"No matter what I say to you ladies, whether it's absurdly metaphorical or simply very true and flattering, it's always the same pish to you!"
Lothere Dreams

Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 04/15/2008 - 16:43.
As long as I am here, and before I forget, it seemed like a topic that needed to be created.
I just had one last night: I was standing in line, and VASH!!! was standing right behind me. And he was flirting with me! He kept leaning over me and resting his chin on my shoulder... and I reached up and touched his cheek. I touched Vash's cheek! And you know how when a guy is freshly-shaven and smooth but has just enough of a faint stubble to remind you that he is a man???
And then -- I kid you not -- my alarm went off.
I thought that was rather cool (except for the alarm bit), because even though I have dreamed about some of my characters before, I am usually not personally in my dream. And although one time I vaguely recall having dreamt about driving with Dantalion in one of his forms, I think this is the first time I have ever touched one of these characters. And he seemed so real..... his cheek was even a little cool to the touch...
I wonder if this is a hint from my subconscious of chapters to come. (Or maybe just that I refuse to let Vash have a girlfriend because I want him for me me me!!)
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Note to self--avoid forums
Submitted by Van on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 21:07.Note to self--avoid forums when tipsy
Tipsy?!? Van, this is the
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 21:10.Tipsy?!? Van, this is the perfect time to get started on that crayon drawing.
True. I have to finish this
Submitted by Van on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 21:13.True. I have to finish this batch of let's-torture-Falidor pictures first though. And then I think I have homework... gaaaaaah damn school!
Drunken simming... I've
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 21:21.Drunken simming... I've never done that one before. Van, you may have just opened up whole new worlds for me. *glances over at the fridge where I'm currently housing an unopened bottle of Bailey's*
EDIT: Man, it's going to be weird when I stop associating everyone with their avatars. I'm even starting to associate myself with Paul and I know what I look like!
I just woke-up from the
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 02:42.I just woke-up from the stupidest dream... I dreamed that the bf and I drove for hours in the snow to get to upstate New York where the First Annual Lotherian Convention was being held in a hotel. Lothere was speaking to 2 rooms full of people and there were several hundred people in each room. It looked like a real convention. Cassie was the guest speaker in my room. Tiana was the guest speaker in the other. And Tiffany sang "Happy Birthday" to Lothere in German. And there were all of these tall, toothy blondes in shiny dresses there that worked for the hotel. Oh and my parents and grandmother were there. I don't know why but I didn't question it. And my grandma gave me $20 for some reason.
After Cassie did her speech and Tiffany sang, one of the shiny dress cocktail waitresses got up and told us that Lothere would be on shortly and afterwards the gambling would begin. And everyone clapped as though the gambling was what they were waiting for. I sat down at a table with some kids and told them to deal me in. Then I woke-up. I never even got to see Lothere's speech!
Nothing -- and I mean
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 04:12.Nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- that will happen to me today has any chance of topping this, the first thing I read this morning.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag,
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 05:30.Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Lothere!
So, how did I look in this
Submitted by Tiffany on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 18:05.So, how did I look in this dream of yours?
That. Is. Freaking. Awesome.
Submitted by Cassie on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 18:12.That. Is. Freaking. Awesome.
What on earth was my speech about?? And I LOVE that Tiffany was a lounge singer there. That is just too freaking great.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
The First Annual Lotherian
Submitted by François on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 23:56.The First Annual Lotherian Convention ! In NYC ! How can something be cooler ? That's a great dream ! But I wish it would be in Paris if it happened for real ! For there are more Middle-Age things here than in New York ! And Cassie singing "Zum Geburstag viel Gluck !" , so funny !
~Your French Friend~
François: Not NYC,
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 04:09.François: Not NYC, unfortunately but upstate New York! Where old people go to vacation. There's not only no medieval stuff there but not much of anything else either. Just trees. And cold weather.
Cassie: I WISH I could remember your speech! It was all a blur. Particularly since my grandmother kept offering $20 while you were talking.
Tiffany: You looked much younger than you are. Like 12. And you were wearing glasses (which I don't know that you do) and a flower-print dress. And your hair was in braids. Little ones. And the whole time you were singing, I just kept thinking, "It's not Lothere's birthday." hehehehe
Upstate New York is so
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 09:14.Upstate New York is so boring especially Rockland County. I don't feel safe upstate.
I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
Yeah, it's pretty awful.
Submitted by Cassie on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 09:22.Yeah, it's pretty awful. It's also one huge-ass state (seriously, I live a 5-hour drive from the city and I'm STILL only in the middle of the state). D:
I WILL live in NYC someday, dammit! I WILL!
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
When you do look for
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 10:40.When you do look for apartments in Brooklyn they're much cheaper.
I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
Wow, that really does sound
Submitted by Tiffany on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 11:38.Wow, that really does sound like me at twelve.
Wuu. I got my very first
Submitted by ermine on Sun, 04/05/2009 - 01:08.Wuu. I got my very first Lothere dream last night. And telling the truth, I'm little disappointed. ;3
In the dream, it was morning. I was in our kitchen reading newspaper(www.aamulehti.fi :3) like everyday. And suddenly(didididii) I noticed article, what discussed Lothere. :'D I remember, that there were some pictures(I guess there was Lena or Shosudin or something) and things like "sims 2 stories are very popular and blah blah blah". And I said to my mom(or was it my sister?): "yey, there's Lothere in newspaper".
..and that's all. v__v I don't remember anything after that. Very dramatic, yeah. n____n' Thrill at breakfast.
Yay, more Lothere dreams I
Submitted by Van on Sun, 04/05/2009 - 09:44.Yay, more Lothere dreams
I had one last night too. I dreamt that I took Cearball to Stampede (weird that my subconscious would be thinking about Stampede in April, but dreams are funny like that). He screams like a little girl on rides.
Apparently my popularity in
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 04/05/2009 - 09:55.Apparently my popularity in Finland extands to the land of dreams!
*dies* at Van's screaming Cearball dream.
I'm usually a lurker around
Submitted by Zoe on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 21:40.I'm usually a lurker around here (i'm a bit shy
), but I really had to share my first Lothere related dream that I had last night because it freaked me out a little bit.
I don't remember how it started but I was with Gwynn and some other girls and we had gone on a holiday together.
Somehow I had said or done something to offend Gwynn and she started beating me up. She wouldn't stop punching and kicking me and all the other girls didn't want to stop her because they didn't want to get on her bad side either.
There was more to the dream but i can't remember it well...
I wish i had nicer Lothere dreams like everyone else
Hi Zoe Lothere dreams are
Submitted by Van on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 22:06.Hi Zoe
Lothere dreams are so random, hey? Like, you know none of it will ever happen in the story--much less, in real life, of course--but at the same time it seems so real when the dream is actually occurring, and then you wake up still feeling some of the affects of the dream? I would've been pretty freaked out by a dream like that too.
The nice dreams will come eventually, I'm sure
It's like you're tapping
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 04:05.It's like you're tapping into Gwynn's secret dreams, where she stops being so nice and finally gets back at the people who have been bugging her. Sadly, you had to play the role of Connie.
It reminds me of that scene in "The Christmas Story" where meek, mild-mannered Ralphie suddenly flips his lid and starts whaling on Scut Farkus.
Haha so I totally forgot
Submitted by star on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 08:32.Haha so I totally forgot about this until I was flipping through my travel journal from break and discovered a page of half-written notes on a dream I had.
Basically, Lothere got so poor that it somehow decided to open a theme park: LOTHERE LAND. The poster had Sigefrith on it being all epic and kingly and admission wasn't bad so me and some friends decided to go and check it out. So there we were, having a blast, and I keep seeing all these sims (and not sim versions) of characters I knew wandering around and I got really excited about it all. That is, until William decided to finally find Lothere and was going to destroy everything. There was a battle and I managed to run off with Caedwulf (who was apparently Zac Efron shaped, I don't even know why) and he was all sad so I hugged him and was all "It's going to be okay!"
He and I went off to save the kingdom and I kept remembering that maybe now he could marry me instead of Ogive. As much I loved her, I was all "Queen of Lothere, sup?" and was really excited about this. But before we could save the kingdom, I woke up.
The moral of the story: don't take more than two Benedryl when ill to sleep because then you'll have strange dreams about Lothere ;P
I have had to learn that
Submitted by Tiffany on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 13:08.I have had to learn that lesson the hard way.
*yaaawn* I should go to the
Submitted by ermine on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 12:48.*yaaawn* I should go to the bed, I have early rise to.. to.. (what happends at sunday?) whaever. But before that, I want tell about my dream. When I still remember it.
That dream wasn't really "Lothere dream", there were my friends and random people. It happened in some mossy and moist castle, or rather its ruins. Well. We ran and hided and so on(no reason needed), and then I founded some room(y'know, tables, chairs, fireplace etc). There was a lot of characters of Lothere, but guess, do I remember anyone of them? Nope. Only.. There was Sigefrith, and he leaded conversation. The room was rather narrow, and someone pushed me near to wall. I tried to hear what was subject.
). Just brooding silence. Suddenly girl started to cry. Then, one of the men walked to the door, very fast and pale, and everybody knew: it was him.
And then I understood that some girl has get pregnant, and now people tried to find, who is the father. Girl was too there, in the middle. I knew she was familiar looking. Somewhere I got idea that she is relative of Colburga, 'cause they were so alike. Brown hair and bla bla. She was quite noble and that's why thing was soooo important.
Anyway, no one confessed his act(not expected or anything. btw, why didin't girl tell?
I think I was the only one who was amazed and sad. Why just he? "Nooo, one of my favourite characters!" I have memory that I went with my random pals to the door where man left, and then I woke up.
If Sigefrith's in it, it
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 13:36.If Sigefrith's in it, it counts as a Lothere dream! Ooh that sounds like an exciting scene... with the pale-faced knight hurrying for the door. Maybe he wasn't the father of the baby, but he had wanted to marry the girl himself -- like Ralf, when he figured out that Flann was pregnant. *hugs pale-faced Ralf*
As long as I'm here I can mention my own Lothere dream of last night. I spent most of that dream in another country with some other king- and queen-like characters who were not very friendly with Lothere. There was some situation where they were holding someone hostage. What I remember best was that they kept getting letters from Finn, and each time he would write some random rambly stuff in the letter, but then he would take a big brush and write a few short words across the whole letter in translucent, pale brown ink. Like "SEND HER BACK" or something. And each time he would leave off one of the letters -- "SEND HER BAC" and "SEND HER BA" etc. -- and everyone in this evil kingdom was starting to freak out wondering what Finn would do when he got down to zero letters. For some reason Finn was like THE FORMIDABLE ENEMY of Lothere, instead of Sigefrith.
Maybe Gwynn was the hostage.
At one point I was also standing next to Sigefrith while practically every character in Lothere filed by in a stream, like a crowd being admitted to a stadium or something. It all happened so fast I didn't even get a chance to PHWOAR.
I like the sound of that. I
Submitted by Tiffany on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 16:13.I like the sound of that. I wonder what would have happened at zero letters as well.
If Sigefrith's in it, it
Submitted by ermine on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 21:56.I didin't think of that marrying thing. :O And none of the others! But I'm not sure.. 'cause that man is married, and I think his relationship to his wife is quiiiiite loving.. or I at least hope for that! :s (wait a minute - if he truly loves his wife, why he got that girl..? there's hole in my logic)
And uuuu, zero! I can imagine why Gwynn would get hostage. ;D She meet some extraordinary gentleman(movie!), and he say few romantic words, and then G is sold! She leaves with him.. and then, ugly truth comes out..
or is Gwynn too easy in this?
Ya'll have had some cool
Submitted by Desdmona on Sat, 05/23/2009 - 22:55.Ya'll have had some cool dreams. It seems like Alfred gets dreamed about the most...I hope that some day he gets his kissing token.
What's a kissing token?
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 05:19.What's a kissing token?
Is that from some movie I've never seen? I imagine it like something at a fair: he gets his little plastic token to be redeemed at a kissing booth of his choosing...
Wait, this is Alred. He is surely manning a kissing booth at this fair. He is collecting kissing tokens by the handfuls as all the ladies flock to him!
ermine, your theory about Gwynn's fate sounds a lot like what Caedwulf predicted for her in a moment of pique last summer.
great, I'm thinking like
Submitted by ermine on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 06:06.great, I'm thinking like Caedwulf. ;D
When is Caedwulf going to
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 06:58.When is Caedwulf going to grow a beard so we don't have to look at his weird, Sigefrith face?
Would Caedwulf with a mangy
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 07:06.Would Caedwulf with a mangy 16-year-old beard really be preferable to a clean-shaven teen-age Sigefrith chin?
Funnily enough, his
Submitted by Van on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 09:47.Funnily enough, his clean-shaven face gets him laid
Maybe being the Crown Prince helps a bit too, though...
I insist that Caedwulf is a
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 09:51.I insist that Caedwulf is a very charismatic young man, whatever his chin or social rank have to say about it. Homecoming King of Lothere High right there.
Hmmm... I suppose. He is the
Submitted by Van on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 09:56.Hmmm... I suppose. He is the son of Sigefrith, after all.
Edit: Referring to his charisma, that is, not his rank.
I Want Maire Dead before
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 09:56.I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
The guy did manage to impregnant Cecily with only knowing her for a few short hours.
...do you have any idea how
Submitted by Cassie on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 11:06....do you have any idea how much that comment made me want to see a Modern High School Version of Lothere?
Anyhoodle, I had some kind of dream in which I was telling someone to stay away from this parking lot at night because IMIN MIGHT BE THERE ON THE RAPING PROWL. I remember nothing else about that dream.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
I would love to see a modern
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 11:25.I would love to see a modern high school version of Lothere -- for no other reason than that Emma NEEDS bubblegum to chaw and snap. She just does. And sparkly gel pens whose caps she would gnaw. Hmm I sense an oral fixation...
Indeed, I am quite often stymied in my writing by the absence of: cigarettes, hard liquor, coffee and tea, and potatoes. The first four are all excellent props, and the last... just comes up a lot. (How often have I wanted to make Sigefrith call someone a Potatohead?) What a relief it would seem to write a modern story with all its familiar accoutrements. Of course many of those things would just hasten the death of all the hot, tortured men...
I Want Maire Dead before
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 11:55.I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
I could picture it now:
Leofric ,Sigefrith, and Cenwulf would so be the self absorbed jocks
Sela, Lathir, and Alred would be the hip artsy kids
Lili, Sophie and Ana would be the popular girls
Egelric the bad boy of course
Eadie, Hetty, and Githa Selle would be the good christian girls who secretly have crushes on the jocks and bad boys.
I couldn't really see
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 12:03.I couldn't really see Leofric as a teenager. I mean, I know he must have been a teenager at some point in his life. But even at Lothere High, I would still envision him as the pervy middle-aged man who hangs out by the track, picking up 16-year-olds.
Heh...Leof would be the
Submitted by Cassie on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 14:40.Heh...Leof would be the creepy older friend who would buy beer for Sigefrith and all his teenaged friends.
I like your assessments a lot, Devin! Especially the "good girl" crowd.
Caedwulf would, of course, be the rich jock who got all the girls anyway. Brit would be tomboyish (I can see her as a soccer player, solid B student but nothing spectacular), Gwynn would of course fashion herself as some kind of Jane Austen heroine.
Can you imagine how much a high school Sigi would kick ass?? I'm reminded once again of the Inner City Love Story we fashioned for the modern versions of Eirik and Sigrid.
I really can't imagine Matilda as a modern teenager at all, though. A modern woman, yes, but I just can't picture her in a high school setting. She's so bright, but would obviously still be a "cool kid"; she fits in with the guys, but is still so feminine...I can't really imagine her in any "clique," or what clothes she would wear.
Ooh, that's another cool idea...imagining how they would all dress.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
Heheheh, that might make a
Submitted by Van on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 20:48.Heheheh, that might make a good Christmas post or some other bonus type thing--what certain characters might look like in a modern setting.
I've thought about doing
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 05/25/2009 - 04:19.I've thought about doing that before... but then I realized I would have to download a bunch of modern CC to do it! With the exception of Maxiswear and a few modern things I downloaded with the idea I would one day recolor their meshes, I literally have no modern day CC left. Talk about a downloading spree. I would be hungover for days.
Last night I had a Lothere
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 11/08/2009 - 11:14.Last night I had a Lothere dream... about Lar. Sexy, shirtless, sweaty, messy-haired Lar, who had assembled all his elves and was giving them hell because SOMEBODY had misplaced the prunes. THE PRUNES!!!
I saved the day by checking in the fridge. And lo and behold, there were the prunes. Sadly, I do not remember if I got any sexy, sweaty gratitude from Lar.
*LULZ* Why didn't Lar check
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 11/08/2009 - 13:07.*LULZ*
Why didn't Lar check the fridge in the first place? I think he just wanted an excuse to show off his sweaty sexiness.
I had my first Lothere dream
Submitted by Alice on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 22:22.I had my first Lothere dream last night! I dreamed that Iylaine was kidnapped/went on a pilgrimage or whatever, and everyone assumed that she died (including Malcolm and Vash). She made her way back years later and Malcolm sensed her and went out on a horse to meet her, and they had a romantic ride back to their home - which was now a castle. She wakes up the next morning to realize that her son was now a teenager and doesn't recognize her as his mother - because Malcolm had already moved on with Connie. So then she tries to find Vash only to find out that he's married to Sigi (wtf?) and they're now rulers of the elves together. And when she goes to see him, he makes a witty/sarcastic remark and glances sideways at Sigi while they're sitting on thrones, and they both smile mockingly.
It was a pretty sad dream because I kept on switching between third person and first person viewpoints - experiencing what Iylaine was feeling and then kind of watching the whole thing like a movie. Weird! And probably wildly out of character too - especially the Vash and Sigi part.
You had me up to Vash +
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 04:39.You had me up to Vash + Sigi.
Poor Iylaine! This dream actually sounds quite sympathetic to her. And so interesting that Malcolm still had romantic feelings for her all those years later....
Yeah. Vash and Sigi is
Submitted by Alice on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 18:00.Yeah. Vash and Sigi is definitely a crack pairing (but now that I think about it, maybe someone like Sigi might be just what he needs
) My brain is weird. I don't know about the dream being sympathetic to Iylaine...she was pretty mean to her kids when they reunited, I think. Just very strange and rather sad overall. Maybe I was remembering when she said that children didn't really need their mothers? And I think Malcolm had some hair-brained scheme to keep his two wives from finding out about each other somehow, which is also wildly out of character.
Omg~! *jumps around* there
Submitted by Miriam on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 13:05.Omg~! *jumps around* there is a Lothere dream topic.
Sad thing only that till now the only dream on Lothere I ever had was months ago! So I don't remember much of it. I think I did mention more somewhere as a reply on a post probably with more details as I remember. *looks it up*
Found it!
I believe Vash, Osh and Paul are my favourite elfs at the moment ^_^ Ah and I like Iylaine too. I remember that I started to read Lothere because of the elfs ending up loving the humans as much too...
Ah, I wish I dreamt of my
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 13:10.Ah, I wish I dreamt of my characters more often! Of course, even when I do I often end up dreaming stupid stuff like Lar looking for prunes. But one time I did get awfully close to Vash's minty-fresh, clean-shaven cheek.
(I won't mention the dream about Saeward, because that was just... too much.)
It's interesting that you started reading for the elves! A lot of people have mentioned that they were dubious about the elves at first... expecting the millionth rehashing of Tolkien's elves. Hopefully I have disappointed neither you nor those people!
You haven't disappointed at
Submitted by Van on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 15:29.You haven't disappointed at all
Yours are probably the least Tolkienesque elves I've ever encountered, unless we count Santa Claus elves (which your elves are also definitely not).
You know, it's funny. I've dreamt about a ton of other people's characters, but never my own. I wonder if anyone else is in the same boat here.
Same here I simply love
Submitted by Miriam on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 18:22.Same here
I simply love your elves. You gave them a nice something. I'm glad they're not in lord of the rings style. Aren't there many different kinds of them? Let me think... Another kind of elves that I adore is in the manga/anime universe in Record of Lodoss war. They have some kind of shamanistic / nature spirits (fairy) magic and uber long ears.
While writing about lodoss elves I suddenly remembered that I had another Lothere dream some time ago. It was about Iylaine. She wanted to go to Vash very badly but couln't. He was in some kind of forest where she couldn't reach him because she wasn't allowed. She still tried everything. Malcolm wanted her to stop (he didn't even like it all from the beginning I believe). In some ways I did make it to Vash to tell him about Iylaine. That she was waiting for him by the same tree every time trying to find a way to contact him. Asking if there could be something done so that she might see him and talk to him even if only for once.
Don't remember any small details anymore so the why this, why that is a mystery to me.
Also I have always been team Vash since the beginning *waves Vash-fanflag*
Still I do adore Malcolm too. But Vash and Iylaine share a birthday with me ;p . Plus that I always thought that Iylaine always longed more for Vash but okays enough about that.
*almost falling asleep while writing* ... It's what you get from staying up at a strange time.
Side note: don't know if there is a topic about it but I love the new layout. When I went through some pages it suddenly changed. It looks good on my iPod will surely see it on my compy when I'm getting on it later.
Aww, that dream is quite
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 18:54.Aww, that dream is quite representative of Iylaine and Vash's story, I think. There was even that willow tree that they used to communicate, by leaving stones for each other. And there was always Malcolm trying to hold Iylaine back from the elves -- telling her all the bad things they have done and so forth. But it is an interesting idea... what WOULD Iylaine say to Vash if she could talk to him "only for once"? Is she still hoping she will have that chance someday?
There's a Verso post about the new chapter layout, if you would like to compliment it or complain. But I am glad you like it.
OH, she is definitely still
Submitted by Tiffany on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 20:15.OH, she is definitely still hoping!
*waves the leafy banner*
Dream #1 - I am in the
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 04/04/2010 - 06:42.Dream #1 - I am in the Kisór compound, except that instead of an ancient rock-cut catacomb it's a massive industrial enterprise, full of steam ducts and metal floor grates and chugging machines. I am trying to sneak around inside, so when some elves come I cram myself into a little niche on the side of a machine. But even though I am sticking halfway out, elves come and go and pass right by me without seeing. I am a little disappointed.
Dream #2 - Aengus and Eadie being pursued by an unknown evil. They are running along the edge of a canyon, which is equipped with lots of rotting rope bridges. In order to escape and save Eadie, Aengus engages in a bit of bridge-jumping-and-destroying worthy of Super Mario Brothers. Even so, Eadie falls and ends up clinging to a bit of bridge, and Aengus does his Indiana Jones impression and swings down on a rope to save her. And so they make it to the floor of the canyon and run away to live happily ever after, we presume.
Moral: Do not eat rhubarb frangipane tart right before bed.
Really bizarre Lothere dream
Submitted by Van on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 11:24.Really bizarre Lothere dream that was a segment of a really bizarre series of dreams. I don't know what I ate last night to inspire this craziness
Okay, so throughout the dream, I kept flipping between the POVs of Ogive's maid and some omniscient being in the sky. So, Ogive and her maid went hunting with Sigefrith, Saeward, Eadred, and Seyert (wtf?). They went into the woods and eventually reached a small house, so they went inside and they all got into this argument over who could shoot the furthest. Sigefrith suggested they have a contest, and the winner gets Saeward's cat as a prize (...). So the house fades into this platform on the top of what could be a nice ski hill today, and they all take their shots. As Ogive's maid, I get sent down to see whose arrow went the furthest. Eadred won, and Saeward was all sad because the cat was his only friend and he wanted to keep her, but Eadred was all "Well, she's my cat now!"
Then, somehow, the cat was on the platform and she jumped off and wandered off in the snow, and they all lost sight of her, since she was a white cat. Eadred and Saeward were both freaking out, so Sigefrith was all "I know! We'll find her by covering the hill with fish and (wait for it) jellybeans!" They all crowed over his genius for a moment, then went off to get the fish and and jellybeans.
Then, Ogive's maid was suddenly at the bottom of the hill again, and Eadwyn emerged from the forest and grabbed her by the arm and said--WORD FOR WORD--"I've earned my pay. Let's get hot chocolate at the Kwik-E-Mart."
And then the dream faded into some other dream that wasn't Lothere-related. Regardless, I was both pleasantly surprised and totally weirded out to wake up and find that I actually remembered this
You win! I don't know what
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 11:29.You win!
I don't know what the cat or jellybeans mean, but anything involving Sigefrith, Eadred, and Saeward is probably homoerotic. Just sayin'.
You do know that Ogive's maid is now Lottie? Lili's former maid who slept with Stein, if not also Eadwyn, Bertie, and/or others? JUST SAYIN'.
It occurs to me that the
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 11:47.It occurs to me that the white cat could also represent Ralf. In which case the homoeroticism only deepens...
Cat=Ralf... love it! It's
Submitted by Van on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 11:55.Cat=Ralf... love it!
It's only now that you mention it that I remembered that Ogive's maid was Lottie. One of those "I knew that, but I didn't know I knew it" sort of things.
I had a dream that I was
Submitted by Cassie on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 08:52.I had a dream that I was being haunted by the ghost of Matilda. It was really weird, especially as she kept changing shape. I think she had braces at one point.
There was also something about this mystical music that, like, summoned her or something. I don't know, I just remember walking around in a castle and there was Matilda again, walking through walls, grinning at me with her braceface. Rather unsettling.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
Somehow I can see Matilda as
Submitted by maruutsu on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 10:10.Somehow I can see Matilda as the type who would wear braces in middle school.
That reminds me, I had a really crazy Lothere dream myself the other week. I was Iylaine, and I was living with Vash and the rest of the khorrón elves in an underground magic land or something. In any case, Vash and Iylaine were married, but they didn't have any children except for Iylaine's illegitimate son with a Scotsman (Duncan??), and apparently the marriage wasn't going so well. At some point, Iylaine ran down the stairs screeching about how Vash could do this to his legitimate wife, and in the dream I realized she was talking about Kraaia.
There was also an alien, Kraken-like monster of some sort (!!!) who was after elves, and if an elf came too close to the surface (suddenly they were underwater!) the monster would seize them with his tentacles and eat them or something.
After some more confusing stuff, Iylaine got sent to the future. I remember thinking in the dream, "Oh, that's great, now we'll get to see her son all grown up," as if I was reading the story or something, but then I was Iylaine again. As Iylaine, I entered the khorrón underground city and found it almost deserted and very modern. To be more specific, it looked a lot like any Western modern-day, small city, except dirtier and emptier. Apparently the khorrón had been overtaken by their enemies (the khirrón?) since Iylaine had been away. I don't remember much else, because after that the dream turned... dirtier. Let's just say Iylaine has no qualms about having sex with strangers.
I dreamt last night that
Submitted by Cassie on Sat, 09/11/2010 - 08:46.I dreamt last night that everyone on this site changed their avatars to pictures of deformed sim babies. It was profoundly unsettling.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
I dreamt last night that I
Submitted by Sam on Tue, 09/14/2010 - 07:06.I dreamt last night that I was reading a chapter on this site and the banner pic was two people, who looked suspiciously like Eirik and Estrid, in bed and in the nude, with another person, who looked a lot like Brede watching them....it was just a little disturbing.
I had this dream a couple of
Submitted by stacysaurus on Sat, 09/18/2010 - 15:35.I had this dream a couple of weeks ago but didn't mention it because it was utterly ridiculous. In the dream, I was seeing things through the eyes of Eirik (yet I was somehow seeing Eirik himself at the same time... weird how dreams are!) Anyway, I could feel Eirik's love and longing for someone (not Siggy!!) as he was heading toward a glass house that was breaking down yet being built at the same time. Whoever he was longing for was inside that house. I couldn't see the person inside because of all the reflections, and I could feel how badly Eirik just wanted to see the face of his love. I mean, it was like so intense that it felt like my heart was breaking. Anyway, he stood right in front of the house as it was shattering around him and put his hand up against the glass, and then I saw another hand reach up to touch the glass from the other side, and then I was Eirik and I could see the person through the glass. And GUESS WHO IT WAS, this person that Eirik was sooooo in love with.
C'mon, guess.
Anyway as soon as I saw Carebear's face I was myself again and fell to my knees and yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOO", shaking my fists at both the sky and Eirik. Then I woke up and was like "wtf" and got up to go to work.
CORNBALL! I can see it now.
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 09/18/2010 - 16:54.CORNBALL! I can see it now. And was it the old, freaky-looking Cearball too?
That dream is hilarious! Though it's such a pity you didn't have such a gorgeous, non-hilarious, shattering-glass dream about Eirik and Sigi. Lately the only place they stand to meet is in Stacy's dreams.
Not to steal your thunder (as if THAT'S possible after such blockbuster-special-effects craziness) I had a weird dream not long ago about Alred and Hetty. I dreamt that I was in their castle, and I opened this door, and I saw Hetty cheating on Alred with a certain man. And I was thinking "OH CRAP Alred is going to be devastated."
They didn't notice me, so I closed the door and tiptoed down the hall. And who should I run into but Alred? I tried to distract him, but I was seriously nervous that he was going to get past me and open that door.
The weird thing is -- the man that Hetty was cheating on Alred with WAS ALRED HIMSELF.
Maybe there is some message from my subconscious in that, but it was so weird that I had to prevent Alred from finding out about this love affair of Hetty's. With him.
I also had another dream that Leof was in. I don't remember much about that because I spent most of the time thinking about how incredibly magnetic he was. And huge. I mostly just basked in his presence.
Aaaand last night I had a dream where Finn was in prison, and Gwynn wanted to write him a letter. So I sat down at my computer and started getting her set up to type a letter, and I was using the exact same program I use to write the story. And I remember thinking, "Hmm is she going to know how to use this program?" And at that point I must have realized that it was really weird to have a character from my story getting ready to sit down in my chair and effectively start typing the story for me. And that's when I got so confused I woke up.
Gwynn was so cute though! So earnest! So affected by a certain boy's plight!
If he went to prison for
Submitted by Tiffany on Sat, 09/18/2010 - 18:48.If he went to prison for something HONORABLE. Oh the rapture
I FINALLY had a Lothere
Submitted by Alicia on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 14:29.I FINALLY had a Lothere Dream the other night! Well, actually I don't know if I've had one before. I only remember my dreams if I get woken up in the middle of the them. So, alas, I don't have much to report, but this is what I remember. Alred, Sigefrith and Cenwulf were getting their troops ready for battle. They each had their own men, and Sigefrith was irritated because Caedwulf was supposed to be getting his troops ready, but instead he was off doing something else.
That's all I remember. Not really that exciting or glamorous, but I was still SUPER excited to realize I actually had a dream I could remember with Lothere characters, however vauge and uninteresting it was.
I think we can all guess
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 15:24.I think we can all guess what Caedwulf was "off doing."
Ha! Yeah that was my thought
Submitted by Alicia on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 15:51.Ha! Yeah that was my thought too, once I woke up.
Be thankful you didn't dream
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 09/20/2010 - 16:12.Be thankful you didn't dream of Caedwulf, in that case!
I didn't know there was a
Submitted by Bastet on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 23:53.I didn't know there was a Lotherian dream thread! Last week I had one, and I'm surprised I haven't forgotten it by now. Unfortunately, it's my only L. D. to date
Anyway, I was a new Saracen character (a teenage girl that looked like a mini Leila) and I was standing alone in the snow near the pool where Anson and the other kids tortured Iylaine in that one chapter. Then all the 2nd gen Lothere kids started walking toward me out of the fog, which was pretty creepy, and all this drama started randomly playing out. Finn started kissing Gwynn, which got Cedric REALLY MAD because apparently (Domnall forgotten, he wasn't there
) he was her boyfriend. Instead of pulling him off of her, he was like "I'll show YOU!" and started kissing me. This got Cubby mad and so he ran off to build a snow fort without us, which I realized was why we were here in the first place. Then Connie started doing the Scottish woman keening like someone died, and Emma slapped me, turned into Leofric, and said, "Son of a serpent! Why, you Saracen slut?!"
I don't know. I think my Fwynn! obsession has been getting to me
Woah, that's some dream!
Submitted by Ann on Sun, 12/12/2010 - 02:22.Woah, that's some dream!
After all, it's DESTINY!
Personally, I think you can never have too much Fwynn obsession.
The new Saracen character thing sounds interesting. Maybe you were a relative of Leila? Younger sister maybe? Or niece? Would be kind of weird though, with Cedric kissing you, since you'd be related too.
Emma turning into Leofric souns so funny. Small Emma growing into huge brute Leofric. ^^ I don't know what I'd do if I saw that happen. I guess it won't be so funny in reality. And having Leofric roar at me like that would most probably make me faint.
I had a bit of a Lothere dream myself tonight actually. I don't remember much, except that I looked at the homepage and there was a new banner. "Yay! New chappy!" I thought and clapped my hands in excitement. And then I was sucked into the banner and watched mayhem descend. The rest is kind of a blur, because there was so much happening at once. I think someone was brawling (Malcolm and someone else?), a few girls and women were crying (I think I remember some scottisch keening as well, although I never heard anything like that in real life.), and Dante stood not too far from me, watching the others and looking very satisfied with himself.
That's when I woke up all bleary-eyed, took a look out the window, turned around and fell back asleep. ^^ I'm surprised I even remember.
Bastet, my favorite part of
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 12/12/2010 - 06:35.Bastet, my favorite part of your dream is where Cubby runs off to play a childish game -- to hide how heartbroken he is because Cedric kissed New Saracen Girl instead of him! *wipes Cubric tear*
Emma turning into Leof is a close second. If any child of the current generation could spontaneously turn into Leof, I think it would be Princess Impish the Unbearable.
Ann, I'm working on the next chapter... I swear!
I know it's a little late to
Submitted by Chammalia on Fri, 12/17/2010 - 07:37.I know it's a little late to comment on your dream, but I still hope it is a hint from your subconscious to get Vash and Iylaine together. But if it's because you want him for yourself, I can understand you - He is cute, but still I feel sorry for him because he is all alone.
A couple of weeks ago I
Submitted by Joseph on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 12:36.A couple of weeks ago I dreamt that Vashmalaina were in a band. Iylaine was the singer/diva Vash was on guitar and Malcolm was on drums. Halfway through the 4 old men (Sigefrith, Leofric, Alred and Egelric) joined them.
I haven't touched hot chocolate since then
Sounds like a case of
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 03/02/2011 - 12:38.Sounds like a case of http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FiveManBand
Throw in Cenwulf to make it
Submitted by Seiza on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 05:32.Throw in Cenwulf to make it five, and now I can't sleep until I've fit them into their tropey-band -- a good, old, bearded, middle-aged band. With drainpipe jeans and dreadlocks.
I had one last night! It was
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 04:29.I had one last night! It was odd. Cathal was sitting on an off-white floral couch-- A sort of contemporary grandma sofa. The room was completely white and empty and it was just him on the couch, smiling.
Cathal SMILING? You should
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 05:17.Cathal SMILING? You should have woke up right there.
It's an ill wind that blows
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 05/11/2011 - 05:20.It's an ill wind that blows no good!
I didn't have a dream about
Submitted by PorkWithBones on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 20:42.I didn't have a dream about Lothere, but I did find myself calling our smallest turtle Alred this evening.
Last night I had another
Submitted by Bastet on Mon, 08/08/2011 - 14:13.Last night I had another Lothere dream! I was staying at Lady Eadgith's house (Raegiming?), and she gave me a laptop and told me to type up all the foods I could eat (I'm vegetarian) and all the pets that I liked so she could have them brought there. Then she left the room, and when I worked my way towards the subject of Thai food (I love Thai food so much I dream about it, apparently) I heard a scream.
Then I was suddenly Cedric, and I discovered Eadgith lying sick in a corridor. So I grabbed the nearest telephone and called Iylaine, who immediately appeared and told me to go wait on the back porch. Where there was a blizzard.
So I went out and waited in the storm, watching Lady Eadgith's nice patio furniture being ruined, and when Iylaine came back out, I was all surprised because for some reason I thought she was taking Eadgith back with her through the blizzard to her house. Her hair was in a long braid like Orlaith's. She said Eadgith would be fine, and "Of course I'm not taking her back to my house! Vash is there right now and she might tell Malcolm!" She disappeared into the storm. Then I crawled under the padded deck bench and had a conversation with Egelric, who fit there just fine.
That was when I woke up.
Here may we sit and view their toil
That travail in the deep,
And joy the day in mirth the while,
And spend the night in sleep.
I just had a super vague
Submitted by Dominiquex on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 20:52.I just had a super vague dream last night that I woke up feeling, I dunno, gasp-y from. It wasn't a true Lothere dream, but just about me reading - no, watching - the late-march '86 Vash-Iylaine chapters and being so upset all over again at the events that transpired. I woke up with a "I need to tell Lothere what happened! She needs to help them!" conviction - as if Jen-Lothere didn't already know and was a person in valley-Lothere (but maybe a super-powerful, beyond-Sigfrith higher power?) who could step in and have a heart-to-heart with each of them.
I fought this conviction all day, but just failed and posted on the relevant chapter.
I had one the night before
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 06:26.I had one the night before last! Sort of. I dreamed that I was running away from a fanatical sect of some kind that wanted to kill me (either as a sacrifice or to prevent something from happening-- I was unclear about their MO) because I bled a clear, water-like substance instead of blood. At a truck stop in a town that closely resembled Twin Peaks, someone handed me a few torn pages of a note from Alred. The note was written on yellow block note paper and the pages were numbered (which was how I knew that I was missing most of the letter). The bits of the letter that I received were totally illegible though. I remember reading the words, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" but the rest was just scribbles. I woke up yesterday morning thinking that Alred had finally cracked.
Also, I just re-read Devin's rosette dream and laughed my tookus off. Tukus? Tookis? Does anyone speak Yiddish?
I believe it's "tuchus,"
Submitted by PorkWithBones on Wed, 02/15/2012 - 13:24.I believe it's "tuchus," Penelope. Your description of the letter, with its scribbles, makes me think of Alred doodling monkeys in Sigefrith's ledgers.
So I had a fun one last
Submitted by Morgaine2005 on Mon, 03/05/2012 - 19:43.So I had a fun one last night.
First of all, Jenny was on an updating spree. She uploaded somewhere in the neighborhood of ten chapters in a single night. And I was reading chapter after chapter after chapter. And of course, it cut off at a perfect cliffhanger, or at least my dream did.
Anyway, I think it all started with Malcolm coming home (to Lothere) and being greeted and welcomed back by everybody. My simself may or may not have been part of the crowd. Everybody was fawning over Malcolm but Iylaine. She was hanging back, hesitant. Then she moved away, down a set of stairs -- and here is where it gets a bit odder -- I remember calling her name and wanting to go after her, make sure that she was all right. But then I felt silly, since it's a story and I can't interfere with it. Oh, and everybody somehow heard me call after her and try to interfere. However, Jenny told me not to worry about it, since just about anybody seeing how much distress Iylaine was in would want to go after her and keep her from doing anything rash.
Then a bunch of other stuff happened in the middle that I don't really remember. (Sorry, it's a dream.) But Iylaine was acting odder and odder. And then ... do not ask me how this happened ... but she suffocated a real jerkass with her leg. He was in a sunken hot tub at the time (it was a CC hot tub that looked like a hot spring), and she was somehow standing on the water over his dead body. His name was Lovelace, Norman Lovelace, I believe. I remember thinking that Lovelace was not a medieval name.
But see, it might or might not have been Iylaine -- she might have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time -- or she might have been under the mind control of an evil witch. Yes, there was an evil witch. Complete with Maxis green skin and the green glow, and the hat and the costume and everything. She was also in a "computer" pose in the one picture I remember seeing of her. I remember that post was really short, basically saying, "Hey, there's a Wizard-of-Oz-Green evil witch around, and she may or may not be mind-controlling Iylaine." Only better.
Then, of course, everybody is freaking out about the murder and somehow the characters have found out about the evil witch. It turns out that Sigefrith has known about her for a while; he had defeat her somehow when he first moved into the valley, but didn't tell anybody about it. Then, as they're all dithering over what to do, somebody calls in two people from the next room. They're two characters from my blog. For those of you who read it, the characters were Jessie and Will. For those of you who don't, all you really need to know is that Jessie and Will are married, Jessie is a good witch, and Will has no magic at all but a good head on his shoulders. Oh, and Jessie is a princess.
Jessie starts questioning most people, mainly Sigefrith, about the witch. Then she finds out that he knew about her, had faced her before. Then ... she starts berating him for not having killed the witch properly the first time. Those of you who read my blog may or may not be surprised by that, but I sure wasn't.
Then, just as Sigefrith was looking really uncomfortable under the onslaught ... my alarm went off and I had to go to work.
And that was the start of my Monday morning.
Wow. That is epic. And
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 04:37.Wow.
That is epic. And there was so much of it!
Also, I find it amusing/alarming that so many people are beginning to lose confidence in Sigefrith's leadership abilities lately. His own guards, my readers, characters from other stories...
I finally had another
Submitted by acekay on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 05:57.I finally had another Lothere dream last night. I went to a high school where all the teachers were Lothere characters. Alred was the English/drama teacher, Cenwulf was the drone-y history teacher. Leofric the phys ed teacher and Sigefrith was the principal. I gotta say I had never been more interested in an English class before.
Nice! You just had a dream
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 07:07.Nice! You just had a dream about one of the recurring subjects in the chat: Which adult character teaches which class at Lothere High?
I think you are spot on with your teachers there.
Last night, I dreamed that
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 07:18.Last night, I dreamed that the story updated. I just remember lots of pictures of Aengus looking foolish.