"If any of your children are capable of having a flight of fancy that even lifts both of their little heels from the ground, it will prove you a more whimsical man than I have ever imagined."
*Sob* will miss your story for a whole week

Submitted by Sonia on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 13:33.
As you know, I'm an avid reader of your story. But alas, fate has thrown me a curve ball.
After working long, (REALLY, REALLY) long hours , dear hubby and I are jetting off to sunnier climes on a well earned break.
Even though there's internet facilities at the complex, I can't see me using them any time soon, so I shall have to miss all your exciting updates.
I WILL be back in a weeks' time, thirsty for more.
But in the mean time, keep up the good work and leave me (and the rest of your devoted readers) plenty to read and ponder over.
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- I love that you're out there
2 years 3 weeks ago - If anyone is interessed, I
2 years 13 weeks ago - Tainted as it's been by the
3 years 16 weeks ago - So, so sorry to hear that.
3 years 16 weeks ago - To readers of this story I
3 years 19 weeks ago - It had something to do with
3 years 39 weeks ago - That sounds so fun,
3 years 39 weeks ago - Well, I did made the top
3 years 40 weeks ago - Hello Lothere,
Maybe you
3 years 40 weeks ago - Oh, man, I forgot about the
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*Sob* You get to go on
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 02/06/2008 - 17:44.*Sob* You get to go on vacation and I have to stay here in cold and rainy BC! It sounds like you earned it though.
A week is not that long anyway.
Tiana is gone for a whole two months. And I don't know if anyone is counting -- I hope not
-- it's been almost one full week since I last added a chapter anyway. This last week has been distraction after distraction. And here I am still not working on my chapter. Poor Caedwulf!
Hi, I'm back, slightly
Submitted by Sonia on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 18:08.Hi, I'm back, slightly tanned and totally relaxed (sorry to brag, can't help it).
Had so much fun, it was truly unbelievable.
The weather was strange, to say the least. For a couple of days it was cold and windy, then it was red hot, followed by the worst thunderstorm we've ever encountered. It lasted more than 6 hours.
Just to sum up the whole week, we went to the marina, the town centre, been in a submarine, scuba diving lessons, played shuffleboard, bingo, a couple of laps in the pool, took a dip in a freezing jacuzzi and was runner up in a talent contest.
But enough about little old moi. I'm looking forward to more updates.
Haha, the only place I ever
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 18:38.Haha, the only place I ever tan is the tops of my feet from the sandals I wear in the summer, complete with embarrassing strap lines. Everywhere else I just burn and peel and burn and peel...
Where did you go, actually? (Now that you're home that shouldn't sound too stalkerish.
And what is your talent??? Must know!
We went to Lanzarote, one of
Submitted by Sonia on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 11:09.We went to Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands. We were there last year, but not at the same resort, we decided to go all-inclusive this time and REALLY saved a lot of money.
As for my talent, it's nothing too special, like opening a bottle of beer with my knees (insert derisive laughter here). It was just simply singing.
I work at an old folks home, where every Sunday, I organise sing alongs for the residents. I'm not very good (although people STILL insist that I am), so I thought I'd give it a go.
I'm not normally a brave person, often backing out of things all the time. But I thought, I'm on holiday - what the heck???
My hubby's a BIG Elvis fan so I decided to sing Wooden Heart. I got a buzz out of it though.
Not to brag and boast, I do have a multitude of talents, but find it difficult to apply myself. I write, sing, paint (pictures AND interior design), along with a few other little things.
I have TOO much time on my hands (insert laughter here).
I've compiled a slideshow of a few photos we took. If I used all of them, it'd end up as a full length movie LOL
Slideshow of Our 2008 Holiday - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Hope you enjoy them.
You went in a submarine? I
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 06:53.You went in a submarine?
I love how the fish are swarming along beside, all cranky-looking, like you're interfering with the flow of traffic.
I've never tried an all-inclusive anything of a vacation... just show up and relax! Or any vacation of the relaxing variety now that I think about it. My vacations usually look like some kind of reality show: 14 days, 5000 miles of broken highway gravel road through the tundra -- who will survive? (Our marriage? Just barely. Guess who had to drive.
I have a few creative-type talents myself (though I cannot sing, oh Lordy can I not!) but my problem seems to be the opposite -- I apply myself to some project and then I stick like Velcro for months (or years in the case of Lothere), and totally exhaust myself, and make my husband grumble, and so forth. Oh, to be a dabbler!