the jokester that kinda resembles Maud?
Ooh you think she resembles Maud? I think she resembles an adorable little three-year-old. Maud was never so pinchable! But Cindra certainly is a jokester.
Rosesims has some really pretty hair for your elves. I think she just added them.
There's also some pretty nice hair at Sims 2 Heaven.
Random question:
Are the pretty hairstyles reserved just for the khirron girls? Do the kisor guys not have that taught to them?
The kisór don't have the elaborate hairstyles as part of their culture at all. Like many kinds of restrictive or elaborate manners of dress in many societies, it's meant to be a sign of status -- a proof that you have wealth, and lots of leisure time, and no occasion to engage in strenuous activities. The kisór don't have any of that. They're grubbing around in the forest trying to survive.
Also the males are much more "manly" in their society. They wouldn't sit around braiding ladies hair while reciting poetry to them or whatever.
I think personally if done right, a man braiding my hair could be, as Margaret would say, erotic.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was curious as to how Sela would have looked with one of those freaky hairstyles. She wouldn't look so sweet and nice!
The Tomboy Mod!
The mod Kraaia should have had. Enjoy, especially when some of your kids are playing dress-up!
Not sure if you've seen this, but this is a fountain I think would be good for your elves. http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=286106
Where can I get that enormous cathedral window from this chapter?
Tiffany I always wondered how Lady Sela would have looked like if she had her hair up. I agree the hairstyles that the khirron ladies wear would not have suited her. But she would have looked great wearing clothes and hair styles of the men...
Damn you Lar!
N/M I found it!
Heheh do you remember where? Because I sure don't.
They're part of the Midsummer Night's Dream package from MTS2.
Need a catapult?
For those random acts of war right? (and yes I'm caught up)
A modded version of that lighting system.
Conniebear dimples?
I tried those too, Penelope. She said it looks like dirt.
Here's some architecture from Leila's country!
Lothere where did you get the old man's curly hair?
Never mind I found it.
I can definitely see your male elves wearing this. http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=291571
Okay, I'm weird but I like fingernails! Here's some realistic looking ones! http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=229411
Books! http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=291503
Bearded Love! http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=291373
OK, for the first one YES!! I already downloaded it and I plan to make some recolors.
For the fingernails, I am not convinced. It seems like they are a little too realistic for the ends of a Sim's funky fingers. Also some of my skins have pale blobs where the fingernails should be, which has satisfied me so far. I think what I am afraid of is the fingernails becoming the focal point of pictures, just because they are so startling.
Books... free time only.
Beard... got it already.
ALERT! Awesome male curlyhood! http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=292222
Something indescribable. For your elf home. Yes, I'm becoming slightly obsessed with your elves.
Some more hairs from the official website. You'll need an account though. http://thesims2store.ea.com/index.html?categoryId=10635&index=3
Whoa! ALERT! indeed! It's a damn shame it doesn't work on teens because I could see the Old Man growing out into this. Of course he would still have some growing to do. That is so wonderfully sexy and medieval. Now who could I use it on?
It's so luxurious! Dare I download it? I think I may.
Maybe it could go on Eadred in a few months. Like when he comes back from battle to see his "posthumous" son.
Woah woah woah are you Team EadRAD! too? I don't think Tiana is too crazy about his current hair anyway so maybe she will request this one. Maybe that will help her get over the MASSIVE DISAPPOINTMENT when Connie runs off with Carebear.
There will be no running off with that imbecile!
Lothere, you got some 'splainin to do!
I'm not on anyone's team! Unless it's team Connie. Eadred could find someone else who isn't a 13-year-old orphan whose sister just ran off with a sketchy fellow and who is stranded in a place where she barely speaks the language. I hope he finds someone! I like that class-A loobie.
I'm partial to Team Eadred because I like what Connie could do for him and what he could do for her in terms of stability and affection, etc. However, if a better prospect came along, say, closer in age, then I don't think I'd be too upset if Team Connie prevailed.
What...the hell...are you talking about Lothere!
She CAN"T, WON"T, run off with Carvedballs! You can't do this to me! He such a silly bastard!!
Besides how is he going to "run" off anywhere when I cut his freaking legs off with a rusty saw? Or I could smash them with a large hammer...I like my victims to have options...its important.
And someone should prepare themselves for the MASSIVE DISSAPOINTMENT that will be me finding Lothere's computer and inserting a virus that kills any character with the Careballs, Carvedballs or anything remotely relating to it! And that damn bunny as well!
Feel the wrath of Tiana!
...Alred's beard? Probably an unusual request, but I like the way it isn't the same length all the way around.
(one 2-hour download spree later...
Alred's beard is actually a combination of a stubble that looks just like a beard, and an ordinary beard. I use the biker stubble from SixStringSlim as a lower layer, and put an ordinary beard over that. The biker stubble looks like it has some gray hair in it, so poor Alred is using it. (Malcolm too, for what it's worth.)
The beard I use for Alred, Sir Sigefrith, and quite a few other guys is a goatee with an extension added that curves all the way around the jawline back to the ears. I have a version with and without mustache for that (Sigefrith has the no-mustache version), but I could not find either for download anywhere in my old haunts. Does anyone else know where it might be found?
I do like that beard.
Oooohhhhh. Thanks, Lothere!
I think that we are all guilty of the occasional 2 hour downloading spree.
I don't know if you've seen this sweet, sweet download yet:
I must have missed that posting by a few hours... I usually check mts2 every Saturday morning while I'm waiting for my game to load, but I am known to be an early riser.
I HOPE HOPE HOPE they will work with my modified candle lighting. I have a few candles that are currently useless to me due to that. But I will MAKE these work, durnit! Those are the prettiest candles I've seen, after the Uni ones.
Modified candle lighting? I didn't know that such a thing existed!
I have modified all the game lighting, both outdoor lighting and the lighting that comes from objects like lamps and candles.... modified them with a hack-n-slash, randomly change things and see if they work glee that would get me fired if I applied it to real-life programming.
One of these days I will make my lighting mod files available, but only after I have properly debugged everything... just like at work...
My goal is to make candle light look like real candle light, with short range and deep shadows and everything. This was, as the title of the somewhat famous book says, a world lit only by fire. I am getting closer, but lately my pictures have been a little too dim once again, and rather too orange. Still tweaking...
Anyway, THEY WORK! All but one use the colonial wall light as a base (which I find odd for some, especially for the ceiling light!) so as long as I get that working, they all work. Beautifully! I took some pictures to show you, but I ated them. Or maybe pictures get deleted if you take them in lot-building mode when there isn't even a family on the lot, and then don't save the lot. Good to know!
We are going to be seeing these candles everywhere in Lothere now. I think I am going to need to introduce a new silversmith to town to explain the sudden appearance of these pretty candlesticks and sconces in all the fashionable homes.
Man, that's so fancy. I just use Gunmod's Radiance 2.2 (though I noticed that there is a 2.3 now). I thought that there was something extra special going on with the lighting in Lothere but I just assumed that it was a combo of Gunmod's system and some very well-placed candles.
Oh yeah, you have to save if you want to keep the pictures! I noticed that recently too. Luckily, I didn't lose anything of any importance.
But woohoo, a new character! When I sent the link, I thought to myself that even if they were too ornate for the castles, the elves could use them. Oh boy, I hope the silversmith is smoke'n hot and works topless.
Topless? LOL
Once again you had the same thought as I, Penelope.
Topless, in a kilt!
If you take photos on a lot without people on it, they are registered in the EAGames>TheSims2>Storytelling folder. No need to go to neighborhood.
François! My hero!
Penelope, here's what I mean about the limited range of my candle light: same scene, one candle - two candles.
I certainly wouldn't want to play with lighting like that, but it's getting quite fun for picture-taking. The most recent chapters with Dantalion, for example, I thought turned out really nice. ("The devil recalls the deal" and "Araphel adds an ally" I mean.) I thought the party was just too orange though.
Still tweaking!
OOoooooOOooo It's so pretty!
Just imagine what a topless, kilted silversmith would look like by short-range candle light. Phowar!
DON'T TEMPT ME! I am already having story ideas...
Those candles would look great in the chaples.
That was just what I was gonna say, too, François
Luckily you found them. Your candles are too cute for words, Lothere.
Speaking of candles.. Have you noticed this cute candle? (You can always find it at the booty.)
And by the way.. This silversmith sounds goood... You can never have too many sexy guys, right?
I had not seen that candle! Thanks Nimi, I will check the booty when I get home. I think I can legitimately introduce that one to my castles without having to invent a new character to do it.
Hehe.. yes, but while he's at it he could always make some candleholders like this, too, and allow you to use the pretty silver recolor.
I think I should create an account on the forum to vote on that poll.
I think there has never been a better reason for you to register.
And those candles are awesome ! They look great in your game. And what would be great is a silversmith working in front of the fire, all sweaty, so you could play with the light. Just a suggestion, though (and I did vote).
Lothere I found this new maternity dress.
So pretty... hopefully it will work with "wear anything while pregnant".
Remember that Maternity dress Lili wore do you still use it?
I'm sure you don't need any more skins and you might already have some similiar but here you are... http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=295764
Terrains http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=295449
Wooden floors http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=295037
Stones and sitting places for building purposes http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=295088
Oh Lothere, you're not going to believe this...
I was keeping these a secret until I actually unleashed Shirtless K. McSilversmith but I suppose that was a little selfish of me.
Your link doesn't work because the site apparently doesn't allow hotlinking (*removed insane Web lady rant here*)
This ought to work however.
Web yuckiness aside I actually do like that site and have found a few very nifty things there. Utilikilts, another mesh that I used for Lar's latest threads, and some objects that work medievally. Their stuff is all very high quality from what I've seen so it's worth clicking around.
In related news, Black Wifebeater Utilikilt McSimmersons reminds me of a guy who lives on my street who wears an outfit just like that... except it's not a utilikilt but an honest-to-God plaid... and he weighs about 400 pounds.
Yes, Virginia, it is possible for a man to look unappetizing in a kilt.
Crap! I sent that first link because every page on that site was just coming up as clubcrimsyn.com. Ah well. Neat site though. I've found some cool stuffs there.
I guess when you're 400 pounds, you really only have 2 options: kilt or mumu. I would have taken the kilt too.
Has everyone seen Enayla's new skins?
She's so amazing.
On behalf of everyone else, thank you!
I did discover these a few days ago, quite randomly, but I was waiting till I had put them in my database before giving a heads-up.
I LOVE Enayla's skins. Now that I have wearable body hair, I will surely be using the Louis skins less and less... it was often a trade-off between attractive facial features vs. body hair.
Another recent find:
(Yes, I am spending my entire day online, looking at downloads.)
Wow nice Pen! I was just about to post that exact same hair! It's so pretty, Magog could wear it with pride.
I'm at work and I can't seeeeee! It is hair phwoary enough for Magog? The suspense is killing me!
Ooo it is phwoary enough for Magog. It's a ponytail but it's just slightly shorter than he normally wears it (as far as I can tell). Hmm... Might be a little girly for him though.
I like Magog with his super-long hair, but there are others I could use it on. It would be a very nice version of Osh's hair once it gets long, for instance.
And I wonder how it would look on Dunstan...? He has Matilda's hair so it seems about right. Blend his angsty teen look with his clean-cut married man look. Oh, might I finally find him seductive?
Or I know, maybe Shirtless K!
Oooo Shirtless K...
Lothere (or anyone else who would have an intense need for this) I HAVE FOUND IT! SWALDLING BABY CLOTHES! Only in MEDIEVAL colors.
yay for modthesims2!
Hey, guess what just whacked me in the face at Mod the sims 2!
Yes, that's right folks, swaddling clothes, medieval style.
Just saved this from the spam queue. YAY!!! I can't wait to try this out. I am so tired of naked babies in the middle of winter! How medieval is that? I want to make a gray recolor for Liadan! Yay!
This will be great for baby Wendle.
I didn't realize I was sent to the spam room! I thought something was wrong with the sever, and I double posted by accident! Sorry, did I do anything spam-like so I can avoid it?
Posting links in a comment seems to do it. Sorry about that. If it happens again, you could try following up with a short comment without a link so I will notice it and rescue the linkage from the spam bin in a shorter time frame. I'll be moving this story to a different blog software soon so hopefully that problem should go away. (We'll have tons of new and exciting problems in its place, however, since I'm writing it myself.)
okay, so no links, I'll just say something about my linkage later, if it doesn't show up.
Lothere I don't know if you downloaded these already but I just found these new medieval plus sized dresses for women.
http://www.helgasims.com/hair10.htm I love that braid!
There are some great downloads here!
A new hair that may work for an elf:
The back of it is quite lovely.
I have a silly question, but I didn't want to bog down the comment section in the story asking about it so here goes. You mentioned using SimPE to modify in-game sims' features, etc. Do you know where I could find a download and/or info about the mod? Thank you so much for any help!
SimPE is not a mod per se, it's a stand-alone program. You can download it here. It's for Windows only.
It is pretty overwhelming to get started using it, I find. I only know how to do a small subset of the many things people use it for, and I don't even really know where the best place to find documentation for it is. (Other than its own site.)
However, I did write a few tutorials for using it to change skin and eyes and to alter Sims' DNA for the benefit of their offspring.
Lothere, do you know where you got Matilda's eyelashes? I can't get over her pretty, pretty eyes.
Hey loooothere, guess what I found!
WIZARD CLOTHES! ...Or any other medieval clothes.
And pretty decoration wooden floors!
Yes indeedy! I downloaded the wizard robes this morning. I think I may use the red one for when King Sigefrith wants to play dress-up.
Sofie, according to the tool-tip, Matilda's eyelashes are "celebrity lashes black" by Helaene, but they're so old they are no longer on her site. I couldn't find them in the graveyard either. If you have Clean Installer you can get them out of one of the prepackaged Sims on mts2 that has them, like this one for example. Or, let me know and I will try to find the file among my downloads.
Update: I put Matilda's eyelashes up for download.
OMSP's for sim placement. (It's meant to take the place of the magisplay tray for folks who lack the OFB expansion.)
Penelope you have just earned yourself a SACKFUL OF SILVER KARMA POINTS.
And a face-glomp!
I was wishing I had one of these things just this morning... to the point that I was starting to plan my backup strategy if I were to install OFB. Eirik's behind was levitating about ten inches above his chair when I tried to make him do one of the modeling animbox sitting poses, since he is so tall.
Lo, there will be much uncustomary-surface-sitting in Lothere!
Thanks Lothere..
Woo hoo! Karma points! I wonder who I'll use them on...
I just found this download today and I could have used it myself a couple of days ago when I was doing some picture taking that involved sitting on random surfaces. D'oh! Oh well.
Thanks for the link and help lothere! I have a few poor unfortunate children in my sim neighbourhood that didn't inherit their roma father's dashing good looks, and a few that never recieved a custom hair, etc. So thanks a bunch!
... Also, it's been slowly killing me over time and I haven't been able to find it anywhere, but where did you find the long beard Myrddin and Pol have? It's always look so well done that I thought it might have been a noukie mesh, but no luck there.
Thanks for all your help again! 
I am almost certain that the long beard mesh is from the first Holiday Stuff Pack, but I've had that for so long that to me it almost feels like it's part of the base game. I think it is supposed to be for the Santa Claus suit. The black, brown, and red recolors may be downloads?
If anyone knows more please let us know. Every Sim neighborhood deserves a Bearded One.
The long beard is part of Holiday Stuff, including the black, brown, red, and blond colors. Any man may have white or regular color. I bet it's buyable at the sims2 store, but that's not really useful if you're like me and have no desire to pay money when there're such cool free downloads...
Lothere are you getting the Sims 2 Mansion and Garden stuff Pack?
They have a lot of middle eastern windows and decorations...
Thanks Carmen!
Devin, I don't think I'll get that set, the Moroccan stuff looks pretty cartoonish compared to some of the lovely Middle Eastern downloads I already have. As Carmen said, why pay money when there is so much awesome free stuff?
I'm only getting the stuff pack for the art deco furnishings and decorations. I love everything art deco!
Me too Devin!! I would love to do a story set in that period. *if only!*
How cool! Its so hard to find Art Deco furniture nowadays... Mariah Carey's apartment is art deco as well.
Here in N.Y. there are a lot of corporate and apartment buildings built during the Art deco Period. The Century on Central Park West is a great example of art deco architecture. Sadly a 1 bedroom apartment there is a $1 million.
You've mentioned that you have wearable body hair, do you know where you got it? I've been trying to find it but with no luck.
The new hair I am slapping on everybody is an overlay mod that I downloaded at Sexy Sims 2. It requires Seasons though, I think, since it uses the skin overlay option that was added to allow sunburns.
Otherwise I also have some wearable body hair "clothing" (hairy only in the groin region) that I got from InSIMAdult.
I think I found some elven wear... I thought it looked pretty, so here!
The little girl and the teen's my favorite.
Update on the Myrddin beard: according to this post on mts2, you can get the beard without the Holiday Stuff Pack if you download all the right parts and say all the right incantations. I haven't tried it, but you can.
What skin is Domnall mac Domnaill using?
Hard to say now, since that Sim never existed outside of CAS. I know it is one of Enayla's, probably Rich Gold or Deep Golden. The latter seems the most likely since that is what his son has.
Okay, say you like some face templates but you don't want them as defaults how do you get them?
I like a lot of different templates but I can't choose just one set!
Oh, Tiffany, are you doing some pre-Christmas downloading?
If you want to use multiple sets, you basically have 2 options. If you like some faces in one set and some faces in another set, you can always just pick and choose your favorites from each set and make your own set. If the files are numbered or named in a consistent fashion, anyway.
The other way is to download several sets, and put each set in a separate folder on your computer (not in the Downloads directory), and then copy *one* of the folders into your Downloads directory. Make a few Sims, and then exit the game, move that folder out of Downloads, and copy another one in.
Like anything "default replacement" you can only have one replacement at a time for that particular thing. If you have more than one template for the same face, then the game will just arbitrarily pick one. That's why it's very important not to lose track of default replacements when you put them in your Downloads folder. Put them in a separate subfolder or something. Because if you later want to use a different one, and you can't find the first one, you may be out of luck.
But anyway, with face templates, they are only "active" for as long as they're in your Downloads folder. Any Sims (or Townies, etc.) you create while they are there will use those templates, but if you remove them, the Sims you already made won't change their appearance. (Likewise adding different face templates won't change the appearance of existing SIms.) So you can put them in just long enough to make one Sim, if you want.
Okay. So if you use multiple templates and you have kids will the kids look wonky or what?
Templates are totally irrelevant to kids. Templates are used to create random Townies, maids, and other NPC's (assuming you have already replaced the default templates from the get-go), and Sims you create in CAS using the randomize button. Once you have a Sim created in CAS, you can tweak his features all you want until he doesn't even look like the template any more. And if you make Sims have kids, their faces are purely a combination of the actual faces their parents have -- regardless of whether they were created from special templates, or even whether the templates exist any more in the game at all.
However, I can't promise you the kids won't look wonky. The most gorgeous looking Sims *cough*Ethelywn*cough* can have wonky-looking kids. But that's just the cruelly ironic genetics system of the game.
Lothere I found these headbands: http://nene.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=297746
Lothere, where did you get Estrid's new hair? I must have it!
I don't know! I looked in all my usual places -- mts2, Rose, XM, Raon, Peggy free stuff, even Nouk, but I couldn't find it. My first thought on looking at it was that it is a Helga hair, but her site is down. Anyone?
It's a peggy pay hair. I'll see if I can find a link.
EDIT: Mesh (peggy zone): http://www.peggyzone.com/html/Item10401__0037.html
Mesh and peggy colors (booty- it's number 04022):
And er, here it is in funky colors:
The simscave used to have it in really pretty natural recolors but that site has made a disappearing act.
Question. A lot of your female child and toddler sims have that straight, shoulder-length Maxis hair that's only for teens, adults, and elders, like Iylaine had when she was a kid. Where did you get that hair for kids? Or is it possible to re-bin hairs with Sim PE?
These are old adult-to-toddler/child conversions from mts2. Iylaine's hair. The same creator did a ton of other toddler/child conversions so if you click on her user name you can see others, such as the long hair mesh for toddlers and boys as well.
There is also a conversion of the vampire hair (Matilda's hair) from Nightlife here but I think you do need to have NL to use it. Stein's little sister Astrid is using this hair I believe.
The meshes aren't perfect, since they weren't made to fit such small heads. When little Iylaine looked up, the back of her hair sometimes bent rather strangely and even seemed to "break". But given the tiny amount of CC I had then, it was worth it for her to have longish hair.
Penelope, you're my hero! Thanks so much!
Do you remember if Osh's current short ponytail was free? If so, do you remember where you got it? And what about Lar's hair?
I found Lar's hair. It's by Seomi and can be downloaded (for free) at TSR.
I am still looking for Osh's, but it doesn't seem to be one of Peggy's donation hairs.
Also while I was looking around I found links to young Sigefrith's and Leofric's beards, which I was lamenting I could not find a few months ago.
Update: Osh's ponytail is a free Peggy hair. (Only Peggy hair can suck so hard and yet still be awesome enough to use anyway.) I am not sure how well links to stuff on Peggy's site work/will last but here's the mesh and here's the start of the hair colors. They start around page 9 if you look for Free + Male hairs.
lol Someone needs to do a retexture/recolor of that Osh ponytail. I use it too and the black has this weird bit of grayness at the back of the head. Not only that but the overall texture is so grainy and sad.
Thank you!
I hadn't even thought of the texture (though it's certainly not the best). It's the mesh that drives me batty. The way it joins (or doesn't join) at the back of the head, and the weird lumpiness around the ears. And those black hairs growing out of the cheek, ugh!
haha Yeah, I forgot about how gappy it is! And I never noticed the lumpy before.
I actually kind of hate the funny little wisps of hair at the top of the head.
Man, I wish Helga would come back. Her meshes don't leave gaps!
Helga's hairs are the best. But I can deal with crappy meshes and textures--considering I have no expansion packs and have to worry about hiding thought bubbles and roads since the cheats don't work in my game, the occasional lousy hair mesh is the least of my problems.
There's a cheat to hide roads?
I figured there must be, since I have yet to see a pavement road in Lothere, Mhalwae, Saoghal, etc. I googled it and found one, but my lowly base game didn't recognize the code. Even that took me forever to find. I think it was a boolprop code, but I can't remember exactly what it was.
There's probably a mod out there somewhere, but I haven't found it yet.
Lothere, Lar's hair is MAGICAL! It looks flattering on every sim I've tried it on, even the ridiculously ugly ones. So thanks again
Would Lar be less hot without it? I don't think I want to know...
I don't know of a cheat to make all roads (outside of the lot) disappear. That would be AWESOME. There are mods to make the roads look like they are made of other substances, however, and I have downloaded one that makes them look like dirt roads. Not too shabby-looking, whether viewed from in lot view or neighborhood view. It's like a default replacement mod for roads. I am not sure whether it requires any EPs to work... it doesn't say so.
For actually within the lot, you can either delete the road squares entirely, or use a terrain or flooring that matches the neighborhood roads linked above. In order to delete road squares you have to use the cheat boolprop locktiles false. (This may be a base game cheat?) In later EPs I believe that the moveobjects on cheat also makes the street squares editable. You can delete the road like ordinary flooring once the cheat is enabled.
If you want to delete the road squares in a lot and you actually PLAY (I do everything with InSim) you should probably test this in a test lot first, to make sure that carpools etc. still show up correctly. As long as you don't modify the terrain in the road (raise it, lower it, build on it), I *believe* it's OK to change or delete the road "carpet". But it's been so long since I played, and I don't want to be responsible for borking anyone's game...
FWIW, even if you never intend to play on a lot, I don't recommend doing much building on the road squares thinking you're going to squeeze out a little more space for your castles. Some of the road squares are simply un-modifiable, and some of the build tools like roofs don't work at all on formerly-road squares.
Well, I removed the road squares directly in front of the lot and replaced them with some dirt terrain, but the roads continue off the lot and into the middle of nowhere (no EPs = no view of neighboring lots), so pretty much every time I take a picture near a window, I'm flirting with disaster.
I knew about the dirt roads, but I'm reluctant to install it because I'm currently taking a series of urban, modern day pictures as well, and I'm not particularly organized with my downloads. I don't have any sub-folders or anything, they're just all in the downloads folder, with their silly names like 5f7a85e2_PeasantTeen2. If it gets to be too much of a problem, though, I will definitely install it.
I am 100% InSim dependent. I don't see how anyone could possibly play while having to make sure their sims eat, use the toilet, sleep, etc. I think I've only maybe had like five sims with jobs in my history of playing (I knew about the motherlode cheat before I got the game), so if I decided to actually play, carpools wouldn't be a problem. I had someone move out of a lot without a road once, though, and the taxi picked them up normally, so I don't think it would be a problem.
I'm not sure if anyone would be interested but here is a retexture of Malo's hair:
I have this hair in my game so I believe that I'm gonna check it out.
Moses basket for the infants!
That is just gorgeous! I can't wait to try it out on... well, it will probably be Liadan, the most over-exposed baby in Lotherian history. A little basket like that will fit perfectly into Osh's rather small home.
Now I just wish someone made blankets for baby cribs. It drives me nuts that babies are always lying around nearly naked through all seasons. I guess I could try out that swaddling blanket mod and see how that looks...
That cradle really is beautiful in-game. The swaddling clothes are also pretty cute even if they do make Liadan look like a little bitty silkworm larva.
LOL Osh, you've wrapped your baby like a salami!
Reminds me of this Odd Nerdrum painting:
Let's see...
http://www.sironasims.com/ophelia.html Pretty dress
http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=312473 not so sure about this one
And in case you haven't been there recently... http://www.mirkwood-sims.de/
Someone in Lothere should definitely have that first hair.
Anybody need some toddler dresses?
Oh wait! Tiffany already posted that dress!
My link is to the recolors though.
Burqas(sp?) for Irene or any other Muslim women.
You could recolor them I guess...
Boots! Ornaments only, though.
Do you know where can I find monk robes ? I'd like to find something similar as the one you use in your story...
Viking hats: http://catrin.nygardh.net/ancientsims/viking_male_headwear.html
And also period viking jewelry: http://catrin.nygardh.net/ancientsims/viking_female_accesories.html
Oh Lothere, this list is absolutely fabulous! I finally am able to start my real RKC and this list has made it infinitely easier to find all the items I want and need for the challenge.
Because evidently there can never be too many of those, a male ponytail:
New Posebox alert:
Two new ones, actually. The one at the top of the page doesn't seem to be particularly useful but the one at the bottom looks like it might have a few interesting applications.
Are you kidding? I needed Pose Box 1 YESTERDAY for the sword poses.
This always happens to me.
Also HOLY CRAP I missed a whole lot of comments in here...
You know that kind of groggy hung-over feeling you get after a downloading spree? ....zzzzzz....
Lili-braids, my dear?
peggy sims.
Ooo I'm glad that this is on the comments sidebar now.
It's still not in the "More comments" / "Search comments" section, but it's a start. I missed a bunch of stuff in here because I wasn't checking this page for new comments!
I now have comments potentially coming from the story chapters, pages like this, Verso, and the forum, so clearly there is a need for some consolidation around here...
That's where I thought they were from, but I can't seem to find them on the site.
Anyone know what number they are, approximately?
Go to the begining Cassie start from 1.
Here it is. http://www.peggyzone.com/html/EN/Item20101__0014.html Go to the next page it has more hair colors.
Thank you, Devin!
If I had the authority to give karma, I would. *Gives karma for something-or-other*
Devin totally gets some authentic Lotherian karma for that, since he just saved me clicking through page after page of the insanity that is Peggy's site. Even the thought of looking for something over there makes my clicking finger twitch with dread.
I know. Ugh. I really didn't feel like clicking through hundreds of pages to find them.
*Feels ill at the thought*
Your welcome ladies. I hope I can use my karma points to save a special someone....
Speaking of karma points...
*throws karma at Aengus's head*
Are you an Aengus fan? I swear you pick your favorites based on what will make me go O RLY???
As for me, I would be hard-pressed to pick who I would want to survive a Cearball/Aengus Deathmatch.
For me if its Aengus vs. Cearball then I want Aengus to live. But right now Lena is my prime concern.
I like Cearball but I like Aengus a lot better. I don't know what it is about him. He's the kind of guy that I would love to have a few beers with.
I'd definitely pick Cearball. I like Aengus - maybe even like him better - and I certainly don't want him to leave his girls and Penedict fatherless (especially given that none of them might have a mother come morning) but I really feel like Cearball has a lot more to contribute to the story.
/slightly more on topic: Don't you just love Parsimonious? Some of the stuff there is kind of tacky but all of it is just unbelievably fun. I downloaded a bunch of crazy shit there (since you just get into the downloading mood) and soon realized I couldn't actually dress any of my sims in like half the stuff because they'd look ridiculous. Apparently I need cooler sims. *Shrug*
A yuletide elder kilt anyone?
That's almost as good at the Hanukkah sarong I found a while ago.
/Getting back off topic... we should really take this to the forum... I agree with Cassie. I think I would like Aengus better as a person and generally just a guy to have a beer with... I doubt Cearball and I would get along so well. And I agree that it would be a bit cruel to deprive those kids of their father whereas Cearball doesn't have any real family at all...
But especially seeing how he has turned into a foil for Malcolm -- and how Malcolm is about to go through some tough times -- I think there is a lot more potential for him to be an important character in an indirect way. (And the Malcolm - Cearball - Fergus team would be SO awesome if I could work out the logistics of that.)
Cearball has already turned into something of a pivot point for a number of storylines, whereas Aengus has mostly just puttered around at home all these years...
/Back on topic I LOVE Parsimonious! It's one of those sites I forget all about and then go download a ton of stuff in one go.
Fortunately I think I am not due to remember it for a few more weeks... I spent enough time downloading yesterday!
A Hanukkah sarong you said?
Damn! I forgot about the whole Malcolm-Fergus-Cearball thing. I LOVE them together. *teardrop*
haha Don't ask me to find that sarong again because it was on some bizarre, esoteric site that (if memory serves me correctly) also housed some of the worst hair meshes I've ever seen.
A better short ponytail for Osh?
The mesh is slightly less crappy than the peggy one.
I've downloaded that but I don't think I've put it on anyone but peasants so far. I like that Peggy hair, but I also hate it.
I'll try it on Osh and see what I think. That could be his hair when it grows out enough that he can tie back his bangs or whatever. I think Osh needs something framing his face though.
Ah, yeah I see what you mean. Osh probably does need fringe of some kind. He has an interesting head.
Wowzer, has everyone seen these???
If you mean the new OMSPs I am experimenting with these as we speak.
Edit: I believe the appropriate usage of "Wowzer" requires the plural in all contexts.
Wowzers? I also considered "wowza" but I wasn't sure how that would come across in a written format.
Man, I wish my boyfriend would doze off so I could swipe his computer and try those OMSPs.
I have a few, and I love them, but for some reason the table one doesn't work... plus I like the idea of slants. *downloads*
Hey, do you remember where you got the prison bars you used a few times in the kisor compound? I'm going to need some eventually for one of my blogs. If you don't remember, don't worry about it, I'll find some eventually.
The doors I use for the scenes with Iylaine and Hel in prison are Maxis content. I don't know which EP though. It's not actually a door, it's an Art Nouveau-type fence gate. Check your fences, it may be a base game object. (The "Perfectly Square" Gate)
The prison door I used for the scenes with Eirik and Sigi in prison is from the Blood4Sims torture set. It's pay content, but if you know that blood4sims is a sub-site of wood_4_sims, then you can find it at the usual place, uh, Arrrr!
...I didn't know I needed all of this until I saw it. Now it's like... what do I do without it?
The SimsCave is back online.
In their Hidden/Unavailable/Other board (a childboard of the sharing area) there is a wealth of poseboxes under the heading "Asian Sites Stuff". Many of them even have sword poses.
Cropped Curly Hair...Gorgeous.
Unique lip shapes?
Man Scruffies...yum.
Check out the floor strangle on this box (I know, I'm totally obsessed with poseboxes at the moment).
Click "item" in the sidebar to view the goodness.
Pen have you started planning chapters around pose boxes yet? I have... *strangle strangle*
Tiffany I downloaded the scruffies a few weeks ago and I am quite fond of them. I always assumed Sims COULDN'T have scruff on their necks since none of the beards ever did... I guess no one ever tried!
Ach, no! But I was very glad to see that whisper secret crawl thing in the Berry's Luv-Luv posebox because I will be needing that down the road.
Oh the possibilities...
Believe it or not... I found pox.
I wasn't looking for it either!
Here is the file:
And here is the photo:
I don't believe it.
But it appears to be true!
I have since learned that smallpox hadn't reached England in the 11th century. We must wait for the Crusaders to bring it home. Perhaps that will be Ceddybear's destiny.
But maybe measles or something? And the bottom poxes look more like chicken pox than small pox... *rubs hands together*
Something I'll regret, I'm sure!!
Elven building stuff, doubt you'll use it. http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=321258
Heh, those are rather spiffy actually. I'm sure I'll find a use.
Yay! For Shus's house?
It seems a bit... rustic for Shus's elegant apartment. Maybe his summer house.
Seriously I'm sure I can do something elven with that, even though it's too fancy for the kisór and not fancy enough for the upper crust of the upper crust. Maybe the servant classes and the kitchens and the other working buildings, and so on.
Or maybe the elves really do have rustic little summer houses??
It would seem like the summer would be the best time to remain underground where it's cool.
Especially for an earth-loving guy like Shus the Spelunker.
But airy windows and doors like that couldn't be used on winter houses, could they?
OMG, Lothere! Have you ever seen this before?
Just think of the special effects possibilities! And MTS2 is down for the next couple of days! *twitches*
You must have missed all of my mentions of Invisible George and Invisible Betty.
I use them all the time for various things like one half of 2-sim animations that won’t work if you move_objects a Sim away in the middle of it, such as consoling; and for making someone relax in bed with the blankets pulled up over them.
I also used them with the Sim special effects mod in “Vash receives the offering” to make the “rocks” glow.
OoooohhhhHHHhhhhhh. Well that explains a lot.
I want one! MTS2 come baaaccckkk!
You're not alone in your suffering, Pen. I want some invisible sims too
I can't believe the creator said it was useless!
Well the download dates to July 2005 so there was no Lothere, Naroni, or Dragging Blue Lake yet. Its time had not yet come!
I hope most of the creators can get their stuff posted again. I was up-to-date with mts2 downloading (it's the one site I visit on a regular schedule) but so much of my CC is already from vanished sites and irreplaceable if I ever lost it...
And some of those creators haven't logged on for YEARS!
Stuff like this makes me wish that I had a better labeled and organized downloads folder.
Did I read it incorrectly? I understood that it was only downloads starting from October of last year. Like, the older stuff was on another server. *at work and can't check*
Ohhh I understood it to be the other way around. Like downloads from October of last year on were ok but the rest were shot?
*runs back to the thread*
EDIT: Yeah, the downloads on the"missing files" list are really old.
Apparently I read that backwards.
BACKUP: UR DOIN IT WRONG. If you aren't doing regular test restores from your backups, just assume you don't have backups, full stop.
But I totally feel for those guys because it happens to 
meeveryone... At least once. Then, hopefully,Iyou learn.Hopefully there will be a squirrelly user out there who has tons of the original RAR files. In a way it's a shame it was a free site that it happened to, since paysite content is, uh, "mirrored" on lots of other sites, booty and beyond.

Gosh, I didn't even think of it that way.
Man, I downloaded that list and there was so much stuff (stuff being the technical term) on it that the page moved too slowly for it to even be readable for me. And it's very likely that I have at least a few of their missing files.
I'm sure at least the more popular files will be retrievable from users, but even that alone would be an insane project to manage -- getting people to send them in, trying to avoid hundreds of people sending in the same file, checking that the file really is what it is says it is, and so on.
I just keep hoping someone will discover a dusty old backup somewhere, or a forgotten "stuff_archive" folder where they did a just-in-case copy of everything before changing some setting on the server... or something serendipitous. *tosses karma their way*
Downloads are back online.
Van, we can has invisible sims now!
I will download the second I finish taking this batch o' pics.
*Evil Laughter*
Indeed. *shakes fist*
So now I have to TRY THEM ALL???
Now, who can I make straddle whose lap...
vine-covered arches and other medieval build mode whatnot
Whoah, check this out:
It's an OMSP controller for making all of the OMSPs on a lot visible or invisible.
This should keep me from losing OMSPs for a while...
Ah now that is going to come in handy!
I found these nice eyes linked from the wiki: http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=265555 They're kind of similar to the enayla eyes, which I really love.
I'm pretty sure I have these! They're a little on the sparkly side so I will probably limit them to elves, but they're so pretty. In fact I think I almost picked Iylaine's new eyes from this set, but I ended up going with Enayla's Heavenly eyes because I always loved those and didn't know when I would get another chance to use them.
And as for the Derbail / Aia braids you linked in the forum...
I always forget that site when I am trying to figure out where I found hairs!
Meryt I found these dresses for toddler girls. http://modthesims2.com/download.php?t=313045
Oooooh, these are nice! Thanks
Don't know if you'd like this, but it looks medieval... http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=327891
AUGGHHH! I am too tired of signing up to random forums just to download one mesh. Oh well. K will just have to huff and puff without the aid of a bellows.
Aw, what will K do without his bellows?
Hehe, I came by to offer that one but had bellows been invented by 1085?
EDIT: You saw this, yes?
The ancient Egyptians had bellows of a sort, so I would say yes. Also it appears that the English word was in use before the 12th century... so... yes again. Poor K needs bellows for his annealing, but dangit I'm lazy.
Buyable water take 2. I guess I will try it out. I don't need the animations necessarily, but they look like different textures too. I'm still cranky from my experience with Aengus's moat, but it's still so infinitely much better than the glow-in-the-dark game water.
Maybe K will just have to settle for fanning the flames with his kilt.
I was thinking the same thing about the animations but the textures look like they're worth a gander. And now the question is, will these things fit on the Silent Lucidity OMSP's? Because if so, then they could be dropped below ground level pretty easily.
I love just everything in the most recent chapter: http://www.lothere.com/chapter/1665 Where can I find Aed's long hair, Orlaith's gorgeous dress, and the thrones they're sitting in?
OK, Aed's long hair is from mts2. You can get the mesh from Insiminator.
Orlaith's dress is a recolor I made of one of sherahbim's lovely dresses from mts2. Literally I just slapped a color on top of a white dress, the lamest "recolor" in the world. But she seems OK with people recoloring using her textures, so if you are interested in having that particular golden color, let me know and I will post it. Or my other colors... it's Estrid's sea-green party dress, too (and boy does she PAR-TAY! in it) and we saw Irene wearing a lavender version under her cloak last time. And I have more.
I am stumped about the thrones. I thought they might have been Sims Design Avenue (formerly Caravane) but it looks like they aren't. Does anyone have any ideas? I will check next time I start my game to see if there is any info in the item description.
Thank you so much! - I would love to have that recolor, too. It has a particular saffron color that I just love.
Meryt you should recolor that black widow dress if you use it in the story. It would look great in a different color.
Yeah I was planning on doing recolors of some or all of those dresses. The black one will be tough because it's hard to recolor black, but it looks pale enough that I might be able to do a deep red or blue with it.
Meryt have you made any use out of this dress I suggested to you a while back?
I think I have it, I just haven't used it yet. It looks nice from the front but the folds of fabric on the skirt are a little strange. I might use it for an elf someday, it looks rather elfy.
Just because I'm in an annoying mood...
Are you planning on posting your recolors of that teen maternity dress? Or does the maker of that mesh have a problem with that?
Hmm, does anyone remember where I got that mesh in the first place?
It's not so much the mesh creator I'm worried about -- they tend to allow recolors (especially for very flexible stuff like this particular mesh). It's the textures that I recolored and copy-pasted onto the mesh... their creators may not appreciate that. I'm not sure... what do you think?
BonnieLaurel, I looked in my CC and I have a version of that gown I called "mustard" and a version I called "topaz", and I'm not sure which is the one Orlaith is wearing, so I just put them both in the archive. I'm too lazy to boot Windows right now and start up my game and check.
Here's the mesh:
OK obviously the mesh creator doesn't have a problem with it since she gives a base version you can use for recolors.
Does anyone know where Connie's current party dress is from? I think that's one of the maternity dresses I made. (Remember teen maternity dresses are made from adult textures, not teen textures, so it would have been an adult gown.)
Eithne's "cloak" is also one of the maternity dresses, originally by marie fay.
And I'm pretty sure I did teen maternity versions of Flann's velvet gown too... not sure where I got that one either.
I don't remember which ones I did any more.
We need Brit and Eithne to hurry up and get bumps.
Does anyone want any of those? Do you think it would be OK if I posted them?
I would honestly kill for any recolors of that mesh. I'd make some myself, but BodyShop won't open for me
Wish I knew where those dresses are from, but I don't have those ones myself, so I have no idea. Sorry
Here's something for toddler boys: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=316949
And here's Flann's dress: http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=252161
Rustic dining set:
OK, Van, I added some files up in the "Teen Girls" section. :shifty eyes: No pictures or anything because I am too damned tired today.
The "another fancy dress" is Connie's current party dress and I still don't know who made that texture.
I don't know if you will be able to use these though? Because I have Apartment Life bodyshop. I don't know whether the files it makes are backwards-compatible with the base game.
Yeah, sorry about begging for those
I've downloaded quite a bit of base-game compatible stuff from creators who appear to have all the expansion packs, so I'm sure it will work as long as the mesh does (which it does for me). Plus I downloaded Kraaia's boy clothes a while ago and they work just fine.
Thanks sooooo much
Yep, they work
Thanks again! These should be great for the upper-class (the originals really are only suitable for the middle-class, and the corset still strikes me as a little strange).
Yay! I look forward to seeing them in your story, Van, since it will still likely be a while before we get to see them in mine. *cracks whip over self*
Not being a Spanish-speaker, I had to break out my Speedy Gonzales memories to figure that one out, Tiffany. At first I thought: Is Andale a new Sim story I haven't heard of yet?
Where is that upside-down exclamation mark when you need it? Ay yi yi!
I loved that little mouse. I learned how to say amarillo.
And I thought I was a friggin genius.
I have no skills with typing Spanish characters. It irks me when I'm trying to be all fancy and the like.
Si! I just got my Linux all set up to let me type all my usual accented characters with the keyboard,and now I have to learn how to do that all over again with my Mac.
All the Spanish I know I learned from Sesame Street and Speedy Gonzales.
Dora the Explorer saved me on my last grammar quiz.
*Psssst* Hey, Lothere- In the upper right hand corner of your screen, there should be a little Canadian flag. Click it and you can change your keyboard settings. I use the French Canadian keyboard.
Sweet! This Mac thing is so easy. *caresses Mac*
Expert Level: Now I just need to figure out how to define my own keyboards. After much configuration, on Linux my CAPSLOCK key is like a fancy shift key that lets me type all the accents I can ever desire. (Since a CAPSLOCK key by itself is SO USELESS UNLESS YOU ARE AN AOL USER AND TYPE IN ALL-CAPS ALL THE TIME.) It would be very cool if I could do that on the Mac. But if I can't have that, an Insert key would also be nice. *pokes Mac*
Certain boyfriends of mine have just informed me that you can get pretty much any french accent mark by using the "option" key.
e + option = accent aigu
~ + option = accent grave
c + option = cédille
u + option = uhhh umlaut
i + option = accent circonflexe
1 + option = upside down exclamation mark thingy!¡!
EDIT: Those are the keystrokes when your keyboard is set to US. I suspect that it is different when your keyboard is set to something else.
Hehe, the Option + 1 gets snagged by Spaces before I can type upside-down exclamation. But I can at least type Olé! And I learned the keyboard shortcuts for Spaces too. Win-win!
("Certain boyfriends"... reminds me of Gwynn and her "certain boys" i.e. "Finn")
Do you by any chance remember where you got this mesh? I probably won't need it for quite some time, so no pressure.
Wow, that was years ago. All I can tell you is that it was originally some kind of Goth-like all-black thing. I just recolored the shirt to a different color. I think I masked out a cross-shaped necklace that was part of the outfit as well. (Maybe that will jog someone's memory... but that describes an awful lot of Sim outfits...)
It might not even be a special mesh. (This was pre-GoS days where I downloaded most everything from mts2.) It's just a skin-tight shirt (hence the ability to have bare arms) with a collar, and ordinary pants and shoses. You can download one of mine to try it out if you like... you might actually have the mesh already or it might be a base game mesh. [Elf Sleeveless Shirt] I'm not sure what color that is... I wasn't so careful about naming recolor files in those days.
I'll test it later today.
Aaaaaand it works!
That one is the olive one, in case you were wondering.
I have no idea if you can use this but here are some flight poses:
I'm sure I can use some of those poses... and not necessarily for flying.
Do you remember where you got the robe your priests are wearing? The Midsimmer Night's Dream one is starting to get on my nerves a little. I checked MTS2, but the only one I found was a completely different one, and it required University anyway.
I'm using the Midsimmer one, I just colored it black and erased the painted-on crucifix. I've been meaning to make new ones from some suitably flowing mesh, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I hate that mesh they have now, because (a) it meets the neck in a very broken way, and (b) some of the fingers on one of the hands are completely warped.
I will probably do it fairly soon because we'll be seeing a lot of ecclesiastics in the near future.
Meryt I found Edris' old blue dress. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=330113
Heheh, that's a new version of the same dress. Those LOTR gowns have been done so many times. Same with some of the Star Wars gowns. I approve of the latest incarnations by Fairy-teller, though. Very nice.
Oh, purdy!
Edit: Elven stove? http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=289932
Hobbit homes? http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=329331
Those hobit hole might be good for the kisor villages. That fireplace is great.
Herbs and junk.
Lothere, just thought I'd give a shout-out about how gorgeous those maternity clothes you made look in-game. Seriously, nice job choosing textures that look like they were made for that mesh. Much nicer than the original textures.
Sorry, that's the best picture I have
Awwwww! Thanks for the preview! I CANNOT WAIT for Brit to start to show. The adorableness will slay us all.
Ooooh, when's Brit going to start to show? If she's eleven weeks pregnant, then her first trimester is almost over, riiiiiight?
I make them start to show at 4 months, so that's early Feb. for Brit. And Wynna. And Sigi. And Eithne. And Colburga Ashdown. It's going to be a busy summer for babies in 1086.
Ah, okay. I make mine start to show at the end of the third month, beginning of the fourth. Probably a little early, but I'm too impatient to wait much longer than that
And Cecily don't forget about Cecily.
Sigi too? I thought she lost her baby.
Cúcú says you are wrong.
Do you happen to remember where you got Wynflaed's wedding gown? If not, no big deal.
By the way... are you going to be rigging Sigi's pregnancy so that it's the girl Eirik wants?
You'd better be rigging Brit's, because I don't think poor Alred could live with the fact that Matilda lied to him from beyond the grave...
To my great surprise I actually remember... it's from Rose.
I... can't really tell you what I am going to do with either of those babies. That would ruin the story a little, wouldn't it?
But I do plan on leaving the gender of Cat's baby up to chance, if that is some comfort to you. Poor Cat and Paul deserve a little old fashioned happiness and baby love.
Thank you
It doesn't matter what Cat's baby is. Actually, I was only really curious when I asked about Sigi's--doesn't matter too much to me either. The only one whose gender is important is Brit's--it hasta hasta hasta be a girl, because that's what Matilda told Alred it would be.
I have a feeling that we're going to get a bunch of baby girls including cat and paul.
This is wonderful Maud is going to be a grandma twice in one year.
Tartan kilt for TM. Not sure that it's terribly historically accurate for this time period though:
I'm pretty sure my so-called kilts aren't accurate for the 11th century as it is.
Chapped Lips
Pretty Castle Stuff
http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=1712949 http://www.all4sims.de/board/thread.php?threadid=9481)
You guys are like my little army of medieval CC finders.
Those chapped lips look nice from the screenshots. I like lips with a bit of texture to them...
I was thinking of poor frostbitten Kraaia when I saw those.
Here are some stuff I found
I think I have downloaded all of those already.
Just haven't found the chance to use them yet. I usually trawl the latest finds from mts2 while I'm waiting for my game to load on the weekends.
Otherwise... I don't know. I have the feeling that the days of Sims 2 downloading sprees are all but done. *wipes tear*
This is just beyond cool, though I doubt you'd find use for it. But I just wanted to share this with you.
I like the pretty table.
Pretty eyes. Not that you need anymore.
Do you by any chance remember where you got the hair that Eadie had as a teen? If you don't, it's not big deal.
Do you think you could post the recolors you did on that utilikilt for Shirtless K? Would do it myself, but am too tech-stupid....
I am posting these sight-unseen so I hope I got the correct files.
Let me know if anything in there is not as advertised!
Dry Hair http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=364963 Greasy Hair http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=364265
Interesting hairs and things...
Thanks Tiffany. It's been a while since I've had a good downloading spree.
Yay! I didn't know that Nymphy had a dreamwidth!
*downloady, downloady*
I remember you said something about Margaret maybe wearing her key on a necklace someday... I found some key necklaces. Not sure if you can use them, but have a look:
Also: Where did you get all the wonderful clothes for you men? Especially Egelric, Eirik and Sir Sigefrith. I've been searching for them, but without success.
Ooh... now I have those necklaces, thinking I might use one for Leof, but I forgot about Margaret. I will have to see whether they are wearable by teens!
Sadly I can't help you with any of those clothes I think, unless someone knows where Eirik's or Sir Sigefrith's clothes can be found? I looked in the places I expected, but the sites I thought of are closed down.
Egelric's green and white outfit is one I made... but I need to fix it, because now that I have bump mapping enabled I discover that it's all wrong. I hope I still have the textures. It is not wonderful, but if I get it fixed I will post it here.
Yay! Now I too may have half-naked kilted men!
Water wheel?
Vaulted ceilings?
Although, if memory serves me correctly, these would not have been invented yet.
Awesome! I'll see if I include them in my game, though they seem a bit complicated to use.
I got a suggestion for Dunstan. It's a ponytail much like the one he has now, but non-plasticy.
Yes, that's a good one! I had the original version of that one with all the long locks in the front, but I haven't had the chance to use it yet... didn't look very ordinary-medieval and I haven't introduced any non-ordinary guys lately. (Maybe for Yware, heheh.) But the alpha edits are good (though there is a bit of a seam). The one without bangs or loose locks is very clean-cut and Dunstan-like.
I will try it on him next time I fiddle with his poor head.
Lothere, have you seen these?
They make a room look like a real round tower!
Ooh thanks! I never would have found that by myself. They even look rounded from the inside! I will have to try my hand at some stone recolors so I can build towers.....
Ooh, I forsee even more beautiful pictures coming to a chapter near you...
I know, it's going to be an architectural revolution around here: suddenly I have round towers, new round roofs, new Viking roofs with horns, and interior arched ceilings.
This deserves another
kilts with bare feet:
I have been longing for bare-footed kilts: I had to photoshop the bare feet for "Aed makes light of serious matters". No more!
Lo, there will be much nearly-naked kilted romping in Lothere. Can we just move the story to Scotland?
(Actually, I do not think I want to see Sigefrith in a kilt. Just... no.)
Also, hello to you! Have you been silently reading all this time, or did you come back just to surprise me with a barefooted kilt?
With all the hopping around that Sigefrith does, everyone would be sure to get a clear view of the royal treasury.
I wouldn't mind seeing Alred in a kilt though. A kilt might be what it takes for him to get a PHWOAR! out of me. Shirtless Angry Alred in a kilt... hmmmm yes, I think I would forgo high heels and slouch for that.
If Alred's barefoot, you might have to go that extra mile and kneel with your knees inside a pair of tennis shoes.
He's not THAT short. But as long as I'm down there...
Just when I thought there was an advantage to being 5'4"
It seemed to work out for Matilda!
*falls out of bed*
True that
*erupts in laughter*
My, Lothere, you sure are in a naughty mood
I'm thinking that with all the comments on this page and the loading time required, that we might need a Where can I get...? Part 2?
I know, I know, I was thinking about this myself the other day. I'm still pondering what to do. This page probably needs to be reorganized anyway... I have broken links at the top, and lots of stuff that is linked to in the comments here and in comments elsewhere in the story, and that should go in the "where can I get?" too.
Stone stairs in case you haven't been there yet.
Heh. Kudos for just having a "Where Can I Get...?" page. It seems like the kind of thing lazy people like me would never ever ever bother with, even if they got to the point where they were still simming from the outdated computers in their nursing home suites.
I got lost in the forum mix-up, but I've been silently reading all this time. I've loved the political situation you've created around Ramsaa.
Okay, so I highly, highly doubt that you will ever need these, but I would feel terrible knowing that these are out there and not sharing
Anyway, just in case you ever have a troupe of performers passing through Lothere or something, since we all know that female roles were played by men back in those days:
Black and gray
Seriously, I just can't believe someone made these. I actually think I am now going to go out of my way to use these in one of my medieval stories, even though the mesh is ridiculously on the extreme side.
Forget the acting troupes... we need a storyline like... Sigefrith sends Eadred on a top-secret mission requiring he dress like a woman. And for some reason Ralf is required to go as his handmaiden. YES.
On a somewhat related note, if anyone knows of a teen female medievalish boy-clothes mesh WITHOUT breasts, I would be much obliged. I may be needing some boy clothes for a certain teen female, but she would be binding her breasts to make herself more passable.
You're right, that's much better than the acting troupes. And much more laugh-inducing
Hmmmm... I think the only medieval boy clothes for teen females I've ever seen are the ones you made for Kraaia. I'll keep my eyes open, though.
Now I'm wondering who it is. It seems to me that the it's so obviously either Kraaia, Meggie, or Emma that I should most definitely assume it's Gwynn. Whoever it is, though, it should make for a good storyline
The closest thing that I know of is Gothplague's androgyny skins:
But I don't think that anyone has ever made these meshes medievalified.
Are those for teens though? I've seen a few things for AF but not TF.
It's not urgent anyway... it wouldn't be happening till late in the summer. (Think we'll ever get there?
) But I thought it was worth mentioning just in case. Some of you guys visit sites I've never even heard of!
Yep. I downloaded it and peeked inside. There are a set of outfits for TF.
Heheh. I know how you feel about storytelling eventualities.
How do bodyshapes (e.g. the androgyny bodyshape, the bodybuilder thing, the Warlokk meshes, etc.) work in the game, exactly? I would've thought they were some sort of default replacement sim body, but I've seen pictures with both normal sims and bodybuilder sims, so unless there's some photoshopping involved there, I guess I was wrong there. Are they just like clothing meshes?
Yep. You put them on as clothes and/or as skins.
I tried bodyshapes once... so I hope I remember correctly. I think there is clothing meshes and then there is skin meshes. Clothing is just clothing, so if you want that your sim has the same shape when he is nude, he must have proper skin. I think there were also default replacements, but I am sure, I tried one that was only a custom skin.
If you want your TF to look like TM, is it possible to just flag male clothes for FM? I have never tried this, so no idea if this works.
Thanks, both of you
I'm not sure I'll actually make use of bodyshapes anytime soon--I'm just curious. But it is definitely useful to know. Again, thanks
It's scandalously short but I dunno... An elf or something?
Countess Emma might dare! And who would say her nay?
Caedwulf, probably. :p
Caedwulf might be dressing up in ladies' gowns by then himself, with golden rosettes in his hair.
I have to wonder what the people of Lothere would think if their king showed up in court one day dressed in such a manner...
If the king does it, it becomes the fashion.
Oh, wouldn't the men look pretty in their wives dresses? Just imagine Alred in Matilda's red gown! With his hairy bosom!
This blue dress would be so great on Ogive ! She could wear it in an attempt to seduce Caedwulf, though, it would not be "the thing".
They do have that mod for switching boy and girl outfits!
Lothere, where did you get the recolors of the outfit that a lot of the teen boys are wearing, such as Cedric, and Dunstan when he was younger. I think Caedwulf might have one too. All I can find is the blue one. Did you make the recolors yourself? Also, what about that green outfit (adult) Baldwin wears? Thanks!
Which teen outfit do you mean, Sam? The one in this picture? (from "Cedric turns back")
If so, then yes I did do those recolors. I also did a whole slew of recolors for the outfit Sir Baldwin is wearing.
Would you like me to post those? (Assuming they are the ones you mean.)
I would like that. Very much! My teen boys have so few things to wear...
Edit: YES! My avatar change worked. ^^ Finally! But I still need my own. Me thinks I'm gonna go hunting for Gwynn-pictures. ^^
Mmmmmm, recolors...
Yeah, those are the ones I meant. It would be SO GREAT if you could post them. I tried to do recolors myself, but in the end it was just EPIC FAIL.
Teen tunic - 7 files, 4.4 MB RAR.
"Flemish Knight" outfit (i.e. Sir Baldwin's) - 10 files, 8.7 MB RAR.
Sorry that the filenames don't include the colors, I made these ages ago. You will have to delete any colors after having a peek. (Some of the "Flemish Knight" colors are kinda fruity.
Excellent!! The days of needing more teen boy and middle-class adult male clothing are now OVER!!
There are some new dresses over at MTS. Just saw it and thought you'd like them. ^^
And THANK YOU!! for the lothes! My guys are gonna love them. ^^
AWESOME! Thanks for the clothes!
I don't know that you have any use for these but I find them interesting:
Just snooping around the 'net and found these dresses on a polish site if anyone is interested.
Not sure how they will look ingame.
A new update was listed at Mirkwood Sims in their fantasy clothing section. Here's the link if anyone hasn't seen it yet.
Greetings! May I ask where the rideable, tacked horse from the first chapter can be found? Thank you!
Oh, I wish it were real! Those pictures are a combination of a naked horse + pose boxes and OMSPs to make the rider + Photoshop to draw in the tack. There are not nearly enough "riding scenes" in this story for that very reason.
Thanks a lot for your reply! I can't believe that you draw the bridle yourself. I know there is a rideable horse at MTS. But it looks .... hmmm.
Yes, I used the rideable horse in "Sigefrith and Darius find death in the snow" and "Eadgith sees how she is loved", and the effect was... hrmmm.
It's also a pain because you have to build an invisible driveway to use it!
im on ur custom content paeg... shamelesly askin 4 ur recolorz...
*ahem* May I please have your recolors of the priest robe, if it's not too much trouble? I finally caved and decided to give my sims winter wear, even though I don't have Seasons. For the most part, I have everyday or formal stuff that can pass as outerwear... except for my adult males, which in almost any given medieval story is the most prominent demographic as far as MAIN characters go. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not sure if I have anything for teen males... oh well, that's much less important at this point.
I found these eyes while hunting around on MTS2 for new content since I recently gave up on my hopelessly glitchy game and reinstalled. I like them, and they're a HUGE set.
The same creator also made several other sets of eyes. I especially like the Obscure Life set.
You have some very lovely stuff in your downloads folder. May I ask for the drinking horn/ rhyton you use in some of your pics? Where can we find it?
Oh dear, I hate to disappoint you again! The drinking horn in "Sadb is queen of an empty castle" is yet more photoshoppery.
Lol, you are such an incredible and smart lady! I really adore your work.
Thanks, Ravenfeather.
Maybe the third time will be the charm.
Van, sorry it took so long to get those priest robes for you, I had to boot Windows to use Clean Installer and make sure I had the right files. I apologize for the quality and wouldn't ordinarily recommend their use, but since you ASKED...
Priest Robe (2 outfits)
This includes the brown robe that most of my men wore as "outerwear" before I got Seasons, as well as the black robe that Aelfden, Matthew, and others are still wearing as of this writing. Both the textures and the mesh are rather crappy -- in my mesh, at least, the fingers of the right hand are totally warped, and it doesn't join the neck very well. (I think this is the mesh from Midsimmer Night's Dream) BUT YOU ASKED.
If you want the green vestments Aelfden wears for Mass, you can download those too:
Green Priest Vestments (1 outfit)
This requires the wizard robe mesh by Besen, available from the Dark Project on mts2.
Excellent!! Thank you!!
I just found these male bracelets. http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/browse/category/sims2-body-accessories-misc/page/36/cnt/1717/ And perhaps this axe? http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/browse/category/sims2-body-accessories-misc/page/43/cnt/1717/ Maybe you can use them.
Thanks for the links. I already have the bracelets, but I saved them until someone who could make them showed up in Lothere. (Namely Shirtless K.) We shall see whether they become the fashion.
The axe is cool... I just wish there were a third version the Sim could hold in his hand! That way I could have the murdered guy and the murderer.
Court Jester costumes at DLMuslow's Sim Antics. Not sure if anyone has seen this yet! They actually look pretty cool! I can just see Sigefrith's face if Alred showed up in one as a jest!
Here's link.
I just found a Breast-Feeding Hack by Squinge! Did anyone know this even existed? Hurray for everyone playing Medieval neighbourhoods, .... who needs baby bottles anymore. I had to mention it here since I just finished reading "Sigrid is made sure" where the comments keep mentioning Synne's IDENTICAL TWINS!! Just think of the photos ..... Synne and the nursemaid.
A haybed http://www.thesimsresource.com/collections/sims2-medieval/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/Happy%20in%20the%20hay%20-%20Strawbed/id/722877/
Thank you, Ravenfeather
I'm sure I can use it 
I found the pirate site link: http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/tsr/solfal/
It's happyinthehay-strawbed.zip
But aaahhhhhh! You have no idea how much trouble this would have saved me if I'd had this last month! *bangs head against wall repeatedly* I reeeeeeally need to get my CC-hunting habits on the right track, get off my ass and start finding stuff for myself when I need it.
Take a look here:
Log in to TheSimsResource (TSR). Downloads>TSRCollections Sims2>Medieval Madness.
I just noticed, I don't have any nice-looking thrones. Where did you get yours from, do you remember?
Or does anyone else know?
Ooooh, good question. Come to think of it, I don't have any nice thrones either. That may be part of the reason my king never gets any airtime anymore. I think the best ones I have look like they came right from the council scene in Fellowship of the Ring.
Hmmm... I'll start looking around after I do my laundry.
If you mean these guys, well, I do not actually know.
I checked Sim-Ages (in the booty since the site is no more) and Sims Design Avenue (formerly Caravane) and did not find them.
Yes, I meant exacly those.
Van, you are right with the FotR. ^^ I have those, but they look so elfy that I can't use them, although they look so great.
The best I found are by cashcraft at TSR, but they aren't so nice at all. Nor do they match with anything I already have.
I found a bonfire! Well, more like a small fire, but still: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=374078
Here's a lead on the thrones. I can't be bothered to log into the site, but I believe the chair versions are by the same person, or at least close. http://assimilatedsims.com/forum/index.php?topic=531.0
That was the toilet version. This is the throne version.
Interesting, because I don't have the yellow color. I must have downloaded someone else's Lady-and-Unicorn recolor of this mesh, which included the mesh.
I was perusing that site's affiliates and I found this set. WHY did I not know about these sites before?
Love the Gothic thrones from Assimilated Sims! Here's a few more if anyone is interested.
Kings Throne at MTS2 by JohnBrehaut1. There are actually 5 different thrones he made. Egyptian, Bones, Aztec and Satan (could be used by Dantalion & Eithne as dining chairs!?) http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=161053
For something exotic .... how about the Jade Throne and Dragon Throne from Sims 2 Heaven.
Jade Throne: http://sims.zifengling.com/contents14/57.htm
Dragon Throne: http://sims.zifengling.com/contents14/57.htm I know these 2 are very Oriental, but possibly something for the Elf Throne Room if needed?
Some more medieval (?) gowns for ya!
Thank you, guys! You sent me on one massive download spree, but now my royals finally have thrones! Yay! Now I only wish I had found the recolors you're using, Jenny. *sighs*
Another thing:
I found this crate of throwing axes: http://games.sharing-info.com/2008/10/27/best-hack-items-download-for-the-sims-2-part-2/
(how do you hide the links? I can't figure it out...)
Does anyone know where the stuff from Elegant Sims is now? It's not in the graveyard or the booty.
I just found this set that matches the medieval items from Uni. Some pretty good items in here.
Hey Sam.
I don't have anything from Elegant Sims .... it's listed as one of the 'missing links' that the Graveyard is hoping someone may have. I put in a request at Sims Cave ..... a site sort of like the Graveyard or PMBD.
Here is a useful posebox, hehehe,
called "Let it bleed" pack.
Aw yes! A fireplace poker AND an axe! I wish the knife didn't look quite so much like a kitchen knife, but I will make do.
loads of beards:
LOVE those beards. Egelric's and Malcolm's current beards are one of these beards (though I edited the alpha so it goes beneath the chin and added some gray hair.) And Osh's current beard is also one of these. They look like real hair and not goofy Maxis paste-on Halloween beards. The only downside is that they are black only.
Hey Jenny!
I saw your comment above regarding the "kitchen" knife. Ran across this site .... all in French .... , so I thought you might find it interesting. It appears they have a variety of pose boxes, some of which look intriguing. One of the photos is holding a knife. Kinda looks like a kitchen knife too, but .....! For me, the whole site would be a guessing game. Sadly, no French. They needed to start us earlier in school, plus school was eons ago for me. Digressing. Happens in old age! Here's the link. I hope it's what I thought it was. See Hacks Sims 2 and start scrolling down using the mouse wheel.
Hmm as long as we are digressing... Speaking as somebody who makes a living making Web sites that WORK, it makes me cry to be faced with a Website that crams every Sims 2 hack known to man onto a single page stuffed into a tiny window that can only be navigated with the mousewheel...
That is so, so wrong, and speaking with a sexy French accent does not make that right.
I did not see a knife, however. Is it possibly the "Let it Bleed" posebox that Ravenfeather linked above?
I am getting VERY selective about my posebox downloads lately. I have too many, and no matter how hard I try, my uses of poseboxes usually make me cringe with their wooden-ness. Also, keeping track of all those poses!!
Usually nowadays I don't even bother downloading a posebox until Lachesis has added it to her catalog. 
Today I found some beautiful lighting.
Excellent! I hope that they are linked to one of the candle lights from the game so that they will work with my modified lighting files. *crosses fingers*
Ok, so I just did a google image search for "stubble" (don't ask) and when I got to page 12, I almost died. There was a picture of Alred's head.
...I have to see this now *runs off to Google images*
EDIT: Oh my God! *dies*
Some titbits for you.
Goblets http://www.simsconnection.com/joomla3/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1883
Stairs http://holysimoly.com/index.cfm?go=home.objects&C=9B4CFB9B-65BC-8AAB-7A711832DCDA712F My favourite!
Framework Wall (Set 131 + 130) http://www.countycottage.de/jgs_db.php?action=showkat&katid=4&sid=&page=2 Looks awesome in game!
Stocks http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=43261
Mega Set http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=329610
For the hungry - fish and leg http://www.aroundthesims2.com/objects/single_pets/003/index.html (for free at the booty!)
Thank you, thank you! That is some good stuff. I am especially excited about the goblets. After four years I FINALLY have something appropriately 11th Century for my Sims to drink out of!!
(at least the rich ones
For the poor I use those pottery cups and plates.
They look so real in game!
Thank you, that's perfect!
A brandnew candle! http://www.coloursims.missingstudios.com/index.php?topic=319.0
I think this hair would look great on Gwynn (once she decides to let it grow longer like Cubby advised her to... and so that Finn can braid it
): http://svs.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org:8080/booty/ts2/raonsims/femalehair/femalehair30.jpg
It's really similar to young Matilda's hair, I've just noticed.
That's because IT IS Young Matilda's hair.
Would be cute if Alred dug out that old hair clip when her hair gets a little longer and told her to wear it.
My mind is just prone to making disturbed associations, please ignore it.
I'm not really embarrassing by this, because nothing tops my "OMG It's Jesus!" moment.
Naw, I don't think it's disturbing if he gives Matilda's jewelry and hair ornaments to Gwynn and Meggie. (Or to Brit or the Grandbaby, or to Yware's & the Old Man's future wives.) That's the usual fate of jewelry in a family.
The dresses, that would be a little ookier. (Hear that, Sigefrith?) But we haven't seen any sign that her dresses are even still in existence.
OTOH, rich fabric was incredibly expensive in this period, so perhaps they weren't thrown out. I can't imagine what Alred would have consented to use them for... but I suppose they must either have been used for something, or are moldering in trunks somewhere. *ponders*
Yeah, I can understand the jewelry part, but wearing the same hairstyle? That's almost as bad as Sigefrith giving Maud's dress to Brit.
Wouldn't it be funny if Gwynn found Matilda's old red dress and began wearing it? There is a version for teens, after all... *nudge nudge*
That's not really a hairstyle. That's just pulling back some of her hair and clipping it.
Maud's braids -- that was a hairstyle. (Hear that, Sigefrith?)
I don't think Gwynn would touch her mother's dresses, if she knew where they were. She's far more loyal to her father than to her mother. (I think the only one of the kids who isn't is Yware.) They're all walking on eggshells as it is.
I still think it would be pretty damn awesome if Gwynn got married in that red dress. But yeah, it would be kind of creepy if Alred told her to wear it. Not so much with the hair, though (because her hair is kind of like her mother's already as it is). I'd kind of love to see Gwynn with that hair, because it's one of my favorite hairs.
Wacky Beards:
Uh... so I posted this download that probably won't be useful to anybody and probably has more issues than the Malcolm/Iylaine/Vash love triangle... but I figure just in case anyone wants it--or can tell me how to improve it without the aid of BodyShop--it can be found here:
For the record, it's faux-stubble. I use it to slightly widen the range of stubble colors, but I doubt many people would care to bother with it. I'm already regretting uploading it somewhat.
Howdy All!
I was browsing through the full "Where can I get" post and noticed there was only one suggested link for a "kilt" from Parsimonious. I have quite a few things from here ..... for example, some female casual clothing that could be perfect for Princess Irene or Sir Leila.
The site also has some of my favourite room sets for download. A couple of my favourites are:
Plus they have some nice walls/floor sets .... so give it a peek! I was sure it would be one of the sites listed for downloading medieval type articles, but it seems to have been overlooked?!
I think I may have found something for a medieval business. Located at Around the Sims, it's a marketplace that has a cash register that is a box with gold and copper/silver coins. I haven't tried it out in-game, but it looks "authentic" to the period. It also has some various items to run a market .... shelf, veggies, fish/mussels, dairy, cheese etc. Have a look!
Have you seen this Castle set at the Sims2 Store? http://thesims2store.ea.com/productList.html?gender=male&startAt=0&categoryId=10658&scategoryId=10751&index= (which is out of my reach, though,*sniff*)
May I ask for the wardrobe/ armoire in your latest chapter "Matthew has a Christian reason"? Where is it from?
NO I haven't seen the castle set. OMG WANT. I may buy it -- I would pay money for EA-quality "CC". There has to be some advantage to being an adult and working full time. Oh, and living in the US or Canada. (It's nice to see Canada included for a change!)
Has anyone tried shopping in the Sims 2 Store? It looks like you have to install a bunch of software just to get it working. I don't want to bork my game.
If you mean the armoires I think you mean, they are from Aussie Topenders.
And thanks wawa, I hadn't seen that set! I hope it works in residential lots too since I don't use community lots. Cute how they have the carrots lovingly arranged for inspection like fine cigars or something. (And parsnips! Yay!)
l have only one thing to say - http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,13036.0.html
Big HURRAY! and a kiss for BonnieLaurel.

Thank you, Lothere, for the armoire link.
Excellent! Thank you
What the nutballs? Why is the Sims Store charging for a dress that can be downloaded from Parsimonious right here for free? I mean, I know that those two are in bed together but that's just goofy.
Again it's me making a request - an object from the chapter "Finn sees through stone". There is a stone archway (e.g. in picture 6, 12 and 17) with matching wall. Can you please tell me where you got it from?
I made the wall texture by taking an existing wall I had (don't remember who made it) and darkened the top like soot and the bottom like dirt/flood damage.
The arches are recolors I did (using the wall texture from above) of two of Cyclonesue's London Arches. I didn't recolor all of the pieces from that set yet, and the ones I did aren't perfect recolors -- the narrow section doesn't have the top border colored correctly (I think the texture for that piece must be stored in one of the other files) and the front-facing part of the arch is just a solid brown color with no stone texture applied, and I couldn't do anything about that. As usual... I didn't intend them to be of sharable quality, but if you want them you can have them. They're still pretty spiffy.
I put a RAR file with the two arch section recolors and the wall color here: arches.rar. You'll still need to download the arches themselves.
Thanks so much, Lothere! You're very kind, uploading it. I recognized it as the "London Arches" before, but wondered about the recolour. (Haha, I already assumed that there must be a secret website for insiders, where you get your beautiful Sims stuff from). I wouldn't mind if you upload all your recolours from your little treasure chest and share them with us, since there's not enough medieval stuff out there. (Oops, I know - the time factor!)
My comment got very long, so I posted my reply on Verso
WARNING! Referring to the Castle Set from Sims2 Store; I downloaded it from *Teehee*, using the offer of member "NoneTheLess", putting it into my Sims2 downloads folder. Started my game; it took very long and some strange things happened, but finally I got into game. Only objects that appeared were clothings and hair (those objects are not marked with *, because they are Maxis). None of the build items - none of the furniture. Same thing happened after exiting and reentering. Finally, I deleted the files, but kept clothings and hair. After that, my game didn't want to start. So I deleted the groups.cache and accessories.cache files from the Sims2 folder. Then everything worked fine, quick start, no troubles. (I have OFB, Uni, Pets, NL and Seasons). Just wanted to let you know this.
Here are many, many beautiful walls.
MTS2 has new regency gowns that are downloadable. Now I know it's the wrong time period, but I can imagine Gwynn wearing them as a "summery" dress since they attempt to show off her "best" features.
The dress could've been a hit with Young Aed and friends at that dinner party.
Some finds!
Open underneath stairs:
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=233769 http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=264747 http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=379749
This site:
Some of the stuff there (okay, most of it) is ridiculously 21st century, but there are some small things that could pass off as medieval. And I'd so love to see Emmie organizing a picnic or something!
I know I had a request, too, but I forgot what it was.
I should start taking my mum's memory pills or something.
Oh, I remember now! Where do you guys get the invisible clothes that make Sims appear to be naked? I've got one for adult females (I think it came packed with a skintone or a hack or something), but I don't have the rest.
I have pointed people at these two before when the question has been asked (both are at Sexy Sims):
Full Invisible Clothe Set for Skin Creators V2 by Drachenfels
Warlokk's Hi-Res Female BodyShape COMPLETE Nude Collection (includes nude clothing)
Thanks so much! Sorry I missed them before.
Eight/Three Studio:
Most of the downloads are pretty modern but there might be some food items in the breakfast set and other miscellaneous bits that can be useful.
For your building projects Jenny. I was reading the "tour of Osh's barn" and saw you like to make pillars using the wall tool. Here's a link to some columns that can do the trick as well.
http://simscrossing.net/index.php?topic=71.0#top as it says you need the mesh from here.
I had thought the original mesh was at Simwardrobe, and came across this ....... Duelling Swords. Thought you might be able to use it.
http://www.simwardrobe.com/ -- click Sims 2, Objects, page down to Other Objects.... to duelling swords, along with a crate of throwing axes. (I noticed a previous link to such an item somewhere above isn't working).
YES! Those walls and pillars are gorgeous. I've already used the walls tons of times. And I've used the pillars too, but I can't think of any times that we have actually seen them.
Oh the undiscovered architectural wonders of Lothere!
I think I have the dueling swords too, but I forgot all about them! I need to make some people have a fight now....
I wonder if teens can use them? It would be cool if Cedric and Domnall were "practicing" with swords one day and suddenly things started getting serious.
New stuff on "Garden Of Shadows":
Wow that's a great collection. If only my sims hadn't asploded..... but did you take a look at some of that creators other posts? There's a good one that replaces all of the book covers.
Perchance, a dress for Princess Irene to wear for any festivities? Something she brought back from that Greek Isle her husband.
(A little something to meet Egelric in?!)
Lothere/anyone do you know which clothes of yours you got from Elegant Sim? I can't find the remnants of that site anywhere, so I was thinking it might help to know what I was looking for. I would ask for you to upload them, but, keeping in mind the big copyright discussion we had, probably not the best idea. Plus, I wouldn't want to intrude on the new chapter!
http://sumomo.modthesims.info/download.php?t=213927 Might be good for the khirron ladies. The blue dress, at least, is nice.
Does anyone know where I could find some bishop, archbishop or cardinal clothes for my sims ?
Never noticed these before from Parsimonious' site ..... for those builders amongst us!
http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/build/k8-Artisans_Quarter.shtml plus in silver and gold accents. I thought the glass windows would be great for those simple medieval style churches or cathedrals.
page 5 has a Pirate Bay build-set .....this is the link but it has a certain smiley associated with it ..... I'm glad I previewed the message first ..... this is what the link would've looked like .... (http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/build/k
http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/build/k8-Fairytale_Romance.shtml plus some recolours on next pages
http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/build/k8-Woodcutters.shtml again with some recolours on the next pages
plus page 20 has deco roof spires. another "smiley" associated link! http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/build/k
Outfits for the Elves. http://www.mirkwood-sims.de/index.html
(What happened to my Avatar?)
Oh dear, sorry about your avatar.
Someone might have deleted it. We have been having lots of bugs with avatar selection lately. You will have to pick a new one in the forum.
(Thanks for the elven outfits by the way!
Some grilled chicken (deco), anyone? Useful for the campfire and the kitchen fireplace.
Medieval wall set.
Lothere, do you think you could post Egelric's green and white outfit that was mentioned earlier on this page? Also, assuming you made the other colors that have appeared in the story, those too? Thanks.
Howdy Everyone!
I have made my "FIRST" paintings using the Photo Studio in SimPE!
I've always been terrified to even open it. I have a membership at the Yahoo group for the Royal Kingdom Challenge (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/royal_kingdom_challenge -- you'll need to join the group) where I put some photos of the castle I was creating -- Jenny wanted to see them during a chat we had in comments since it's using the Lot Adjuster. Well.....I'm re-doing the castle AGAIN
'cause I just wasn't thrilled to death with it. Anyway, I built the Royal Chapel and realized there isn't too much CC of religious type murals/mosiacs etc. So I broke down, learned the quick way to do it with SimPE ..... and now I'm going nuts with it!!
I re-created the Giotto paintings of the life of St Francis of Assissi. Having been there on several occasions with tour groups, I fell in love with them. So I thought they'd look good in my Sims 2 churches. If anyone is interested in them, go to the Yahoo group, and in the Photos section, look for the Kingdom of Richmond by wawa21ca. I made a zipfile of them and they can be found in the Files section. The zip includes the photos of the paintings from the website I found them at. You'll need Qortex' big poster mesh/template for them too. (http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=45647). Now, I'm going crazy making them with mosiacs, icons, paintings etc. ..... and I'm trying to re-do the Bayeux Tapestry set too. Wawa's on a roll!
I hope this is okay to post, Jenny! (If not I'm sure you could delete it for me ..... if it wasn't appropriate. If it is ..... all I wanna do is 

) It is part of my new years resolutions ..... to learn to make things for my Simmies.
Some more stuffz
curly hair---for the menfolkz!!!---very crazy, maybe for Yware's bedhead?
plus--Ceddybear's old hair (at least I think it is), don't know if anyone ever found this, but I saw it while perusing some Russian site.
Also, I found Cat's hair, which I've been looking for for quite a while, since HelgaSims shut down. There's lots of files from Helga on this list, but Cat's is number 11.
Those were the results of a 6 hour long downloading spree in which I downloaded about 7 files
On the bright side though, I did get most everything I wannted. Except for some certain clothing pieces *cough* Not to be pushy or anything. 
A Gift for Jenny ..... Connie and Gwynn
It doesn't contain a "hippo-camp-amus", but I made a series of paintings using the "Red vs Blue" oil painting from the game. My second attempt with SimPE!
It's a Medieval Bestiary .... in painting form!
Here's two photos:
I wanted to search
for early medieval artwork, but it all seems to be of a religious nature
. Then I found this site while browsing the Wiki ... http://bestiary.ca/index.html and immediately thought of Jenny, Connie, Gwynn and the "hippo-camp-amus"!
Again, it's at the RKC Yahoo Group so you need to become a member of the group. It's in 3 zip-files. One being the pics, the other two broken into A-O & P-W. Some I liked alot so I made reverse copies for symmetry in decorating. Here's the link for the files, if anyone is interested.
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/royal_kingdom_challenge/files/Medieval%20Bestiary%20-%20Sims%202/ There are 39? in total .... so you can pick and choose. You can see all the photos in the Photo section, album titled .... Medieval Beastiary. (Ya, I know I spelled it wrong
I hope y'all might enjoy them. And Jenny, it's just a very small THANKS for such a wonderful read. I wish I could say/do more.
I kinda thought Connie might take up painting while staying way out in the boonies with Malcolm and Ilyaine. 

Next .... The Bayeaux Tapestries
If anyone is interested, I'll leave another comment when I post them.
Heheh, you found the Bestiary site too! (Run by a fellow Victorian, I might add.) I used some pictures from that site for the pages of the bestiary in "Condal learns to read".
The question every six-year-old boy wants answered is: Did you do a painting of the Bonnacon?
F I N A L L Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Riding set: Poses, saddle, tack, blanket
I'm so exited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I just do a Belsar here and say I'M SO HAPPYYYYYYY!!!!
This set is awesome, and quite MEDIEVAL. And the best thing is, I have been fretting recently because I have an important scene coming up with a couple of guys on horseback, and I was just groaning at the thought that I would have to do all that crazy pose-box wrangling and photoshopping madness that I had to do to put Sigefrith on a horse in "Prologue". So for the first time, someone comes up with the CC I need right BEFORE the chapter, instead of right AFTER! Now I can have people riding horses whenever I want!
*flings sparkly confetti and karma coins all over the place*
Edit: Check out the pictures in that story they link to: "Zeit der Finsternis". Holy crap!!
Hey! That´s great. I´m glad that you like my set, because I´m a big fan of the Kingdom of Lothere.
If you need any additional poses, feel free to contact me.
FOR REAL??? This set is so exactly what I need that I don't know where to begin thanking you. (Even if you made it for yourself.
It has long been a regret of mine that there have been no ridable horses in The Sims, because this is the 11th century and these are noblemen and knights, so there should be horses all over the place in this story.
JOY! I can actually do a "two people having a conversation side-by-side on horseback" chapter now!! Riding through the woods! Or on the beach! I can't think straight now! All these chapter ideas that made me think "Nah... too hard" are possible now! *face-glomps julsfels*
I wonder if it is possible to use the riding poses on two people and make them appear to sit on the same horse. Even if one of them is actually sitting on an OMSP or something. There is big sexy elopement storytelling potential there. Just ask Hetty!
*faints dead away*
Ha! I´m already working on such poses. (Btw: english is not my first language, so if I make any faults, please ignore it
In one of the next chapters of my story, I need two persons on the horse, the second one sits behind the first one, with the arms around the waist. And a second pose in front of the rider, the way you described above - nice for children and toddlers, too. This is another reason why I decided to give the saddle and saddlecloth slots. For a two-person-pose, just put a saddle on the horse and a saddlecloth (maybe with the invisible recolor), then let the Sims pose and put them one after the other on the horse. With the slots, the pose will match exactly.
For the moment, it works with normal poses and OMSPs, too. This is what I did in Chapter three, when the little girl arrives.
Can I just say again how excited I am??
I am going to read your story as soon as my head stops throbbing (I am home sick today) and I can process German again. I can't really speak German any more but I can still read it!
Is there an invisible recolor of the saddle? Sometimes Iylaine is known to ride bareback... much to Malcolm's chagrin.
No, not for the saddle, but for the saddlecloth. The pose and the position of the pose is exactly the same, and the saddlecloth has less faces than the saddle. So if you need the "naked" horse, you can use the invisible recolor of the saddlecloth.
I hope you can understand my story. It´s not the "modern" german, more old-fashioned with a medieval touch.
Oh good gravy, this is fabulous! I actually needed this as well and was dreading creative usage of omsps and poseboxes. Thanks, Julsfels! And thanks Ravenfeather for the link!
Ooooh, thanks Julsfels and Ravenfeather! This is one of those downloads I had absolutely no idea I needed until I saw it--and then it was all OMG NEED! I can't wait to test this out
OMG julsfels! That set is AMAZING! I wish I could remember my German ..... I studied it back in the day when I carried a stone tablet as I.D. Will have to search for a translator to read the story if it'll work that way. Your pictures are fantastic! I'm envious how you can build your houses on uneven terrain. I'm a little nervous to try it. I think I have downloaded everything on your site ...... LUVIN' IT.
Sorry your feeling under the weather, Jenny! Is it sunny on the Island? Grey and overcast as usual here on the Mainland, but the sun is trying hard to shine. I can't wait to see what you do with those new poses Juslfels created. And yes, my painting set has "2" Bonnacons. I like the 2nd one with the warrior. Kind of a ...."There she blows" but in a different animal context.
Gray and drizzly here. Your "carried a stone tablet as I.D." made me LOL however. And the Bonnacon is always good for laffs.
I just received a message from Dragon Slave, permission is granted. The gallopping horses are uploaded now.
What an exiting day. Seems like julsfels has created a milestone in Sims2 (medieval) history. (P.S. julsfels, check your notifications at BPS!)
(PP.S How come you have my avatar now, that I'm missing, lol?)
The invention of horseback riding!!
At Blackpearlsims you can find some two-story-six-tiles-wide forest and meadow murals as story backgrounds by pikkonoloidlee. http://www.blackpearlsims.com/forumdisplay.php?f=428
Awesome trees! Really! http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=4970.375 scroll down a bit.
Castle set
for free at the Booty (Paysitesmustbedestroyed.org)
Ravenfeather: Goes on download sprees, so you don't have to.
Can I say
again? That castle set is gorgeous...
I'm really going to have to stop frequenting this thread if I want to save money on extra memory for my computer...
Saw a new Armour mesh+recolour at Simscave. Here's link from the Updates page (scroll down to see photo).
or direct link
plus a FABULOUS 2 storey church (gothic) window at MTS2 by Moon_Ez
(Don't know how I missed THAT!!)
Something for Rua!?!
And Jenny, if you are using an Oriental flair as clothing for your elves check out the female clothes at the above site. I like this one!
http://www.mtsims-cakestore.com/sims2%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD-sims2download/mt2-%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B3-bodyshop/%E5%A5%B3%E8%A3%8504-06/ -- Tai Ping
New link for the Medieval Jester (the old one became unvalid).
Clothes http://www.meshysims.com/mens-clothing.php
Hat and skirt http://www.meshysims.com/accessories.php
Big Curly Men's Hair! And Boy! Do I mean big. I've seen smaller hairdos on a drag queen .... and I've known my share. One lives in Victoria, actually. Not sure if this one was posted ... but I can SURE see some of those hottie Scotsmen in this. Or should I say ...... I'd LOVE to see one of YOUR hottie Scotsmen in it!
And then! For "one of those days" that (apparently) Young Malcolm might be having while dealing with Ilyaine! A little 'unkept' hair ..... when he slips from being so fastidious! I'm sure you'll have Ilyaine making him feel that way ..... by the sounds of it!
:Off to Bed:
that was suppose to be a cute smiley I saw.
Here are some medieval default replacements for baby clothes and diapers, as well as various 'kitchen' items.
Double doors, some walls, floors, and barrels. You have to scroll down about a third of the page, though. The post is by Almighty Hat.
Battered shields. About halfway down the page.
Another male hair. Mesh is linked in the first post.
Lots of cool objects, especially chest-type things.
More chests. "medievalmadnesschests." Sorry, I don't know the direct link, but there is a picture.
Sorry, I forgot to put this on last time. Some nice candlesticks.
That's right I'm back, spamming your Where Can I Get. Again.
Just one thing this time, yet another male ponytail. A Peggy conversion, I believe: http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=13657.0
I was also wondering where you got the shirts that some of the Scots are wearing in Egelric sees his last sign of sanity: http://lothere.com/chapter/1680 and Egelric travels to twilight's end: http://lothere.com/chapter/1691. I would love to have any of those shirts, really.
Those are all recolors I made. You will need to download the meshes for all of them (if you don't have).
The baggy sweater Egelric is wearing in "Twilight's End" is based on the mesh by CatOfEvilGenius/Noretus.
[Sweater recolor - 1 file]
The shirts that Comgeall and Cathal are wearing in "Twilight's End" are based on a mesh that I downloaded from GoS. I am pretty sure it is this one, but if not, I'm almost positive it's from GoS.
[Vest recolor - 1 with beige collar (you haven't seen) and 1 with black collar]
The colorful Manx shirts with patterned sleeves are based on an old mesh by q3tb0. I'm not sure which of the two shirt meshes it is. I have both.
[Manx shirts - 4 files]
Thank you so much Lothere! These will look great in my game, and finally I can make use of all of these great kilts I have--not ALL of the men can be wandering around shirtless, you know.
Special effects and poses! Why not?! http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/sim_man123/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/Special%20Effects/id/708905/
Pig roast http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,108651.0.html
Flyable 'n ridable Dragon (with sound! Lol) http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,84913.0.html
Rideable Pony http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,75922.0.html
Rideable Unicorns http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,75454.0.html
Milkable, ridable (!) Cow http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,86440.0.html
Funny "Knight Light" http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,50676.0.html
Maxis Medieval recolours http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,77926.0.html
Catapult http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,70053.0.html
Anyone play The Witcher? Someone has made some clothing from the game if interested. Some of the female stuff is a little "riskay" for Lothere time period, but the men's stuff looks okay!
Link to her Yahoo group, need to join though. Look in Photos and Files for downloads.
So I could have a Gerald Sim in game ... my son would be delighted! Mmmm, no, I don't want to register at Yahoo. Maybe we can get them somewhere else later. Would be great! Btw., wawa180859, check your notifications at BPS!
@Ravenfeather! Added! Didn't know that was possible!?! How cool! Check your notifications at BPS, too!
Hair, Eyes, Make-up, Beards. Some great stuff to be found on this site. Have never seen it before. The creator is Nymphy .... a past creator on Noukiesims.
Here's the link: http://nocturnalsims.dreamwidth.org/
Some f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s hairs!!! My favourites:
http://nocturnalsims.dreamwidth.org/29679.html & http://nocturnalsims.dreamwidth.org/18667.html
I'd love to see Ilyaine in the first one! The second one .... a grown-up and sensual Gwynn (what else could she turn into but sensual ..... Matilda was her Mother). With a perfect title that I could hear Alred state ... "Sleeping Beauty".
(I hope this isn't a repeat posting. I didn't look through the entire section to see!)
PALISADES!!! Finally my castles can have proper 11th Century fortifications!
Lately all the good medieval downloads seem to be coming out of Germany.
(Maybe because Ravenfeather is doing all the searching for me.
) Ermelind is already my hero for those thatch and Viking roofs.
I've uploaded the entire collection of the Bayeux Tapestries in the Files folder at the RKC Yahoo group. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/royal_kingdom_challenge/files/
The photos from the website are in a separate zipfile. I haven't had time to do photos from ingame, but they look good .... I think anyway. Used the "Cantakerous Splatters" as the template in SimPE Photo Studio. The photos came from this website.
I'll post ingame photos after I have finished work, so late tonight. I tried to play around with the background texture/colour in GIMP, but I'm afraid I have alot to learn about that program still. Quite haven't gotten it. But hey! At least I'm trying
Hope you might enjoy them.
Just took some pictures using the set with the riding posebox. I only needed walking shots, not galloping shots, and since I don't have Nightlife I don't have the other rideable horses for firsthand comparison, so my opinion can't really count for much, but I'm happy with how they turned out. It's a really easy posebox to use too--the poses are actually labeled, which is a nice change from the usual "Male 1" or "Female 3" or whatnot.
Also, I used a sim with a stretch other than the default value of 1, and it still worked, so that scored major points in my book
For the few, who still don't know this wall set:
I think this may have been posted before, but here is a medieval set from WallSims: http://www.wallsims.net/display-item.php?id=841&ws_medieval03
New steampunk style clothing for children. The girls' dresses look medievalish. The boys' outfit has a watch fob though.
New recolors of Sherabim's Elven Dress and Zoej's Knight Outfit on GoS. Plus rugs, bannars and wall-shields.
Thought you might find this interesting .... as it's the link referenced by Lachesis in her post about the pose box catalog.
Was snooping around at GoS and came across it before seeing that it was posted at Fate's Ribbon. Then I remembered your earlier post about the "Lachesis' catalog". You probably have most of them anyway!!
God...it's 3 am, Off to bed. You, however, will probably be getting up soon! Even on the weekend!!
Don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but I was so thrilled when I found it! It's a site with lots of cool semi-medieval stuff, mostly wooden objects: http://woodforsims.de/index.html
And here's the booty:
Look! Boats!
New vaulted ceiling for churches and castles.
@Lothere, I don't know how to get a new Avatar. Can you please explain?
You have to go to the forum and edit your account in there. The avatars you see here are the same avatars as in the forum. Sorry, it's non-obvious!
Mirkwood Sims has some new historical outfits, one of which uses a mesh by Jenny's newest hero ... julsfels!
(Gotta love that horse-riding mesh .... pics looked great!)
(Would you use that style in your story?)
New at GOS!
Assassin's Creed/ Altair Mod - Clothes & Accessories
CANNOT WAIT to see that swordbelt in my game!
Damn! My anti-virus went haywire at the site the creator uploaded that set to! Detected some Trojans, apparently--not sure whether it meant the downloads specifically, or just something else on the site. In any case, I didn't download them... but I really, really want to...
Mmh, Van, do you mean GOS Site? Or one of the download sites? I used "rapidshare" and had no problem with downloading. The files are clean.
Thanks Ravenfeather
Good to hear the files are okay.
I meant the download site--multiupload.com or whatever it was. *shrug* Must just be something associated with the site in general, and not the downloads. I figured this was the case, but it was nice to get the clarification first. Thanks again
Galleons http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=389948
Bellow http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=327891
Pub Signs http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=324658
lunivers des sims:
medieval set http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/lunivers_des_sims/
Church Set http://www.aroundthesims2.com/objects/sets_downtown/007/index.html
Pottery http://www.blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=10623
Recolours http://www.blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/overview.php&letter=&catid=51&themeid=&type=4&order=&entries=24
Please, can you help me? I need a special pose for my own story, but can't seem to find it. It has to be a Sim lieing on her back on bed, with folded hands maybe and closed eyes - like dead. I checked a hundred of pose boxes, or so it feels, with no luck. Calling the experts now!
How about the Xixi (tqnh001) posebox for qidiexi? There is a hands folded over chest, funeral pose in there. You can use the custom modeling poses hack to close her eyes.
Here is a full-body view of the pose (from Lachesis's posebox catalog).
Also, as I recall, one of Aikea's paintings (either Chaos and Doom or Bedlam and Catastrophe) has the vampire sleep pose in its menu, but I don't think I've ever tested it to be sure it does what I imagine it does.
Thank you, thank you! You saved my day.
New recolour of Medieval Townwall http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=392265
I haven't tried it out yet but here are the Decorgal talk animations as overlays:
Noble Robes http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17196.0
Medieval Easel Painting Defaults http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17112.0
Some clutter http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=4970.msg267122#msg267122
Follow-up to previous:
I tested the animation overlays last night. Consistently ran into an issue where the sim would perform the animation and then just disappear into thin air. I had to exit the lot and re-enter three times.
Hey All
Jenny, I loved the mosiac of Theodora in last chapter: Cynan presses his point home. Just in case it may interest, I made a few too. Poseidon, Justinian, Three Magi, The Palace etc .... but no in-game photos though. Appears I DO have to reload my whole game from scratch. I guess deleting the "temp files" did bork my game. Sigh.
Here's link if anyone is interested. http://www.mediafire.com/myfiles.php in Mosiacs.
Oh my, wawa, so sorry for you. Next time, before deleting, you should rather move files out of the Sims2 folder and see what will happen. Then you might put them back. I would only delete cache.files.
@Lothere: I saw those pretty swords on the table ... ("Cynan presses his point home"). Please, can you point me direction of where to get them?
Aww, Ravenfeather, I don't remember. I do know that it was part of a set that included decorative armor, helmet, and shields. I downloaded it fairly recently (probably mid-December to mid-January). And the catalog description is:
The filename is FSMCDGladius.package if that helps. It is decorative only. It was probably downloaded on a downloading spree that you or someone else sent me on by sending me to a site that I hadn't heard of or hadn't visited recently, originally to download something else.
I wish creators would put their URL or at least their name in the object descriptions!
@Ravenfeather & Jenny. The swords are from Sims Connection from the Sim History Part 1 download. I don't think their site is working anymore but here's the link at the booty:
Once Jenny mentioned 'gladius' I knew where to get it. It also helped that I have a photo of everything-- clothing, deco, hair, build items etc copied in my CC folders with the package files, so it was an easy search.
You have pictures of all your CC?? *bows down before you* I am doing good if I have the hair in a different directory from the clothing!
@adienaynay. Here's the link for the castle. File is Tower of London_1, at least my version of it. I tried to open it with the clean installer but I couldn't. Guess it needs the game to be re-installed before it'll list the CC. Like I mentioned in our chat .... I hope it's the building project I was thinking of.
If hope you might find it worthy of using.
Thank you, wawa! Thank you, Lothere! Silly me, I once downloaded the wallshields of that set, and must have thought by myself "Sword? No need for that." Well, times, they are a changing ...
Re: my castle to adienaynay. In case anyone else is interested, I had forgotten to mention that I have all the games/stuff packs put out for the Sims 2. Not sure if they may open if you don't have them all. I guess adienaynay couldn't since she was missing a couple.....I think. And it's BIG! 145mb. I think that's big isn't it? Haven't a clue really
Errr... suppose one needs to make a Sim look like he's just had the stuffing beaten out of him by an angry noble on a power trip. Are there any bruises, scrapes, gashes, etc. that can be recommended to this entirely theoretical person?
[Random stuff mostly copy-pasted from an old comment...]
Thank you so much!
Note to self: check old comments before posting new ones (then again, there are a lot of comments).
I seem to recall you may have been looking for medieval tankards? Have you seen this set?
(Not sure if this has been posted yet or not. Some great stuff at the site for medieval items!)
Edit: Ok, some 'dated' stuff.
this was posted today at MTS2, and there are some very nice robes for noble or royal men.
Love those robes! The person in the green robe looks just like Alred!
Van, since I couldn't find the chapter where we were talking about this, I'm posting it here. I found a nice retexture of that Helga hair you wanted:
Oooooh! Thanks Maruutsu!

Wall Candle http://avenidasims.com/TheSims2/TheSims2lighting2.html at the bottom. Table Candle http://avenidasims.com/TheSims2/TheSims2lighting1.html
I really recommend taking a look through this journal because the owner has made medieval style default replacements for a lot of things. Something you find may be useful in the future.
Gothic arch pillars for vaulted ceilings: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=388188
Stone road replacement: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=392269
Some nice wood panelling: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=394382
Medieval-ish columns: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=375481
And these dresses that could work on an elf, perhaps? http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=391270 http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=387437
Saw this update at GoS by Sunni .... medieval mail/bills replacement default. Here's that link:
plus, if you visit her website, she has a small section dedicated to a Medieval Theme with a few great looking downloads.
Hey Jenny, found this aged-skin tone at GoS. Thought you might find it of interest. The way Alred is starting to treat people, a few may begin to feel wizened ... or haggard.
@adienaynay....and anyone else who may have downloaded what I believed was 'my version of the tower of London', I hate to say ... or am embarrassed to say: It's not the one I built
. I found that one on the Exchange and decorated it, but wasn't happy with it. I ended up building a version of it, but must've lost it during my game's borked period. My game is loaded and working now ... and it's not the building I thought it was. My hugest apologies to Adienaynay and anyone else who may have downloaded it. I'm going to try to rebuild a new version if anyone may be interested..... or not!
New Castle Build items by Ermelind http://www.patchworksims.de/index.php?page=Thread&postID=10650#post10650
Hey Jenny and Everyone.
Like I need more items in my CC folders, but have started building again. I found these 'big structural columns' by wideopeneyes at TSR. Great foundation columns!
Link at TSR: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/BIG!%20Structural%20Column/id/718547/
and recolours: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/wideopeneyes/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/BIG!Column%20-%20Maxis%20ReColor%20Edition/id/772294/
or at our favourite arrrggh site!
Plus, something for capping those edges on the exposed flooring tiles with various recolours .... by the same creator.
TSR links: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/wideopeneyes/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/Floor%20Edge%20Cap%20v2%20Set/id/800679/
Open her profile page to see the other various recolours, then grab the ones you need at the arrrgh site: same link as above.
What I was really searching for were half walls without a top cap ..... and guess who has them!
Learned a trick in a tutorial about using the platform/halfwalls then apparently you can build a fence ontop the half wall, then delete the platform. I want to try it with those new battlements that Ravenfeather found! If you are interested, they are called: Minimalist Heaven Half Wall. Hoping that trick will work! Haven't quite tried it yet 
Ohhh! She's also got a Gothic furniture set. See pics here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/wideopeneyes/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/Gothic%20Furniture/id/712217/
download here: http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/tsr/wideopeneyes/ can we say: arrrrggh! Plus some nice wall panels & flooring to match.
I will be trying out that floor edging tomorrow...
Another creation she made that might look good with those palisade walls. She created a sloping window/wall called Nile Dreams. Building the window/wall then topping it with the palisades wall could make a rather authentic look. There's a recolour of a solid woodplank window/wall that could do the trick! (Sadly, no stone textures). See what you think .... for experimenting tomorrow too! I really need to stop downloading things.
BTW, my 24.6GB of CC took 2 hours for my full game to start!
Good thing I only build using that AnyGame Starter! That's what takes less than 30 minutes ... if I only have my Build Items folder in it. Link for those window/walls.
The previous page has a picture of that solid woodplank window. If you try it, and it works, ... I might give it a shot too.
Take a look here! http://www.asylisbastelbox.de/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31&Itemid=49 It's amazing!
Oh my!
Wawa LOVES Ravenfeather!!! Ya took the words right outta my mouth Jenny. Oh my!
Sunni at MTS2 has created a new default replacement for NPC commoners in your neighbourhood. Here's the link.
or at her site:
Lol, wawa. I checked the objects of the Viking Lot in game. There are many new recolours (like e.g., the viking roof of Ermelind and the viking boats) and also objects from dead sites. Well, some to dump, many to keep. I'm so glad I found this Sims page.
Sadly, I couldn't get the download. It brought me to a German "prize" site and wouldn't accept my information. Feel like sharing it, Ravenfeather?! Ya know where to find me!
Lothere, is there any chance that you could put those recolors of Sherabim's maiden gown (Estrid's party dress) up for download? You posted the two yellow ones, but I'm a download junkie
maiden_colors.rar (10 files) [8.1 MB]
I didn't include the two yellow ones I posted before. The colors of these, according to my somewhat fanciful and inconsistent naming scheme, are labeled:
Excellent! You literally just saved a sim I'll probably have to take pictures of later today. Thank you
...I really need to get a working version of BodyShop.
Jenny, can you point out the chapters so I can get pics of them? Pretty please!! (You remember how I like to organize things ..... so anal, I know). Big Thanks if you do! No problemo if you don't.
I haven't used them all. In fact I think the only ones I have used are one of the yellow ones for Orlaith and Estrid's dress.
"Eochaid sows the wind" for the yellow
"Estrid is made molten" for the light blue
I LOVE this dress!
Wait, didn't you use one for Princess Irene with Yusuf?
You are correct! That must be the one labeled "frostplum".
"Yusuf gets a taste of his own medicine"
Thanks Jenny
. Now I can add photos to that file without feeling I forgot something.
Lili's braids anyone?
Jenny, could these poses be of possible use to you? The sixth and seventh picture down. One of the posebox sets by Gamesir posted at Simscave -- from the Chinese sites.
Entitled Court Animations.
This is a little lait but thanks Jenny for the maiden recolors!
I checked through the whole "Where can I get" thread and noticed that the Medieval set by Sims Design Avenue hasn't been posted, unless it's been in a past comment. (If it is ..... Apologies!!
) Thought the nursery would be great for Brit/Duncan and the wee-one-to-be.... or Alred's new beauty! (It will be a girl, won't it?)
http://www.sims2.simsdesignavenue.net/EN/avenue.php (Click on Themes -- Scroll down to Medieval.)
Most of the items are free, but some are pay. Guess where you can find them?!
Edit: Fireplaces here: http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=4415.0
While you're at Sims Design, check out the Fairy Castle set plus it's recolour, the Castle of Shadows. Shadows set is ideal for medieval IMHO, but the meshes are the Fairy Castle set.
Ok, ..... Off to bed!
Deco Boots http://kieda.net/?p=741 Click the pic for download.
More Boots http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,34381.0.html
Juliet-style Renaissance hair & gown posted at MTS2.
And for anyone playing Sims 3, a medieval hamlet.
AWESOME! modthesims is having the greatest challenge ever. (I haven't been on mts for a longer while)
Also @ Ravenfeather: *glomp* thank you ^.^ I have been searching for boots and shoes for so long <3
*goes looking at the new medieval blingbling on mts* (even if it doesn't actually shine it's still all blingbling to me)
I am excited about the Juliet dress for teens. Finally a teen girl dress mesh that isn't skin tight!! Gwynn appears to have seriously a warped perception of her body, since she thinks she's fat but her Sim looks quite otherwise. She really IS supposed to be something of a little dumpling... just like her sexy mother.
Can't wait to see recolours of that dress. With the Medieval Challenge at MTS2 happening, should be some interesting stuff coming out. Would you use that hair on some of the girls though?
Did find a stone textured bathroom, based on the mesh at Parsimonious -- Souk Bath. Here's link:
The toilet is stone, which had me intrigued for medieval bathrooms. I seem to recall "the communal bathroom" at the Chateau de Chillon in Montreux, Switzerland had that kind of texture .... but a wooden seat though.
Edit: Hmmm, Odd. I'm having trouble downloading page now. Hope it'll work still for others.
Are you thinking of using the texture from Sherahbim's adult Juliet dress on the teen mesh? If so, that texture recolors very nicely--not much pixelation if you just play around with the hue and saturation sliders, and since the decorative trim stuff is gray, you don't really need to worry about isolating it. I made like fifteen recolors of that texture and I'm happy with thirteen of them, including a very nice green and a less-nice-but-still-usable lime.
I'm not sure what I'll do. I haven't even seen the dress in-game yet.
But if it's nice, I will surely make scads of recolors, borrowing textures from some other dresses too. Like I said, it will be so nice to have a more period-appropriate dress shape than those clingy things that I am mostly using right now. Especially for things like Gwynn's everyday dress that she was wearing the other day when Domnall came. No wonder all the boys like her if she's always wearing dresses tight enough to show her bellybutton. 
Right now I'm trying to think of something I could make for the mts2 challenge -- I would like to participate in that just as a matter of principle. But I don't really know what I could make. I'm not a CC creator. I just copy and tweak and HSV-slider-ize other people's stuff.
You could submit Kraaia's boy clothes. It's a Maxis mesh, and you did the texture yourself, I'm guessing?
If you find you like the way the mesh looks and want some more recolors for the dress, I have over a dozen that will likely never be used because I don't have BodyShop and can't make new outfits. Just let me know if you want them and I could email the textures to you.
Soooo, Van .... gonna share those recolours?!
The hood in the upcoming chapter. Is that from general zoi's hood and cape mesh? Couldn't it be converted to allow females to wear it somehow? It would be great for the medieval ladies too, wouldn't it?
Not sure where I could post this .... so I thought it'd work in the Where can I get..... A Prince!
I think the French should restore the monarchy!! Hubba Hubba!! I might switch allegiances if they did!
Here they are, wawa
Although, I must warn you... since I don't have a working version of BodyShop, these are just the textures in PNG format. They're recolors of sherahbim's Juliette dress. The mesh is by iamliz13 and is linked to on the page.
So... if you decide to use them in-game, then you'll have to apply them to the mesh yourself in BodyShop. Sorry if that's a little inconvenient
But on the plus side, I guess this way you can pick and choose which colors you want in your game? Some of them aren't exactly the most medieval of hues
You could also try them on the new similar mesh for teens, but I looked at the texture map for those ones and it might require some rearranging of the various parts of the dress, so I'm not sure if that will work anymore
Thanks Van. It'll give me a project for Saturday when I'm off. I'll fire up ye ole Bodyshop, find me a good recolouring tutorial and learn how to do it. Which could be awesome since I found a really cool mesh that might be good for a bishop's outfit .... if I can learn recolouring. And a fabulous site with liturgical brocades. Some of them could be great for male/female noble clothing too. Wish me luck!
No problem
Good luck with BodyShop! And have fun
wawa, the hood is from the Assassins's Creed set:
I don't know how it would look on females, it's rather voluminous. 11th century ladies don't wear hoods: they wear scarves wrapped and wrapped around their heads. Anyway, I don't know how to modify meshes, for if I did I have a ton of stuff I would have tried already. *pouts*
I would be interested in seeing the site with the liturgical brocades. I can always use medieval textile texutres.
Thanks Jenny. Maybe with the medieval challenge at MTS2, somebody will finally make a proper veil for the ladies. Or we could ask Ravenfeather to put a mesh request in at BPS.
Here's the link for those brocades. It has 5 pages of samples. You'd have to save the image from the main pages, not the links as they have a watermark across the picture of the fabrics. I did experiment with Bodyshop once using a texture from there ... didn't look too bad actually. But I've forgotten how I applied the texture using the Gimp. Don't have Photoshop sadly. So I need to re-read those tutorials.
Edit: The Ananas brocade is a good one for the Royals.
BTW, have you ever thought of tinkering with the nun's veil by Rose? It could suffice for a medieval ladies' veil, wouldn't it?
Female teenage dress http://www.freewebs.com/lidiqnatasim2/tfeveryday.htm
Read the comment about the inappropriate pastel colours for the new dresses for Gwynn. Not sure if you want links to some textures, but gonna do it anyway!
Since I'm going to try to play with Bodyshop today, I thought I should find the fabrics first, then read the tutorials on recolouring, then blunder my way through the import/export parts. "makes the sign of the cross"
So, damask fabrics! (If you're tinkering with it today.)
I wonder if starting a new post in the forum to share texture sites would be a good idea? I'm sure everyone else has favourites they use and could post too.
Bodyshop + Wawa = FAIL!!
Next session, instead of making the sign of the cross, I think I'll have to offer up a burnt offering as a sacrifice! I wonder if the gods will accept Bodyshop as a burnt offering?
Female medieval dresses: http://simultaneousdesign.com/TS2/FrontPage.htm under Female>Adult>Magic Kingdom. Also available at the booty http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/simultaneousdesign/female/adult/magic_kingdom/, where they also have included all needed meshes.
Just finished reading 'Leofric is lent an alibi'. Looking at the Assassin's Creed hood/cloak, the weather in the photos was making me chilly, wondering how it could keep him warm. I found this cloak a few days ago, but haven't had the chance to see it in-game.. The colour will definitely need to be redone, but I think it looks pretty cool. I don't recall if the hood/cloak were separates for the Assassins creed mesh, but if not the hood could look great with this cape.
?? This was the mesh I thought could be recoloured to look like an outfit for the Catholic mass to be worn by a bishop/pope etc. Any opinions?
Here's the gowns from the textures you linked earlier in the post. Haven't looked at them in-game, only in Bodyshop. I get the gist of what needs to be done for that part. I'm still having a b***h of a time figuring out how to use the Gimp though to edit the texture maps. More reading is needed I guess. I also tried my hand at re-texturing the Renaissance Juliet dress by Mio, but it doesn't like patterned textures (or I'm doing it wrong). Looks like it only will look good with a solid texture. So, anyway, I hope I did this right, if I didn't please let me know where I may have gone wrong. Here's the link. The zipfile includes your original textures too.
Edit: I forgot to say Thank You, Van!! So ... Thanks for the textures and the new learning experience. GOD, I hope it .... or should it be ... I ... get better at this!
Jenny, when I edited that message to Van, it double-posted the message. Not sure if that was intended, so I deleted old (unedited one).
Oooooh, thanks wawa!
I have to take some pictures later today, so I’ll be sure to go into CAS to sneak a peek
Oooh, they look great in game! Wawa, you are awesome!
Blanket, Cushions, Rug Set http://einfachsimlisch.ei.funpic.de/index1.html under Objects > Bedroom
How about some formal robes for your male elves?! Colour-scheme based on the elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire. By the same creator of the Assassin’s Creed mesh.
New shiny on MTS! It’s Robin Hood-themed.
Not too sure about the hairs, but maybe someone may find them useful.
Some new wall textures!! From a “Fab” lady … she has a great album with photos too!
wawa .… you’re making me blush.
That’s you?
Our very own, one and only Ravenfeather!!
Apologies if this set has been posted. Way too many to read through now. But if not, a Medieval Wedding set.
A great set for those that are talented at recolouring .…. (hint, hint Van and Jenny!).
Sunni has created some more incredible defaults for the game – medieval tavern workers, and an invisible chef stove for your medieval restaurants.…with a working chef!
Here’s links:
I found out about these through a thread at GoS started by Almighty Hat. It’s been fun reading it.
Just in case, Almighty Hat’s website: http://hat-plays-sims.dreamwidth.org/ with some more great default items in the medieval theme.
Ermelind created a medieval covered gangway/balcony (not sure what to call it?) for our castles etc. Find it here:
Keep an eye on this creator, everyone. Almighty Hat made a request at GoS for medieval headwear for ladies. A creator, Fantasy Rogue has taken on the project. A teaser:
So bookmark these pages, her various links at websites. Hopefully, she’ll have these finished soon.
Or she may make the announcement from this thread at GoS:
http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17372.0 (indicated in an earlier post here).
But do check out page 14, or find Sunni’s website. She created default baby bottles for the medieval period.
Some “chausses” (undies) for those medieval men by Hat. (Busy girl, eh?!
). Made for child to elder.
I’m so busy at the moment (job), no time for browsing Sims sites. I’m glad there is a substitute for me called wawa. You’re great, man!
Only too glad to be your charming assistant in that department, Ravenfeather!
Not sure if this might interest anyone, but it could be used for those peasants hovels. Victorian street living at TSR.
TSR link: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-rooms-misc/title/Victorian%20Streetliving/id/821647/ (for pictures)
Arrgh link: http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/tsr/anoeskab/ for TSR proof download.
I love the open fire and the bed!
I don’t think these have been posted yet.
Some medieval teen gowns.
I like those gowns. I just took pictures of Gwynn wearing one of them yesterday. It’s another non-skin-tight option for my girls.
Dirt road and grass default terrain by Sunni is posted at MTS2. Great thing about it is she took out the sidewalks!
Then new name, Sophie-David, has made an invisible Free Time sewing machine that can be placed over the spinning wheel or table, etc. Have to see the pics.
Howdy Everyone!
Rather quiet lately in the Kingdom!
I would like to ask opinions if I may. I’m trying my hand at using the Gimp as my picture editor to use with SimPE. I’m attempting recolours of Lethe_s’ two tile banner for making tapestries. I found some fantastic images in the Manesse Codex, or as Ravenfeather would say … Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (http://diglit.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpg848/0434/thumb?sid=68d90c599bb8c09188643be6883d41a1#current_page_)
These are my attempts so far. Do you think the background texture works? Do you think the whole concept works? Or suggestions would be appreciated. I’m just thrilled that it’s finally clicking!!
Keep in mind, the wall kinda washes it out I think, but does it look okay? If you think it works .… I’m going to do all the images! My project for experimenting with Gimp and texture recolours.
Or do you think it would look better like these two .png images? They should look like the ones above without the white-coloured border around the image .… I hope
Sorry Jenny. You can delete this later if you want. Didn’t realize the pics were that big!
I think both look great, wawa! But I like the one with the whiteish border a little better than the other. It looks more balanced somehow. Can’t really explain it right.
I don’t mind the big pictures, since they aren’t so wide that they stretch the comment box and break the layout or anything. This subject would be better as a forum topic though.
I like the ones without a border myself.
Can’t explain it either!
The two-tiled banner? It just occurred to me that I have never made recolors of that. It looks like it is squishing the image horizontally, which is a shame. Lately I’ve been focusing on the tapestry meshes from Sims Design Avenue’s medieval theme. I like those meshes better than Lethe’s.
Oooooh, I really like those tapestries! And I wasn’t even aware of that mesh. Thanks wawa, and great work!
Sorry, Jenny. Did you want to move them to a forum topic for me then. I should’ve thought of that, but it was the wee hours of the morn .… foggy brain, ya know! Gonna try SDA’s mesh after work. Thanks for the tip.
OMG!!! Skins with baby hair!!!!! http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,68387.0.html
Oooh! *makes note for the Britstan baby*
Farm Tools http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=267372
Bishop’s Mitre http://sites.estvideo.net/bipsouille.sims/ under Themes>Chapellerie>Page3
For light louis skin tones! http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,75570.msg1162576.html#msg1162576
Crispinettes!! Fantasy Rogue has completed her work on ladies’ medieval headwear. Ya gotta check it out!! I’m preparing incense, burnt offerings and adulation for her!
Hey Lothere, I think you said something about it before, but did you ever think about sharing your modified lighting system? I, and I’m sure many others, would love to be able to use it and benefit from it.
Still interested in texture sites Jenny? Just found this one. http://webtreats.mysitemyway.com/
I fell in love with some hair I just found and I thought you guys might like it too. ^^ So here it is: http://simified.dreamwidth.org/7063.html
That will be pretty on Sigi.
I made some walls, which can also be used for medieval homes.
I found this nice male ponytail on GoS today. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=17723.0
Not really sure what this mesh actually looks like since it appears the creator’s Photobucket account has died a firey death…but I believe its a conversion of Peggy’s curly ponytail mesh which I adore. If you scroll down there’s a “fixed” mesh in a comment. I don’t know what was fixed, but it’s always better to have something that’s not broken. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=3558.0 I have not actually been able to download this yet, not sure if that’s Mediafire having problems or the actual file…
Another funky ponytailish thing. I guess it’s meant to look like a bun? Originally it was a female mesh so I suppose it’s possible… http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=11127.0
Ferrrrrgus’ hair…in a color other than black. I don’t know if anybody else had a problem finding that, but I sure did. So here it is. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=12812.0
Not all that girly long male hair. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=10759.0
Soooo awesome! Ty Sam!
Thanks for the goodies both of you.
Especially Ravenfeather for MAKING those lovely walls. (And may I repeat wawa’s question about the bench in the first picture on Various Walls II? If you happen to recall.)
The India Wooden Bench is here http://ls.paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/birgit43/wonderful_india/
Thanks Ravenfeather! The groaning sound you may have heard came from my CC folder as the set was being downloaded.
Have these been posted here yet? From sonnenschein56 at Sims2 Markplatz.
New Meshes with templates:
Her recolours (mesh included):
Ah, heck! Just browse through her stuff at Sims2Markplatz. http://www.sims2marktplatz.net/forum/filebase.php?lim=0&userid=19191 If ya need translations .… ask Ravenfeather!
Not sure if this is new to everyone, but it could be useful for your elves! Winterwood bathroom from Kate at Parsimonious.
(I needed a break from my learning curve of recolouring. OY VEY!! Can’t quite get the transparency thing.)
Extensive downloadspreeing yields some fruits. Maybe some of you’d find it useful too.
recolors of Tig’s af-layeredmedieval:
recolors of Jamliz’s Assassin’s Creed childrens robe:
Again, I tried myself on some walls. Some of them are medievalish. http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3481
More walls and floors. http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3486 http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3490
Thought you might enjoy this site, Jenny. Lots of skins, eyes etc. I love what she’s done with freckles. I keep seeing Ogive!
Would y’all be kind and give a last opinion. I have 3 days off and plan to finish this project if it kills me!
A or B:
You have no idea how many hours I’ve spent on looking for background images, Gimp and SimPE tutorials, experimenting with the Gimp etc … to come to this! I kinda like B.…sorta! Still on Lethe’s mesh though Jenny.
Ooooh, I like them both! Probably B a little better, but A is also very nice. Great job, wawa
Well .… I’ve got 16 of them done! Lets see,
120 more to go! http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3507
That’s a tough decision, wawa. I like them both very much. Maybe B is a tiny bit nicer. But you did a great job on both!
120?? You are crazy!
I love crazy people.
And I love the tapestries. My Lords and Ladies are thanking you!
I needed more doors and because I can neither mesh, nor recolour, I made two fake doors as wallcovers. http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3515
More tapestries, anyone?!
Parts 2 and 3 are posted at BPS and/or GoS.
Ravenfeather PM’ed me that I had double-linked Part 2 in the thread at BPS. I’ve corrected the download so you can get Part 3 now. Sorry .…
Would anyone by any chance happen to know where I can find some Medieval mourning clothes? I’m not looking for anything in particular, mainly just black clothing, specifically for adults and teens of both sexes (although maybe not so much for adult females, since adult female clothing is everywhere and I already have a bunch of black dresses I could potentially use). If not, don’t worry about it, I can make due without. Thanks all
Hi Van. How about .…..
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=193653 (best I think)
http://www.fancifulmind.com/sims/medieval5.htm – Black Prince Tunic
(Not for the mourning clothes, but I just realized Leof’s outerwear could be replaced with .…. http://www.all-about-style.com/themes_medieval.html – Jenny, I just thought that the cloaks on the second page could be useful? I can’t remember if these were ever posted).
And something that could be uhmm … interesting for a priest’s robe .…. maybe?!?! The mesh for the top looks rather unique though.
Excellent! Thanks for all the links, wawa!
*goes on download spree*
Pre-made medieval kingdom posted at MTS2 by Stephsim. Wow!!
Just snooping around … as usual, when I spotted this medieval dress/mesh. Not sure if it’s been used/posted yet?!
I also finished the Manesse project. Total: 125 images/tapestries. At BPS: http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3527. A lot of work for what I thought would be a simple project!
I made two medieval wall sets. http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3526
http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3542 (Hope you don’t mind the dedication …)
Heehee, are you kidding?
I have been downloading all your walls lately. I need an excuse to build some new sets!
There’s some new medieval fashion on mirkwood-sims!
A shameless plug … another recolour learning experience! A pic to entice/tease?!
Found an interesting skintone and immediately thought you might find it useful one day … or not. Almost albino.
Posebox with two riding poses. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=18494.0
Moar fake doors http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3584
Moar walls http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3586
Stone Walls http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3587
Some more stuff to enhance Lama’s Lionwood Walls sets at BPS
Mio has uploaded a Romeo outfit based on the costume from the ’68 movie. Not sure if they are separates, but the doublet could be period appropriate for Lothere .… maybe? The hose .… very Renaissance.
And, Jenny, not sure if you mentioned this somewhere but I immediately thought you’d be intrigued .… facial shadows, dimples etc … a whole gamut of stuff to browse through.
Something most of us experienced as teens, that the kids in Lothere should share with us mortals … Zits!!!!
Can you imagine Gwynn getting one!! The world would end.
Again, walls and doors.
I’m so sorry to bug you about this, instead of being able to gush about your story and/or downloads first, by way of a proper introduction, but … *deep breath* HELP!
This afternoon, I downloaded your lovely Teen Maternity dresses. When I went into my game, they were not showing up properly. By “not showing up properly” I mean that the preview pictures showed a default Maxis outfit, and that the outfit, when clicked on, clothed the Sim in a default Maxis outfit. Usually I get this problem when I have an outfit but not a mesh. The thing is, I know I have the mesh you listed as required for your Teen Matnerity dresses. I mean, I have some of the recolors Kalynn made for that mesh, and they show up just fine!
Do you have any idea what might be causing this? Is there perhaps a different mesh somewhere that I missed? Any help at all would be really appreciated.
Thanks so much and hope to see you around the Interwebs.
Hmm… the only thing that comes to mind is a difference in bodyshop /game versions. But then again I know that Van is using these dresses, and she only has the base game. I have Uni, Night Life, OFB, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, and Apartment Life, and only one of the stuff packs, the very first Holiday-themed one. Is it possibly that?
Also, for your Kalynn versions, do they have the stupid tassel in the back? Mine do. I think I may be using an older version of her mesh. I saw that she fixed that (here). I wonder if that is the problem?
Welcome, by the way.
I don’t have the tassel in the back – at least, I shouldn’t. I downloaded those files really recently (within the past month). But that could be the problem. Hmm, now I will have to see if I can figure out how to reassign your dresses to the new mesh.
Anyway, thank you, thank you!
And have you been told recently that your smilies are adorable (as well as the stories being great and the site positively inspiring and all that jazz)?
I will look into this myself. I would love to get rid of the tassel. It may take re-exporting from Bodyshop, but it’s worth a try.
That would be awesome. Thank you so much for looking into this!
Now I am off to read some more Red Boots.
Brass-Dog! Wall Banners, that is! Plus a few umpteen dozen more.
http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3682 (Hope you don’t mind me plugging the story Jenny!) Now .… I’m going to bed!
Something for an invasion fleet?!
I thought I’d try my hand at something other than wall hangings. The idea sorta came to me while in chat with Ann in the wee hours this morning. Anyways …
I did change the shield and sail in the final version though. Here’s the zip if you are interested in having an invasion fleet. I’ve included the .png files if you want to modify and the alpha .png file of the brass dog to play with.
Happy Invading Eirik! (if you use them, that is).
Lance recolours by Meshy at BPS. Now when does Yware get home for a jousting tourney?! Isn’t it “de rigueur” on the Continent?
Edit: Originally typed MTS2, not BPS. Oops!
Not sure if you noticed this at MTS2, but Mio updated/modified the Juliet Renaissance dress.
I made some new clothing meshes and added a new forum topic, because I would be very thankful if somebody is interested in testing them a bit.
Many greetings!
I now added a link to the clothes in the forum topic I referred above. Thanks a lot!
Wooden shoes http://n99forumpaks.jfade.com/old.php?category=54
Not sure if you’ve seen these hairs by Hat?
My first experiments in furniture recolouring!
I just uploaded som stuff from my fotostory on my homepage, including the clothes and two new poseboxes for children and couples.
Thanks for testing the meshes! I made some minor changes, so if you want, you can reload them.
Next update will include more poses for the riding posebox.
Many greetings!
Thought you’d like to browse some more eye sets .… just guessing though.
Altair hood for child male/female up to adult male/female.
Last one before bed. Have you seen the 55 new skintones by Pooklet?
The whole image collection.
Thank you, wawa! You always find the good stuff. Thank you, julsfels! Awesome, as usual.
Middle outfit made me think of King Malcolm.
Found this site link today http://www.freewebs.com/lidiqnatasim2/
Old medieval book and some potions: http://chimerical.nightofdreams.net/deco-misc.html
Weird (elven?) clothing: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=247139
Lothere, where did you get the medieval-esque hijabs/head coverings you’ve been using lately? They look awesome.
I’ve been asked about my head scarves before, so I’ll link you to that comment thread. I made them myself, as a combination of hair recolors with alpha edits, plus accessories (neck scarves and extra lace), plus face-paint headbands. Kind of awkward for gameplay. And I still haven’t found one of the two meshes, I think. But you’re welcome to download them if you want to try them out.
The comment thread starts here. (My response to the question comes in towards the end of my long comment about other stuff.)
I know, I create far too many walls. But when I found these textures, I simply had to do this set: http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=3803
Oil lamp http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=403458
Deco carriage http://taffer.blogbus.com/logs/70706453.html Hand and Footbells Accessories http://taffer.blogbus.com/logs/68889745.html Chairs http://taffer.blogbus.com/logs/63296286.html Just browse the whole site, there’s some more pretties.
Chalice http://www.sapphiresims2.com/showthread.php?t=41417
Howdy All!
Just trying to re-organize my CC so I can have a playable game without waiting a day for it to load
. (Chances are that’ll I end up having everything in it anyway
). I thought I’d add Hat’s default stuff and saw she put up a ‘Hair dump’ of various styles/colours for men and women. Nice stuff that Hat whips up! (I don’t remember if this has been posted yet .… this thread is getting huge!)
Female: http://hat-plays-sims.dreamwidth.org/14324.html
Male: http://hat-plays-sims.dreamwidth.org/13903.html
New Posebox http://simsurbania.com/topic/3679850/1/
Hi! Does somebody know where I can find the ark, that some child is playing in this post: http://www.lothere.com/chapter/383
I believe I downloaded that Noah’s ark from modthesims: Noah’s Ark Playset.
Thanks a lot !!
Sunni made some new medieval clothes:
Those look nice
artistichabitats hangingpots&pans zip. (with picture) http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org/booty/ts2/artistichabitats/
Oritasho has created some male eyebrows to match those fantastic eyes that I posted in #744. Here’s the eyebrows:
Rebecah made a version of my rustic wall lamp with a candle instead of bulb, you can find it here, the original mesh (needed because Rebecah´s is repository) and recolors can be found here.
Wow! I don’t know when I will show next show a queen in full regalia but this is the best medieval crown I’ve ever seen. I’ll try to have a look at it in-game this weekend.
Deco Objects http://taffer.blogbus.com/logs/72980265.html
Ravenfeather started her own blog.
Congrats Ravenfeather!
May be of interest? New medieval clothing conversions for Warlokk’s Classic Pinup Bodyshape using Sherahbim & Liz’ meshes from the Dark Project. You might need to register to the site. I can see Gwynn in these as an adult.
(Warlokk’s CPU Bodyshape info: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=214396)
I made a new series .… to celebrate Ravenfeather’s new blog. I’m calling it – A Knight’s Honour.
Adele has created a new set http://adelevk.com/sims/?page=objects&set=bode&view=none
Not sure if I had posted this earlier. Valentine has been creating different stuff for a medieval project. Clothes, hair but the new one is a circlet. You do need to register to the site I believe. Thought it might be usable?
Or to her medieval links http://valentinesims.webs.com/apps/forums/show/3969501-medieval-theme
I love Congal’s clothes. Is there a chance to get it? Please?
It’s a little late now, but I finally figured out where you got that texture for that one InTeen dress (Connie’s blue party dress). I’m pretty sure it’s that one dress from the now-defunct Sim Ages, the one that Iylaine’s mom was wearing in the prologue (only I’m guessing you edited it to make it more modest). I’d link to the booty, but it seems to be down again
Sooo… probably useless information at this point, but at least you can change the “???” on your list? I’m just mortified that I didn’t figure it out sooner, seeing as I have a woman wearing that dress and a teenager wearing the InTeen one living on the same lot
Ravenfeather, Congal would be flattered! So flattered he would probably offer to take off all his clothes for you! (Except for the wolfskin.)
His outfit consists of a recolor the Utilikilt separate bottom mesh, plus a recolor of what I believe is a Maxis mesh for the top, though I am not sure which EP it is from.
Congal’s clothes
I put three files in the RAR:
If you want the top that guys like Young Aed wear with that black kilt, I posted it the comments above, but here’s the link again: Black vest with shirt sleeves.
Van, I think you’re right!!! I don’t even remember going through all that trouble of making it more modest, but I liked that adult dress except for the lack of modesty, so maybe that was my revenge. Either way you crack me up, as usual.
A few more finds from the CC Fairies!
A couple of things that could’ve been perfect for your photos on the piers or wherever. Stackable crates and spindles of rope (which are actually tables). Not sure if they could be useful in future pics?
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=418320 (crates)
http://www.blackpearlsims.com/showthread.php?40283-September-2010-Coastal-Pleasures-Sims-2-Downloads (scroll down to Tinkle’s 2nd post – Cordage)
Thank you, Lothere! You made me one very happy Ravenfeather. And I really would love to see Congal taking off his clothes for me …
Need a bear? http://eefje00704.livejournal.com/8807.html
A nice new hairset at Valentine’s blog. (Remember, you need to register).
Hey Ravenfeather!! See! The CC Fairies at work again!
Check Meshy’s Sim Page. There is some nice new stuff. Including recolors of ZoeJ’s Medieval Dress, pillows and a deco viking ship. Thanks for indirectly leading me there, wawa.
Default cups and (wine)glasses. Only choose ONE for your game! http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4002
Made a new wall set. http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/
Valentine created a male/female hairmesh that has a crown built into it. (Remember, registration is needed).
Men’s crown: http://valentinesims.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/3362554-teodor-hairset?next=
Female’s crown: http://valentinesims.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/3340079-ellyn-hairset-with-crown?page=last
The crown is alpha-editable. Mediafire is acting up though at the moment, so I couldn’t download it to see the textures in SimPE.
Still working on my crispinette too.
I don’t know if this looks less plastic-like or not, but Almighty Hat has made a retexture of Malcolm’s hair. It’s called Unsuitable something or other.
Hi – I made these for myself and wanted to share in case someone else is interested. Textures aren’t mine, mostly sherahbim’s, so I can’t upload them anywhere else.
They look great, cybele. I especially like the uni-green. But isn’t there a mesh required?
Hi – I made these for myself and wanted to share in case someone else is interested. Textures aren’t mine, mostly sherahbim’s, so I can’t upload them anywhere else.
I downloaded wawa’s gorgeous crown but it doesn’t show up in game unfortunately
Hi Cybele.
Do you have the mesh? http://fantasyrogue.livejournal.com/38781.html
You’ll need both the hair and the veil/crispinette. Find it in CAS under glasses, I believe.
Coffins http://crabofdoom.dreamwidth.org/6874.html?#cutid1
Hey Cybele! Saw your set (I’m afraid, the download file has no mesh included, has it?). In case you plan to do more stuff, I’d like to invite you to join our team blog as a designer. http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/
Oh, I forgot to tell you – the mesh is from the Dark Project. I suppose you all have it. It’s the dress with an alpha-editable apron from women/working.
I have the meshes for the crispinette, are you sure you’ve included the right file?
Glad you liked the dresses,
I don’t want to be a designer though, as I said I don’t create my own textures and I don’t create on a regular basis. But I can always upload to my mediafire if I make more stuff.
(Sorry for the double-post
Found a treat!
Viking camp
I don’t know how historically accurate it is, but it sure looks darn good. I bet there’s a lot of stuff you might find useful, even if you don’t want the lot itself.
I’m pretty sure I’ve included the proper files. Unless anyone else has had problems. I haven’t uploaded this anywhere else … just here and I sent it to Almighty Hat. (She was going to play with the veil’s textures).
Found this link at GoS. The Asian version of Paysites Must Be Destroyed. Happy Hunting!
Lots and lots of hairs!
Nouk “Jessica” Hair F2M Alpha-Edited and Pookleted
NewSea J021 “Sweet Dream” F2M Alpha-Edited and Pookleted
NewSea J009 Oasis F2M Pookleted Also the female version.
5 Miniya conversions (Cazy014, CoolSims 40, NewSea J018, NewSea J018 short-edit, Resident Evil 4’s Leon Hair)
Cool Sims #80 F2M Alpha-Edited and Pookleted
Cool Sims #52 Pookleted
Peggy May 2009 #05091 Pookleted Also the female version
Nouk’s Sidebraid F2M Pookleted
Long, Longer, Longest – Rose Gudai Hairs and Wig Pookleted
Cool Sims #57, #58, ; Pookleted
Byebye Butterfly – Rose 41 Alpha-Edited and Pookleted
Rose 112 Edited and Pookleted
Have at it!
Ooh, nice, thanks! That last one is great! I think we saw it on Rua but with all the butterfly elven… thingies…
Bodyshop Newbie goes .. *DOH*.
Remember this?
So, Cybele was correct. I did have the wrong package file in my Crispinette/Crown link. I had taken the package file from the Project folder, not from the SavedSims folder. Ya Learn something new everyday! Here’s the Crown crispinette again since 15 people from here downloaded it. Hope this one works!
Ya, I know .… such a Newb.
I hope you don’t mind the larger photo, Jenny .. but Ravenfeather had taken a better photo of the crispinette than I could have. I need to put some CC makeup etc back into my testing hood. It did make me laugh out loud when I saw it too. I immediately thought of Shirtless K for some reason.
[Caption reads: Gosh, that goldsmith is really worth his money] It was a little hard to read I thought .… or it could just be my age?!
Could you delete post #767 on your end? I got rid of that mediafire link.
Loveseat http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4102
Could be something cute to use for photos when Finn and Gwynn finally get together again?
I don’t know have you already seen these: a small set of “medievalish peasant dresses.”
This set is Spanish/Southwestern, but there are a couple of arched windows&doors that look like they might work in a medieval setting. It’s a multipart set, so you might want to check out all of the posts. http://nene.modthesims.info/download.php?t=415931 By the same creator, a sheer veil and column set…I thought of Gwynn.. “soo romantic!” http://nene.modthesims.info/download.php?t=391659
Male hair http://trappingit.livejournal.com/18971.html
A Tudor Build Set by Sherahbim at MTS2. One of the floor tiles she created for use on ceilings is fantastic. Looks like old oak beams.
Cynnix has added some pregnant bumps to a few meshes. The updated files can be found here. They’re mostly Victorian meshes, but one of them is the Parsimonious mesh that a ton of teen female dresses use. There are no pictures, so I tested it in game and snagged a quick shot. Not sure I’d put that particular recolor on a pregnant girl, but the mesh does work
IDK Van, that recolour looks like it could be good for a teen’s shotgun wedding .… or in Lothere’s case .… bow and arrow!?! Broadsword!?!
New roofs http://www.sims2collage.de/ermelind/meshes/buildingbauen/buildingbauen3/cottageroofversion2cottagedachversion2.php
Alchimist lab http://www.retailsims.com/OFB_Shops/OFB_Alchemy/Alchemy-1.html
Lothere, now I want a scene in the bath house! http://www.theninthwavesims.org/apps/forums/topics/show/3469485-hugelunatic-s-redneck-hot-tub-recoloured
Teehee! It would be fun to have a scene with Gwynn, Meggie, Emma, and Connie perhaps taking a rustic outdoors bath while visiting Brit and Dunstan at their castle in the countryside.
Or… hmm, maybe Cubby having adventures in a Parisian bathhouse? Or Nora in Cologne or somewhere in Germany? Following her uncle into naked trouble?
Recolours of Cyclonesue’s Olde English Fireplaces http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/MsBarrows/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/olde-english-fireplace-recolours/id/866443/
The windows in “Saeward is half-stranger, half-friend”, third picture, where are they from? They look lovely
I got it, Jenny!
@cybele. The cloister windows by funfun at Blacky’s Sims Zoo. It’s actually a fake wall in Deco, Misc if I’m not mistaken. You may need to register in order to download it. The site is primarily German.
Medieval page 2
Direct Link page
Thanks, wawa, that’s the one.
I have a couple of recolors of that which I will post later on tonight. The one in the latest chapter is a recolor I did to match the stone wall.
Some Enayla blends.
I haven’t tried them yet, but they look nice. They could work as replacements for the oldest, shiniest ones. Pixie Dream, Fresh Summer, and Pixie Glow look particularly lovely IMO.
Just saw a new dress that reminded me of orlaith, and I decided to pass on the info: http://nene.modthesims.info/download.php?t=421412
That looks great! I remember the days when there weren’t that many medieval custom content. And now there’s so much.
As promised here are my two recolors of the cloister wall. Sorry these pictures don’t show them off all that well, I’m a storyteller, not a CC maker.
There is the cottage stone one:
And a brown one I did for the abbey:
In the archive there is also a matching brown recolor for the game’s stone garden bench. (I don’t remember if it’s a base game item or came with one of the expansion packs.) I stick the bench right against the arch and it looks like it’s all carved from the same stone. You can just barely see the armrest of the bench in the picture with Brother Columba.
Here is the archive: cloister.rar
Some clothing for those voluptuous females, Vanity Demise has some medieval Ren-gowns with preg morphs.
A new Assassin’s Creed hoodie, cloak etc at GoS.
I just put up 14 recolors of oph3lia’s edit of Aligeth’s Robin Hood mesh. Check them out on Verso.
A few new dresses on Valentinesims!
Not sure if this had been mentioned here .… or in the comment section of a chapter, but I thought I’d post it as it popped up on MTS2’s Top Items link. (I’d swear it was in a chapter’s comments though). Regency gowns for child female … that could be recoloured for a medieval child
Medieval Maternity Replacements by Sunni at MTS2
*Wawa forsees Jenny in a crazed recolour binge*
Velvet tunics and dresses by sunni on MTS!
Wow new maternity replacements they look so much better than the first ones.
Just found this and thought I’d post it .… just in case The Boys wanted to go on a wild boar hunt .… or Mysterious has to visit a pig farmer about something.
Meshes by Eva at her LJ.
Saw this at the Simscave Update thread that I thought would look fantastic in the medieval homes. Kativip has a text on one of her pictures that they are conversions from the Witcher game.
http://www.ladyvenera.net.ru/load/61 – 1-0 – 524
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Recolors of the “Heart of the Forest” gown!!
Also: ~ Peggy #06875 Braid ~ Retextured with Pooklet’s Textures
And this hair made me think of Sorin.
I’ve found Saeward’s hair! It’s Rose Gift #51:
The only color that seems to be nicely textured is Saeward’s jet-black, though. I’ve already redone the texture for one of the reds (I originally wanted that mesh for a redheaded sim), and will probably do more if I find the mesh really starts to grow on me.
Over the course of KoL, you use a couple of recolors of this one All About Style gown for teen girls (leftmost on the second row on this page). Gwynn used to wear a green one, Brit and Eadie both wore a blue at some point, and I seem to recall someone in a red, but I’ve only ever found this orange one. Did you make the others yourself, or did you find them somewhere? I’m only asking because that mesh has been updated to include a pregnant bump.
I made recolors of that teen dress myself, back when Eadie got married. It was one of my very first recolors as I recall. And it shows in the image quality.
I did download some new bump-enabled teen meshes recently, and that might have been one of them.
Any chance that you still have the files? My teens are getting older and randier.
If you don’t, don’t worry about it.
New Wall sets http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/2010/10/two-wall-sets.html Dress recolours http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/2010/10/sherahbims-heart-of-forest-recolors-by.html Table cloths http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/2010/10/medieval-ish-tablecloths.html
Pile of .…. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=422791&c=1&ht=0&page=1&pp=25#startcomments
I’ve had a bit of a recolor-frenzy today. All thanks to Van! ^^ So, I made some recolors of Sherabim’s Camelot Gown. 22 in fact.
Pictures (There are two pictures of gowns recolored by Van, that I just put through BodyShop for her. If you want them too, she says it’s alright.)
Those are gorgeous, Ann and Van! Thank you so much for sharing! *downloads*
Wow!! These are gorgeous girls!! *rolls out the heart defibrillators .…. Ready! Clear!!* Sorry, my CC folder just had a heart attack as I began downloading them.
New library set that look fantastic. Legend Series, Library by kativip.
http://www.ladyvenera.net.ru/ has download button.
http://www.ladyvenera.net.ru/load/61 – 1-0 – 536 for all the images of the sets contents/meshes.
Moar Witcher items by Kativip. This time .… Dinner!!
Hey everybody. I made some recolors of Sherahbim’s Greensleeves gown and decided to share. You can find pics and stuff here. Hope somebody else can get some use out of them!
Not sure if anyone has seen these yet at MTS2. Medieval posebox by lidignata.
Gwynn would swoon if Finn .… or any guy for that matter, fell at her feet like one of the poses.
MOAR Baby bumps! And adult to teen conversions for Aligeth’s Maid Marian, Antique Linen Chemise and Fantasy Swimwear as well as Oph3lia’s edits of Robin Hood and Friar Tuck.
We can has teen monks!
@Ann, I don’t know why, but all your links never work for me. A window pops up and a loading circle is spinning, …and spinning, .… that’s all.
I think I see why.… Ann’s link had
in it, which only works if the link points to an image.I fixed the latest link for her, let me know if that didn’t work.
The latest link does work now. Thank you, Lothere!
Oh, no! I’m so sorry for that! They worked for me so I thought they’d work for everyone else too.
And here I thought I was so clever…
Jenny, how do I avoid this in future?
Just leave off the
part and you’ll be fine. Examples:Ordinary link:
Popup image link:
Image link if you don’t want the lightbox popup:
Xandher’s Barbate Defaults Pooklet’d
There are no pictures as of yet, but POOKLET’D DEFAULTS!! YAY!!
All hail faechangeling!!
This time link should work right. Thank you again for bringing that up, Ravenfeather! Once more I learned something. ^^
Wish it weren’t default replacement.
I don’t want Sigefrith’s facial hair to spontaneously change.
Alright, Ann. It works. Thank you!
Not really pertaining to items to download, more a *lookie, see* kinda thing. Ravenfeather (Lama) had been mentioning that she wanted to try something in pictures … and she finally got it done. A Medieval Banquet. A fantastic series with alot of Simmies interacting in it. Beautifully done! One of her Simmies even looks like it could’ve been Alred invited to have a nosh on the roast! (Can you feel inspiration for a Royal Wedding Jenny?!
Jeeeez! Thank you, Wawa-Bear!
You’ll soon find the hall (without Simmies) at the Medieval Smithy for download.
Fight Posebox http://www.simscave.com/index.php?topic=17805.msg172262#msg172262
Another from the Legend Series. Looks like outside stuff this time http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=20565.msg526502#msg526502
I made a new wall set http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/2010/12/bearwoodwall.html
Sexy underwear http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=427696
FantasyRogue at GOS made separate tunics and hose, so now the male sims can mix and match.
Hi there! Does anyone know where I can get manly clothes for my medieval women? I saw some in the pictures for feenwald’s poseboxes but I don’t know where I can get them. Thanks!
I’d wager those are recolors julsfels did herself. She didn’t put them up for download, but maybe she would consider it if you ask her.
The only vaguely similar things I can think of would be some of the piratey outfits. There are some on MTS, but the aren’t really medieval. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.
Oh, there’s also this: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=254176
Also, from the realm of “It’s close enough, dammit!” there are these separates done by Equation at MTS.
I already have those, but thanks for the help anyway
Chemises/sleepwear for females http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=427910
Not sure if this would be of benefit .… but amazing Advent Gifts by Hat and Eva.
Plus Eva did some new meshes of various animals .… for those hunting scenes.
New “Old” hairs by chance?
http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=19906.0 (very high polycount)
http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=7598.0 (ponytail looks great)
CuriousB made some recolors of facial hair that I think many of you use a lot. Lothere, I remember you saying something about it. I’m having a brain fart at the moment, so I don’t remember who the original creator was, but I know it only came in black.….. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?topic=20931.msg536164#msg536164
Might be of interest? Hat has made a modification to the Gunmod Radiance lighting to recreate “a world lit by fire”.
Not sure how it looks yet, but Morgaine loved it for her night-time picture taking.
An Edwardian gown uploaded to MTS2, I know … not period specific for medieval gowns. But the mesh used from Pronupsims “does” look promising.
Mesh: scroll over to StarWars mesh, http://rosemat.free.fr/Pronupsims2/indexeng_pronupsims.php?page=815
Plus the mesh 3 images ahead of that could be promising for medieval periods too.
A long male robe (mentioned in chat the other day), but not sure if you need to register to download it.
with a hat: http://www.simsafe2.com/files/file/1409-amlong-robe-and-hat-mesh-and-11-recolors/
Just out of curiosity, I know you use the Merokkan sofa in some of your pictures (or you had), so did you have these yet? The matching chair and ottoman … Blacky’s Sims Zoo (need to be registered to download).
Food and other http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4851 Recols of Kativip’s Dinnertime cabinet http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4845 Maxis Door Recols http://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4843
Medieval Hammerhead Beams http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/MsBarrows/downloads/details/category/sims2-sets-objects/title/medieval-hammerhead-beams/id/1038885/ It’s not available at PMBD. Is there a kind soul, who is willing and able to share it with us?
P.S. Lothere, you can delete this post, if you don’t agree.
There’s an awesome new mesh at mt cakestore. It is japanese, as most of their stuff is, but some of the recolors are at least medievaly – and more important, has long medieval sleeves that actually work! They’ve done something with the bone assignments that make the sleeves look good in the vast majority of poses. Has to be seen (in game) to be believed. http://www.mtsims-cakestore.com/sims2下载-sims2download/mt2-人物相关-bodyshop/女装19 – 21/
Not sure if these would’ve been used in Medieval England, but Ermelind has created meshes for windmill sails and a roof recolour to go with them.
Veils for women!!! http://themedievalsmithysims2.blogspot.com/2011/01/medieval-veils.html
“Throne”, scroll down. http://ghanima-atreides.dreamwidth.org/32567.html?#cutid1
Hair for her. http://dhearest.livejournal.com/32189.html
Should you ever feel the need to endow a convent in Lothere (or show a scene in one elsewhere), Cynnix has done some really awesome veils and wimples, plus a new gown mesh. She’s also done some fabulous writing clutter elsewhere on her journal.
Although her pictures are overloaded, Trapping has done a CF conversion of Amaryll’s Summery Strap Dress, which Io used for some very under-dress-ish gowns that I use a lot for athletic wear. Pinketamine even did a TF conversion of it, so everybody can have a long simple gown belted just below the natural waistline.
Feel like recolouring? A dress mesh that looks medieval … with a high neckline even. Just not sure about those shoes!
Interesting cloak mesh for recolouring http://zingsims.blog.163.com/blog/static/17680914320111203470899/
For your picture editing. Clear-cut Png files to paste in your pictures, e.g. http://clear-cut.deviantart.com/favourites/40485689#/dpul4c and http://clear-cut.deviantart.com/favourites/40485689 and http://clear-cut.deviantart.com/favourites/39280402#/dy8322 and all of them http://clear-cut.deviantart.com/
The return of the Hair Dumps!!
Hat did a hair dump! It includes Lothere’s most trendy male hair – Jeanette Hair for males, Pooklet’d!
RavenFeather – the medieval hammerhead beams are up at you-know-where…
YAY! Thanks for info, BonnieLaurel.
Lothere, I think you will like this: Six different scarf meshes http://nonuna.blackypanther.de/accessoires.html
Just saw these while snooping around Simscave’s Updates page. 7 riding poses. Not sure if you may have seen them yet. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Me again. Just saw these at the same update section at Simscave … and for some reason immediately thought of Van maybe being interested in them. Don’t ask me why, but I think she was looking for scars …?
It’s a set of “scars from being whipped” and tortured.
Bayeux Tapestries with spears as tapestry rods.
Yo J-Dawg, would it be possible to break this page up somehow? It’s got a lot of great resources but the number of comments makes it ponderously slow to load.
Yo P, I hear you, I hear you. I groan when I have to come look something up on this page. I will bump it up on my list of projects. (Which is about as long as this page…)
Howdy All.
Just thought this might look good on the Scotsmen running around the story Jenny. And the recolour potential could be fun for each clan.
Perhaps on both the Malcolms
Hmm might be good for summer wear.
Clutter-a-holic has some nice medieval-like stuffs:
I noticed that a bunch of the sites you’ve linked to have been deleted/moved, so I just thought I’d let you know. These sites are:
Under Medieval Hair—Male
Longish hair from rosesims2
Loose, curly hair by beosboxboy
Under Medieval Clothing
The Elegant Sim
Regal velvet tunics (appears twice)
Royal Robes
Medieval Gowns (appears twice)
Fancy Gowns
Under Medieval Objects
Rumdinger’s Roadhouse
Under Must-Have Mods and Objects for Storytelling
Danicast’s recolor
Hula Dance & more
Squinge’s Toddler Poses
Wear Anything While Pregnant
Sim Effects
*end list*
Many of the links lead to the parked domains of Elegant Sims and Insimenator.net. I found where else some of these can be found now too:
Rumdinger’s Roadhouse—http://www.loverat.net/sims2rumdinger.htm
Hula Dance & more— http://www.insimenator.org/index.php?topic=9544.0
InSimenator— http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html
Wear Anything While Pregnant— http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,91730.0.html
Squinge’s Toddler Poses—http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,13943.0.html
On a different note, I was wondering if you remembered where you got Maud/Hetty/Nimea’s let-down hair and the red dress Gwynn wore as a toddler (seen in “Gwynn gives an anatomy lesson”). Also, was there a more specific name for the “Sim Effects” that I could use to search for them? Thanks!
Thanks for those links! As you can see I really need to clean up this page… remove the broken links, and add in the links for all the hundreds of medieval downloads that have been provided in the comments.
Maud’s/Hetty’s hair is by XM sims. Emma’s hair is a recolor I did of that, since none of those reds look like the auburn I wanted for her.
I can’t remember where I got little Gwynn’s dress. Most of my medieval downloads from those days came from one of: Tarox, Parsimonious, Pico’s, All About Style, Sussi’s, Fanciful Sims, or of course ModtheSims. So you might look there. (For the sites that aren’t defunct. Tarox has only a few weeks to live.)
I was looking for the Sims Effects you listed (I want fire and Insimenator.net imploded) and I think I possibly found it here:
Do you remember if it was made by an Eric?
That looks like the one!
Just browsing at InSIM and came across a kilt for kids by Bloom. Not sure if this has every been posted .… and boy, do you need to clean this up then, Jenny!!
Where did you get the lovely lace veil addition that Sabd & Lasrua have been wearing in recent chapters? It’s a stunning and very feminine effect on a sim’s face.
The texture is part of a Star Wars headdress by getagirl4.
The mesh is by Kavar.
Thank you! I never would have thought of that one.
Gothplague’s fabulous tomboy meshes ???
Err… I don’t know, I don’t use that one and it isn’t medieval. Try here maybe. She says the mesh is included.
Hat did another hair dump!
More roofs by Ermelind .… for your building pleasure Jenny! Now, off to read the new chapter!!
Almighty Hat’s retexture of Hysterical Paroxysm’s Adrasteia hair F2M!!
I thought you might like and find these useful
Heheheh… Devin, if you scroll up-up-up you will see that these very candles were the reason why I created Lothere’s own shirtless kilted silversmith.
Oh I remember now!
Just saw this at GoS and immediately thought of Red!
Now off to read the new chapter.
Have you downloaded these yet? http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=437404
Not sure if you use too many poseboxes Jenny but found some involving toddlers, child/parent, siblings etc at Tarihsims – that Spanish site with those medieval clothes that I offered to PM to anyone that wanted them.
Poses are here: http://www.tarihsims.net/index.php?topic=14055.0
Here’s a new Sky object, similar to the C7-Weather. http://ja-viera.livejournal.com/11280.html
Hey Jenny.
I thought you would see this faster here than at the Keep. I think I found a longer and/or similar version of Gaeth’s hair available from toddler to elder in one of Hat’s hair dumps. Scroll down a quarter of the way .… entitled “Father to His People”. Knowing Yware, he might be the longer hair type
after spending so much time on the continent. Or, you could just wait for the mesh that Cynnix mentioned editing.
I have that one and tried it on Yware, but I wasn’t crazy about it. I think it was too puffy, especially on top. Gaethine’s hair is flatter on top and flares at the ends.
Well .… it looks like it’ll have to be Cynnix to the rescue then.
Not sure if you’ve seen it today, but your hair by Cynnix is ready
Gaeth can has wolf pelt?
Immediately thought of Gaeth for his sickbed (note I didn’t say “deathbed”
). And it even has sexyfeet for the robe! That’s if you haven’t already seen this.
http://bluechili.tubakurame.com/ » Adex » middle outfit
Needs a recolouring but … !
That’s a nice robe! A pity the sexyfeet version is missing from Mediafire.
But I got the blockfoot version anyway. He can wear socks.
I stumbled onto some poseboxes I thought you might like.
This one here has a nice almost-handkissing pose (sitting): http://www.mybsims.net/t7875-lesioposebox06-adoring
And here are some adorable toddler-poses: http://www.mybsims.net/t9751-lesioposebox09-my-baby#184221
“Father and son” poses (some nice hugs): http://www.mybsims.net/t9103-lesioposebox-08-my-dad
Have you guys seen this?! http://hat-plays-sims.dreamwidth.org/24857.html
Jenny I thought these hairs could come in handy. http://www.digitalperversion.net/gardenofshadows/index.php?PHPSESSID=rag6aihggd1tncakmsdi6eiov0&topic=25648.75
Did the downloads work?
Plus sized gowns!
Playable harps!!! Maybe Jehanne will learn to play?
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