"Poetry is not only something to be written, dear Lili, but to be lived."
My favorite skins

Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 04/26/2008 - 16:22.
Sorry no new chapter today, it was paying-my-taxes day.
But I have something that might interest some of you, particularly Karen, since she just asked about what skins I'm using. I've started a database of my skins and eyes so that I can keep track of people's genes (and figure out which ones I'm not using so I can delete them...)
You can browse the user-unfriendliness of it all here: http://www.lothere.com/demographics/sims-cc/
I am also beginning to add info about my Sims, which you can see here: http://www.lothere.com/demographics/sim/
Eventually I will move all of my data about my Sims and genetics into there... right now it is spread out over three or four text files and spreadsheets, and I would love to have all of that consolidated and queryable (and sharable!) but it will take some time. (And I have filled out enough forms today, thank you very much! )
To answer Karen's question in a more user friendly manner, however, I'll write a quick summary of my skin situation.
As you can see from my database, my skins are almost all from Enayla or from jwilson5. I have a few more skins that aren't in there yet, but already I've covered nearly all of them. (I haven't yet added all the eyes, though, because I have around 100-150 files, which I have to open one-by-one in SimPE to get the GUID.)
Enayla is the skin goddess... just go to her profile on mts2 and start downloading. I have -- and have used on characters -- almost every one of her skins that is not fantasy and that is a skin color within the range of what might show up in my ethnically un-diverse universe. I could try to tell you my favorites, but that would consist of "All". (OK, maybe Pixie Rust if I had to say... so sexy on those Scots.)
As for jwilson5, she made some hairy skins out of Louis's lovely #7 set, plus did the fiddly stuff like removing the navel piercing and moving the nipples around a bit to line up with Warlock's high-res meshes. She also did some skins that include textures for the "anatomically correct" Very Special Clothing for men that I may have muttered about before as having scarred my eyes with the Imin + high-definition textured skin + anatomical correctness combo.
So if you want to click on any of the links below, you must either be over 18, or don't tell 'em I sent you...
For starters, I have her skins as my default replacements, downloadable from Sexy Sims 2. I am using the Light, Mid, Tan, and Dark versions. I mention this because a lot of the Louis default sets have Louis's "dark tan" as the replacement for the default tan, and it is really darker than the game version, so the difference is quite a shock. I had this problem with my old default replacements... Gunnilda and Imin were both way-dark.
The default skins are hairless except for down there, though, so if it's a hairy guy, I use SimPE to change to one of her hairy, non-default skins. Comes in brown body hair and black body hair versions, for the various skin colors. I know it creeps some people out, but I find the shaved-body look a lot creepier. And come on look at that guy!!!
I also have a red-haired Louis skin, by someone else I think, but I haven't added that to the database yet. If you're desperate for that, let me know and I (or Verity I hear she has a thing for hairy red-headed Sims) will look it up.
Enayla's skins are, sadly, hairless, and I would like to do something about that someday, but I only have so much time... I did miss the hair on Egelric when he was in bed with Maire, though. *sigh*
I have a very small number of skins that are not by those two creators... the main one that comes to mind is Leila's. Her skin is a little flat compared to my more "modern" skins, but without it, it would not be Leila any more, so she gets to keep it. Lissa has it too. Brede & Estrid's young son Daeglan has a different skin, too -- since it makes him look kind of dull-headed, I let him keep it when I was cleaning out my old skins.
Oh, and if there are any Sims you want me to add right off so you can inspect their skin, eyes, and genes, let me know. Otherwise they will probably get added in the order that I need them. But I have something extra to say about the Connie Sim, which I will probably do a post on tomorrow.
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Thanks so much! I've been
Submitted by Karen on Sun, 04/27/2008 - 09:51.Thanks so much! I've been downloading like crazy. Not sure if I'm ever going to start my story. I love the writing and all, but I'm not great with the scene setting / photography part. It might give me something to do while I wait between Lothere updates, though!
There is a mod, and forgive
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 19:03.There is a mod, and forgive me for not remembering where I got it from (my computer is still packed up from moving or I would check), that will let you add hair to any male sim. It has options for the degree of hairiness too. Though, I'm not entirely sure how it works with naked clothes. I haven't tried it a ton as I got way too busy with school and then moving.
And yeah... that picture. Yum. That would make a lovely wallpaper.
That sounds like exactly the
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 03:18.That sounds like exactly the mod I was trying to make! Someone made a mod that uses the same technique as the sunburn overlay to apply tattoos, and it seemed like it ought to work for body hair too. I followed the tutorial to change the "tattoos" to another texture, but something didn't work.
I am sure someone more clever than I with modding already had the same idea, though, so if you could find that mod again I would be so grateful!
When my brother gets home
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 12:07.When my brother gets home from work I'll see if he can hook my cpu up to his monitor for a few minutes so I can look. I have a feeling I got it at one of the adult sites, and there is no way in hell I am going there on my parents computer.
Ok. So, I called my brother
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 12:20.Ok. So, I called my brother and he told me just to use his computer. So here's the link for ya...
YES!!! That is exactly what
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 12:38.YES!!! That is exactly what I spent an entire Saturday trying to make! Now Egelric and the various Malcolms can be all hairy again! *joy!* I foresee a lot of shirtless Sims in our future. Don't spend all those karma points in one place now.
Glad I could be of help! And
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 18:41.Glad I could be of help! And let me be the first to say, yay for shirtless sims!
The good news is: IT
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 11:21.The good news is: IT WORKS!!
The bad news is: it doesn't work for everybody. I tried it on Egelric and Leofric first, and it didn't do anything. Then I tried it on some of my most recently created characters -- Saeward, Enna of Leinster, and still-hot-out-of-the-oven Robert Curthose -- and it worked GREAT.
So now I have to figure out what's up. I read that this mod assigns the body hair color based on the Sim's hair color, so maybe there is a problem with Egelric and Leof wearing a custom, non-color-binned hair? I think my other three test subjects are all wearing binned hair. I will also look at their genetics and see if there's a difference. In the worst case (like maybe the Sims are just too damned old) I can always clone their looks onto new Sims with SimPE.
Ach, couldn't you have
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 12:20.Ach, couldn't you have picked a more phowary model? I'm in the airport and if I'm going to be caught in public looking at a half-naked sim, that sim ought to at least look like Malcolm!
I suspect that Malcolm would
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 12:33.I suspect that Malcolm would have had the same problem as Egelric and Leofric. I really did try to strike a balance between age of Sim and relative phwoariness when I picked Saeward, I swear!
Seriously, not even a little phwoar for Mysterious Reeve?
Nah... I think maybe it's
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 19:16.Nah... I think maybe it's the hair and the beard but he's not do'n it for me. I don't know how other people think he rates on the Phowar scale.
HA! And I had no idea that you quoted my ridiculous bunny dance instructions. What a silly thing to go down in Lothere forum history for.
Now, I really like Saeward's
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 19:33.Now, I really like Saeward's beard, so obviously phwoariness is in the eye of the beholder. I would love to get a handful of that and give it a tug.
I do agree about the hair, however, it's a little flippy and pixie-like and, oh, sexually ambiguous. It probably looks better after he has slept in it though.
It works! It works! I just
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 08:34.It works! It works! I just had to open Egelric's character file in SimPE and change the haircolor string to default black. Apparently the body hair won't work unless the Sim had binned hair at the time he was created in CAS (or at the time he was born in-game I suppose). Or, unless you edit it yourself in SimPE.
Egelric is the angriest Sim I ever saw.
...... and yet, there's a
Submitted by Sonia on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 08:41....... and yet, there's a smouldering quality about him too. Guess he doesn't like being confronted 'half naked' (or is that 'fully' naked?
) and asked to pose for the camera
Well done. I wouldn't know where to begin with simPE, personally. I'd be afraid of really screwing things up.
I'd better start running before Egelric tries to punch me in the face
who's house is that in the
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 09:21.who's house is that in the background?
That's the house of Atheric
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 09:58.That's the house of Atheric the sculptor. I've been working a lot on the village below Nothelm Keep these last weeks, starting with the wealthy street, Matildasweg. Mainly because that's where Shirtless K. McSilversmith is going to be moving in.
Oh heavens, that man is
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 10:32.Oh heavens, that man is sexy. *fans self* The angry face only makes it better.
I have a sim that's angry all the time for seemingly no reason, too! Like, what's up with dat, EAxis?
Lothere has an illuminator? I thought that illuminations were done by monks? Or is my time period/geography off?
Wow, this village is so
Submitted by François on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 12:12.Wow, this village is so beautiful ! You must have had spent so much time to do it. Did you do the interiors too ? Will you give us a tour of the village ?
~Your French Friend~
Consider this your tour,
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 12:44.Consider this your tour, François.
I haven't done the interiors, and won't do them except as needed for stories. That would multiply the work by five!
Actually I probably will post some looking-up-and-down-the-street pictures at some point, but I will have to take some first.
Penelope, I'm sure most illuminators were monks, but I can't see a reason why they all had to be. It is not inherently a religious task. Plenty of non-religious books were made in this time, including bestiaries and herbals and even books of stories and poems and (sometimes hilariously vulgar) riddles. Old English had a remarkably rich literature for a vernacular language.
In the case of Lothere we have a very small monastery with not enough manpower to necessarily get into bookmaking, plus a prolific writer / voracious reader / wealthy gentleman located in Nothelm Keep. So I figure conditions are ideal for illuminators, copyists, and bookbinders to set up shop at the bottom of the hill. Remember there aren't any publishers -- if Alred wants to send someone a book, he has to get a couple of men to copy it, illustrate it, and bind it first. His repeated requests for Malo and "his remarkably fair hand" to come work for him are not just out of kindness or pity.
So once you have a patron with money to spend, you need to find someone with the skills. I haven't really given much thought to the biographies of the Lotherian book artisans, but several abbeys were sacked in the Northeast in this period, so there might be former monks on the move, plus the Culdee monestaries in the Borderlands are under a lot of pressure from the Scottish king to change their ways and get with the times, or get out. So maybe they're former monks. Or maybe they're just among the very small number of secular illuminators that might possibly have lived in England at this time. They may even have followed Sigefrith in search of freedom -- it's safe to say only the Anglo-Saxon nobility could have supported such a trade, so after the Conquest, those guys either had to find new patrons or find new jobs.
I had better stop now before I justify myself into writing chapters about the life and times of a Lotherian illuminator.
hahaha Oh, no! The life of
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 13:26.hahaha Oh, no! The life of an illuminator had to be extra, extra boring. I've seen the Book of Kells! Work like that does not just happen overnight. And probably also happened in complete silence.
But I'm fairly certain that you could provide us with a compelling narrative about an illuminator. For some reason, when I try to picture a story about an illuminator, it involves a passionate but somehow taboo romance. I can just see him caught in the throes of a violent and destructive passion, set atop a cluttered, candle-lit desk.
I also saw the Book of Kells
Submitted by François on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 00:13.I also saw the Book of Kells when I visited Ireland. The thing I love is that villages weren't very common in these times (for France and Italy, though) and the very concept of living together just began to appear. People get living under the protection of castle or church for they won't be attacked if a church was near their house (in France, still, but Britain might have been different and more reluctant to non-pagan religion). It's great to see that in former Lothere, people lived in isolated farms (like Gunnie, Egelric, and so on ...) and that now they get organised in villages and castles. You really follow the track of time !
~Your French Friend~
Well, Penelope, my Lotherian
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 04:44.Well, Penelope, my Lotherian illuminator is a widower, so he could be having a passionate affair... with a married woman, say. Like the supposedly puritanical wife of Alred's grim steward.
And his young apprentice had his first child at 15 so he probably got into some interesting desktop situations as well.
It's funny, though, the person I imagined having a passionate, illicit affair among throngs of lit candles was Shirtless K. I started decorating his house with his wares, and of course you can't have those candlesticks in the game without the candles stuck in them, so it looks like the guy must invest in dozens of wax candles to dazzle people with the beauty of his work when people come in to shop. And to distract them from the awesomeness of his naked chest. But oh my God at night that place looks like a Den of Looooove if I ever saw one. (Which I haven't, OK?) It just needs rose petals strewn upon the floor.
François, the mindset in 11th century Scotland, the coasts of northern England, and especially Man and Ireland was probably rather different from what it was in Italy and France. The people lived in fear of Viking raids, so they were already banding into small, fortified communities long before I started this story. Quite a few of the very, very old Anglo-Saxon stone churches looked more like early castles than churches. They were built to be defensible. And the sort of tall, round stone tower like the one Eirik was imprisoned in were built in many Irish and Manx monasteries to give the monks a place to watch for Vikings, and to hide in if they came. (They readily killed monks and sacked and burned churches.) Oftentimes there would not even be a door on the bottom floor, and you could only get inside by climbing a ladder that the monks would bring inside if they were under attack. Unfortunately if the Vikings could get a fire lit in the tower, the whole thing acted like a chimney instead, and the monks got burned alive.
This is actually useful information to keep in mind as you're reading the story. According to our history books, the Viking reign of terror is over, but think about how the situation looks to the Gaels of the 11th century. The Irish and the Manxmen and the Scots finally get their countries back from the Norsemen, and then along comes men like Whitehand and Eirik with their fleets. They've already taken Man. For all anyone knows, the terror is beginning again.
Lothere has so many external
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 07:44.Lothere has so many external threats that it's a wonder that the country has lasted 20 years. And then there are of course the internal threats, what with all of those seedy-type folk living there now. And the occasional serial killer.
What does the "K" in Shirtless K stand for? Kilted? Potassium? If I were him, I wouldn't bother trying to distract people from the magnificence of my bare chest. It could be a major selling point.
Never seen a love den, eh? Me neither but now I want to see one! It would be a hilarious experience.
Cumbria was surprisingly
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 10:48.Cumbria was surprisingly neglected during this time period. King William never really got his hands on it, and it was sort of left to the "tender mercies" of the Scots. (Who, as you know, have something of a reputation for raping and pillaging in these parts.)
In terms of the story, Sigefrith has been hiding out in Aed's shadow for most of the time, though lately the situation is getting somewhat reversed and Sigefrith is becoming more influential due to his ability to squeeze the most out of his distant blood ties to foreign nobles, and generally speaking his ability to network.
He is such a schmoozer.
Of course it should be obvious how fragile a kingdom built up on diplomatic alliances can be. He doesn't have a powerful army, and he doesn't even have access to the sea except through the benevolence of the lords that live between him and the coast and who will (he hopes) allow him to march to the sea if necessary to move his army by ship. And of course Whitehand's benevolence in terms of allowing any ships of his to sail.
Next year things should get quite interesting in that respect. Sigefrith is counting on having that march to the sea open to him, plus Eirik being at the coast waiting for him with troop ships. Otherwise he is going to have a devil of a time getting any aid to the Danish king's invasion, and if he doesn't help out, he knows he's not going to get a piece of the spoils. (Of course he is hoping to get Hwaelnaess back, or more...)
Sigefrith is actually spending a lot of time pacing the floor at night and doing whatever nervous habits he does, worrying about how he's going to pull this off. But only Malcolm and Eadie know the truth of that.
As for Shirtless K, the K was supposed to be for Kilted, but now I keep thinking of "Special K" with that giant red K on the box... hmm I am tempted to give him some unpronounceable eight-syllable foreign name beginning with K, and have the local folks start calling him "Shirtless K" for real...
He can be a formidable challenger to Beddy in the Shirtless Stakes.
Sea ? Ships ? You should
Submitted by François on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:09.Sea ? Ships ? You should definitely use this boat of Bon Voyage (or other if it exist) to do some sea scenes ! I would like so much to see Eirik on a ship, fighting pirates !
~Your French Friend~
Me toooooo. Eirik +
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:31.Me toooooo. Eirik + pirates...**sigh** That sounds oh-so badass. Like Eirik himself, of course.
It's not that he's all that conventionally attractive - he's got a rather horsey face and I'm not a big fan of blonds - but he's so completely full of awesome that I love him all the same.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
Argh, Whitehand?!? He's such
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:35.Argh, Whitehand?!? He's such a bastard and he's holding the keys to Sigefrith's naval defenses?
I'm a little torn about all of this. I understand why Sigefrith would want Hwaelnaess back but how would he govern it? That could easily spell disaster. Not to mention the risk he's taking in trying to reclaim it. Or even how he would defend it.
I don't have BV yet anyway,
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 12:47.I don't have BV yet anyway, but even so I think chapters at sea are out of my league. Sims 2 doesn't lend itself to outdoor scenes anyway, unless you can't see the landscape for the trees and buildings. I would love to do some, but I can't even begin to imagine how I would pull it off.
I don't think Sigefrith would personally go back to Hwaelnaess unless he got a bigger chunk of earth out of the deal than Lothere. If he was made an earl on the scale of Harold in his Earl of Wessex days, he might reconsider, but I think he does like being a king. However, Hwaelnaess would be a perfect place for Caedwulf to cut his teeth, and in later years it could be Drage's inheritance, assuming of course that Caedwulf does not die without issue. Hwaelnaess would be a great base from which to attack OR defend London too.
The situation with Whitehand is getting delicate, and Eirik is about to make it a lot worse. Sigefrith is going to have to choose between them. We'll see how he balances loyalty, diplomacy, family, and pragmatism.
What has Whitehand done to become such a bastard, though, really? He didn't let the men rape Sigi after all, and he's perfectly correct in looking at Eirik as a threat. If anything he has simply handled the threat in the wrong way, and made things worse for himself. Also, he is pretty hot.
Oh Whitehand comes off as
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 13:04.Oh Whitehand comes off as such a bastard. However, maybe that's just because I'm partial to Erik.
Ok so I did a little internet search. Here are some difficult to pronounce foreign medieval names that begin with K:
Kocelj- slavic orgin.
Kalogurag- russian
Katorzhnoi- russian
Khabarshchikov- russian
It would be difficult to
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 13:25.It would be difficult to get a Slav or Russian all the way to Lothere, though we do know they get around since Leofwine broke his leg jousting with a guy from Kiev.
BUT! It would be tough to explain the kilt.
Actually I was thinking of making him a Manxman, maybe one with some Norse ancestry or from a Norse-speaking area, but with a Gaelic name. So, written phonetically, it would come out with a K, like Kjarval for Cearball or Konkovar for Cecily's father (if memory serves) for Connchobar.
Some nice tongue twister like Cú Coicéle or Cú Crúachu, that makes people go "What?" every time he tries to tell his name... heheh He would learn to say "Just call me K."
Ah yes, the kilt! D'uh! He
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 14:08.Ah yes, the kilt! D'uh! He has to be a Gael or possibly a Celt.
I looked at some Manx names. There was a shocking lack of K's.
hehe Those proposed Scottish names sound like sneezing.
Those proposed Russian names
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 16:33.Those proposed Russian names sound like hacking up a hairball!
It is very hard to find info about Manx names, or Man in general. The only site I have bookmarked with Manx names is here. Though they date from much later, you can see the Gaelic influence. At least if you are familiar with old Gaelic names and know how they are pronounced.
I freely use Old Irish words and names in my story for any of the three tribes of Gaels, since in 1100 the 3 languages were practically the same. An Irish Gaelic-speaker and a Scottish Gaelic-speaker would have understood each other much better then than now. And I would bet there was a strong feeling of brotherhood as a result, in the cases where they actually met each other, and given that they were constantly being attacked by Vikings etc. during much of the early Middle Ages. As Cearball said to Hetty: "We're all Gaels." Not to be confused with the dastardly Welshmen.
The letter K did not exist in Gaelic, but the Norsemen didn't have C, so that's what they used for a hard C-sound. So I am just picking names starting with C and working from there. Now that I've started, I'm going to have to come up with a doozy for the poor gentleman.
Crap, I was writing a
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 08/22/2008 - 18:53.Crap, I was writing a response, then my mother took my computer to check her mail and closed my window! I have no clue what I was going to say!
But anyway, I can't wait to see the resulting name. Poor guy. I hope that the name is ridiculous enough that we can pull lots of dirty nicknames out of it. Cearball shouldn't have the monopoly on unfortunate nicknames!
I found it.
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 07:57.I found it.
Oh dear. *cue
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 08:40.Oh dear. *cue lightning*
When can we expect to see Shirtless K in all of his shirtless glory?
Definitely before Christmas.
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 12:39.Definitely before Christmas. I am starting to see how to work him into the story. I should save him for a point where we need some comic relief.
I shudder to think about
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 13:08.I shudder to think about what we'll need to be relieved from.