"Sometimes I wish you were an ordinary girl."
Match-meeting discussion

Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 10:46.
This is not "Match-making discussion". We do that in every other forum thread. No! This is a thread in response to a comment from Lydia on "Lasrua is not willing":
I would really love it if one of the several womanizing men of Lothere were to meet their match (Malcolm, Leofric, I’m looking at you.) By that I mean, someone who could say, “Don’t you smolder at me! I know what you’re doing and it’s repulsive,” and then walk off cool as you please. I dream of Hetty doing it but it doesn’t seem in character. Ogive, now - that could work.
My response was that Ogive isn't likely to inspire lustful thoughts in one of the aforementioned men, and as for Leofric, not only is he otherwise occupied at the moment, but he also has a good sense of which women are attracted to him and so he wouldn't get into that situation.
Malcolm likewise is sort of taken at the moment.
As for Caedwulf, I would have had a good opportunity with Cecily if only she lived in Lothere and he could spend some time pursuing her. But I won't rule him out (with another woman, or maybe even with Cecily after she's had second thoughts, but logistically, due to the hundreds of miles of distance, that seems a very difficult pursuit to pursue).
Anyway, I think it would be fun to do such a storyline. So does anyone have any ideas? For the womanizer (maybe Egelric? or Caedwulf or Selwyn?) and for the woman likewise.
There's always Margaret and Blocky, I suppose he could get obsessed with her now (but she's a little young yet).
And I think if Connie really got backed into a corner, she could bite.
And I keep thinking about those two young widow healers out there...
So, if you like, discuss.
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I for once have no
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 11:12.I for once have no suggestions, Cecily is now carrying Ceadwulf's child and that's good enough for me. But isn't it possible for her to move to Lothere?
What about Yware and Connie or Yware and Ullach?
Oh man, I would love to see
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 11:18.Oh man, I would love to see that happen to Egelric! Only, Egelric might bite back just for the hell of it. I could see this happening to Cearball. He isn't a womanizer per se but he does flirt pretty heavily.
As is often noted, there aren't many older (and by older, I mean 18-35) single women in Lothere. And the younger ones have had so much trouble with the men recently.
Kraaia would definitely snap at a man who tried anything but she's pretty young.
What about Sonia? Where is she right now?
Maybe Lena? But I couldn't see anyone hitting on her.
Lothere needs some new adult women (not just for this but because the men are threatening to rip the young girls in two).
Yware is not a bad idea,
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 11:55.Yware is not a bad idea, since I already sort of had the idea that he has Alred's flirtiness without Alred's sensitivity and delicacy of feeling. However, he's in Denmark right now and I can't get him to Lothere any sooner than next spring. It would certainly serve him right though -- the big city slicker waltzing into the valley and getting a slate broken over his head by a little provincial girl.
I could see it happening to Cearball too... I do have the feeling he flirts blindly, never knowing whether the woman is attracted to him or not -- the opposite of Leofric -- and just happens to have a lot of luck because he is a rather handsome fellow. I am sure he gets bopped over the head on occasion too. But I don't want to do that to him right now because he now has a nemesis in the form of Egelric, and that's not going to be funny.
As for Egelric, it would probably depend on the woman too much to say. He seems to think they're mostly all depraved, so if he found one who protested that she was not, he might try to prove to her she was, as he did with Maire. I don't think Egelric is in a mood to have his little theory about women disproven. That's another case where it probably would be more agonizing to watch, rather than an amusing little serves-you-right tale.
If by Sonia you mean Sophie, she's staying with Edris right now since Stein is still on Eirik's island with him. Hmm I don't know -- she would definitely bite back if a man tried to hit on her, and not only because she's Sophie but also because she's rather in love with Stein. However, would a man would hit on a woman who literally killed her first husband?
Lena would be an interesting choice. I could certainly imagine men hitting on her since she's just a mistress. She's quite loyal to Aengus on one hand, but then again she has been raised up to be a concubine, so who knows how she would deal with that conundrum.
What about Edris herself, actually? That would be kind of funny.
I know, I know, we are desperately needing some more young adult / adult women in the valley. I am forced to get the young girls started quite young, which doesn't always sit well with me or the rest of you.
If anyone has any ideas of how to get more ladies, please please tell me! I could import some more Scots but I think the clan has learned the lesson of Cat and Flann, so that seems unlikely. I know of one unmarried noble woman who will be joining us early next spring, but one woman is not going to help much.
But Aengus hasn't seen Lena
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 12:15.But Aengus hasn't seen Lena of the late so there is a possibility that she might become the mistress of someone else?
Uhh never mind your post above has already answered my question.
Oh yeah, I totally meant
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 12:42.Oh yeah, I totally meant Sophie. It's funny, as I was typing "Sonia", I was thinking to myself that it didn't seem like the sort of name that would pop up in medieval Europe.
But someone like Cearball who is new to the valley might not know that she killed her first husband.
Urgh, is Egelric really going to go after Cearball because of Maire? What if he hurts Cearball's beautiful face? Well, actually, I'm not worried about Cearball's face nearly as much as I am about Egelric's psychology. He really seems to be in a downward spiral.
Oh wow I can just imagine
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 13:07.Oh wow I can just imagine Cearball hitting on Sophie and then later learning about her husband. Shivers!
But, knowing Sophie, and depending on how much reconstructive surgery Stein has managed to do on her psyche lately, it would not be impossible that Sophie herself would rebuff Cearball by casually mentioning that she murdered the last man who made unwanted advances toward her. And of course he would totally fail to take her seriously, and then later find out she was telling the truth. Mega-creepy-shivers!
I am not yet sure Egelric is going to go after Cearball, but that's where my ideas are heading. Especially since I can see Maire manipulating Egelric into doing it. She definitely seemed to be setting Cearball up for something.
Maybe this will be the thing that destroys Egelric -- maybe he'll "slip" as he once said and kill Cearball. Or kill Maire maybe. The way he was thinking about how dangerous his fists were in the proximity of Irene's face, and that last thing he did with the knife there, it seems like he is really skirting close to the edge of outright murderous violence. How close was he to killing Irene in his desperation to prove to her how bad he is? (And how messed up is that?)
OK that is getting off-topic. But you see why I don't think Egelric is the best candidate for the serves-him-right, meets-his-match chapter right now.
Someone needs to talk to
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 16:52.Someone needs to talk to Egelric, maybe a visit from all 3 of his wives might do the trick. But Matilda's visit has caused Alred to miss her even more though.
What about Edris now that she's single she could have an affair with a younger guy how about her steward?
But Devin, that's the point!
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 17:01.But Devin, that's the point! We don't want yet another woman who is going to have an affair. We're looking for a woman who is going to say No. I think Edris would do it, but I can't imagine any of our Big Three womanizers hitting on Edris, and Caedwulf and Yware and everyone are much too young.
Edris's steward (Wynn) is married anyway. He got married some time between last Xmas when he was still chasing Flann, and this Xmas when he might have been looking at Connie. I still have to add him and his new wife to the bio pages, whoops.
Then there are few women in
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 18:09.Then there are few women in the valley who will say no. Look at Cecily she tried to resist Caedwulf but in the end he managed to get that bed rocking and her pregnant (Maud's going to be a grandmother twice in the same year!
). Connie possibly Gwynn and Margaret might say no. But a girl like Kraaia might say the exact opposite especially if Cedric asked her to do the nasty with him.
The pheasant girls might not refuse but why do they want to sleep with noble boys?
And Aia might refuse some men I think....
I really don't see Margaret
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 19:26.I really don't see Margaret falling for any nonsense. She is a little shaken up by Conrad's interest right now, but while his intentions may not exactly be honorable, at least he does seem to really like her and not just making out with her. If he tried to go too far I suspect she would know how to stop him. And a hundred times more for any other men besides Conrad.
Gwynn... now that would be interesting. Innocent little Gwynn catching on to something unwholesome and turning into an outraged little miss. She sure did seem to like kissing Carebear though. What if Egelric went after her? OMG! Well, Alred would kill him, but that would be quite a shock to poor Gwynn who already fears she is destined to marry him.
Kraaia is already an accomplished no-sayer -- she has to be. As I wrote in "Kraaia meets a man strong enough":
That was quite a surprise to her.
Aia... let's not talk about Aia for now. I have big plans for her later this month.
Why do peasant girls want to sleep with noble boys? For the same reason that anonymous girls want to sleep with rock stars and football players. Fame, power, and wealth are excellent aphrodisiacs. Also, the clever boys ply them with gifts of silk ribbons and things.
Or the occasional surprise 9
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 19:31.Or the occasional surprise 9 months later.
Did I hear my name being
Submitted by Sonia on Sun, 05/25/2008 - 22:42.Did I hear my name being mentioned?
Ha ha ha!!!
Going slightly off topic here, I checked out the definition of my name and it is Greek, meaning 'wisdom' (although I don't feel very wise at times), so you can safely say that this 'Sonia' won't be featured soon in Lothere unless she's in forced exile, but you've already covered that one.
For once, I am at a loss for words and inspiration. There is so much that is going on in Lothere at the moment. But yes, it would seem interesting to have the tables turned on those womanisers with a very severe rebuff from a few ladies.
Wow that is something I
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 05/26/2008 - 03:50.Wow that is something I didn't know: Sonia is actually derived from the Greek word for wisdom, which is -- ready for this? -- Sophia.
So, totally reasonable mistake to make there. I am not sure how you get from Sophia to Sonia, unless it is via some language that forms diminutives in an interesting way, but it's a cool fact anyway. Not very medieval though, so no Sonias in the story. 
Why aren't men chasing after
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 15:19.Why aren't men chasing after Edris? Is it because she's old?
Just you wait. I do have an
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 16:09.Just you wait.
I do have an idea for Edris, in fact, though I haven't decided for sure whether to go ahead with it. However, generally speaking, she hasn't known her husband was dead for very long so everyone is treating her widowhood as starting from that date. It's still a little soon.
But it may be that once a little time has passed, she will have a suitor or two. She's getting rather old for a man who's looking to have kids with her, but there are certainly some arrangements that would be mutually beneficial. Especially once Baldwin gets a little older.
Or maybe I will just use my idea, and watch out, Edris!
Well not only does Edris'
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 17:19.Well not only does Edris' suitors have to be Mr. Right but Sir Right as well. He has to have money and possibly a title.
If Edris remarries will she loose her title?
Ergh, I prefer not to think
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 06/05/2008 - 19:58.Ergh, I prefer not to think about the titles. They are already so wrong for the period. King and Earl (and Eirik's Jarl) are the only authentic titles I have going on. If I say Lord = Thane then I'm OK with Leofric and Britmar too. But Edris is nothing more than a hlǣfdige, which, through many centuries, means only Lady. She will remain a hlǣfdige if she remarries, I suppose, unless she marries some carter's son or something.