"Never forget it, my son. Never let it be forgiven."
Does Lothere really need a shirtless, kilted silversmith?

Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 07:52.
Hell yeah!
57% (13 votes)
I would not complain...
43% (10 votes)
Uh, no.
0% (0 votes)
What are you talking about, Lothere??
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 23
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3 years 18 weeks ago - It had something to do with
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My, I'm not even caught up
Submitted by Nimi on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 09:33.My, I'm not even caught up but would certainly not complain if this cute silversmith made his way into the story
HELL YES! I've always wanted
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:06.HELL YES! I've always wanted to see the working class of Lothere, excluding farmers... And a shirtless muscley guy never hurts either. Hmmmm could a younger muscley apprentice be a match for Githa or what ever the girl who got sexually assaulted by the old slut name was. Hmmmm or even Matilda! Awww imagine a young couple totally surrounded by freshly melded swords with a little elf girl setting fires to help her step-daddy? Awww and make the blacksmith/appentice a red head. We need more of those. I love red-heads! GO TEAM EADRAD!
Smile Don't Frown, Look Up Don't look Down
oh you heart stealer, don't shy away, tell me your name!
I do agree with red-hair and
Submitted by François on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:20.I do agree with red-hair and a silversmith. You never have too many shirtless character in Lothere (especially silversmith with a fire and metal) and I also follow Twistedchic911 about the low class. It would be great to see a sexy-middle-age silversmith working in the new village you'd built for him (and all the ladies of the castles would suddenly find interest in swords and stuff) and his young cutie apprentice for the young ladies to have something to dream of (and maybe some of the low class maid). And maybe Anna would put herself in trouble with him so she would not be with Bertie again... Ok, I'm extrapolating.
You guys crack me up once
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:31.You guys crack me up once again.
That is definitely what I would call extrapolating.
I was thinking we have had enough of the red-haired guys lately, but maybe no? Somehow Eadred seems to have made a larger-than-life impression on me.
OooOoooOh I didn't think
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 10:41.OooOoooOh I didn't think about Anna! hahahha YES! Anna, riding along on her shiny new horse, yapping to Wynnie about what is and what isn't suddenly stops mid-giggle, and spots HIM. Sweat shining off of his chiseled muscles, his hair glistening from the light of the fire; he is intent on his work, not noticing the two married young ladies in mid-conversation staring at him. Wynn then sees what Anna is goggling at and quickly looks away, embarrassed by her brazen behavior. Then she continues walking and Anna is still frozen where she stands. Anson then rides past and keeps quiet about what he sees, storing ammunition against Anna for later use if she ever steps out of line. Fast-forward a couple of months and we see Anna stalking this mysterious blacksmith, internally fighting with her self about what is right and what she wants, namely the blacksmith. Wynn meanwhile is trying to warn Bertie about the potential land mine that could go off at any moment, but he stubbornly refuses to notice. All this time, the blacksmith (who I'm now calling Rod
) never notices any of this DRAMA going on and quietly works in his little shack.
And that is the first and last attempt at storytelling I will ever do.
Smile Don't Frown, Look Up Don't look Down
oh you heart stealer, don't shy away, tell me your name!
I don't mind, Githa or
Submitted by Devin on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 12:05.I don't mind, Githa or Matilda does need a husband.
Of course I wouldn't mind at
Submitted by Sonia on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 12:36.Of course I wouldn't mind at all. The sight of a sweat-slicked torso bending over an anvil, teeth gritted together with grim determination.
Not too bothered about the colour of his hair, as long as we see a glimpse (or an extremely long, hard look) at his rippling muscles.

I guess it's too late to
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 12:43.I guess it's too late to make Fergus be a silversmith. There's a Sim I wouldn't mind seeing shirtless and in a kilt.
OOoohhh, now there's a
Submitted by Sonia on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 14:07.OOoohhh, now there's a thought.
Hmm, I really can't see Fergus wielding a hammer and getting himself all sweaty though.
Unless it's from a dalliance with a lusty wench.
But there again.... we know that the body that Fergus has inhabited, is very strong and poweful.
Nah, I can't see him getting his hands dirty with manual work.
Shame. He'd have been a great blacksnith.
Whoops, my bad. I meant
Submitted by Sonia on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 14:09.Whoops, my bad. I meant silversmith not blacksmith.
*note to self ~ make sure you have your glasses on when reading all these comments*
D'uh silly me

Actually Fergus would make a
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 14:10.Actually Fergus would make a better blacksmith than a silversmith, I think. Silversmithing is rather delicate work, and Fergus has such big, strong, manly hands...
Yay!!! I was right in the
Submitted by Sonia on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 14:16.Yay!!! I was right in the first place!!!
That makes a change. Really.
I actually agree. He'd be far too clumsy with those huge hands of his and ruin many a fine piece of jewellery. Yet I'll bet he'd be able to fashion a really fine sword or two, as well as shodding horses.
He's a big contrast to the weedy, sickly Sebastien though. And with that strength, I'm betting he's going to lumber straight into trouble, without thinking.
Actually, when you think about it, Araphael has always had a habit of walking straight into trouble, so it's nothing new to him.
Well, I think we all know my
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 15:20.Well, I think we all know my opinion on this matter.
Edit: lol Twisted! Land mine...
See what you started?
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 15:51.See what you started?
hahaha Indeed. Hey! Maybe
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 16:28.hahaha Indeed.
Hey! Maybe the silversmith could be involved in the "serves you right match-meeting"?
Wait I come back from work
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 16:49.Wait I come back from work to this?! hahahahaha who's "serves you right match-meeting" are we takling about? Anna's?
Smile Don't Frown, Look Up Don't look Down
oh you heart stealer, don't shy away, tell me your name!
Please extrapolate,
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 17:12.Please extrapolate, Penelope.
Oh gee I don't know...
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 17:51.Oh gee I don't know... Perhaps he could have a female customer that catches his eye and she ends up being the wrong gal to pick on? There are plenty of noble women in Lothere that would be outraged by the flirtations of a silversmith. I could see Iylaine really giving him a run for his.. Er, silver.
Does Iylaine even get out of
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 17:57.Does Iylaine even get out of the house enough to see our little recluse sliver/blacksmith? Imagine the sordid love affair that both Malcolm and Vash supporters would reject instantly. I know I would.
Smile Don't Frown, Look Up Don't look Down
oh you heart stealer, don't shy away, tell me your name!
I was kinda thinking the
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:10.I was kinda thinking the same thing... I have a hard time imagining Iylaine going to market, though I know she must at least sometimes. Or maybe she really does just send Warty or Malcolm or Gunnilda for everything. She is something of a hermit.
Actually, I was thinking Gunnilda. That would be funny. Gunnilda seems like the kind of lady who could be more than a match for just about anyone, assuming she didn't feel duty-bound to obey him (i.e. by being married to him).
Cute silversmith, you say? I
Submitted by Tiffany on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:18.Cute silversmith, you say?
I most definitely won't have a problem with that...
I thought about Gunnie too!
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:25.I thought about Gunnie too! But something about it just didn't quite seem funny. Maybe it's because I think of Gunnie as having a boring, sad little life right now. But we haven't seen her in a while. I dunno. You're the mastermind, Lothere!
Edit: I also thought of Cat but then... I rather think that she would just make lots of dirty innuendo and then return dutifully home to her husband.
I just had a funny thought!
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:28.I just had a funny thought! What about Lady Eadgith? She's walking along with her perma-peggers belly and sees HIM. She cannot resist the siren call of the shirtless blacksmith. Insert her and Rod running off into the sunset, belly bouncing like a red, red bouncy ball.
Smile Don't Frown, Look Up Don't look Down
oh you heart stealer, don't shy away, tell me your name!
Those are some
Submitted by Alice on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 21:36.I disagree the thing about
Submitted by François on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 01:58.I disagree the thing about Gunnilda. I mean, I didn't catch present time yet, but isn't Egelric single now ? And I don't see her quite like a cougar. She's quite aged now (forty or something ?) so I don't think she still have those sort of desires. I mean, she's been so sad and worked so hard and I feel like she's resigned with her current life (though I may make a mistake since we didn't see her for a long time). Anyway, yes for the silversmith (and a blacksmith too
). I'm sure you'll find just the perfect woman (women) to match with him, Lothere !
~Your French Friend~
Gunnilda is 36, but even at
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 04:20.Gunnilda is 36, but even at 40 I suspect women still have those kind of desires, young sir.
Actually I was thinking that the smith himself would try flirting with Gunnilda, and Gunnilda would totally shoot him down, so the idea is not incompatible. Gunnilda has only ever seemed to have lustful thoughts for Egelric, and even those have been little more than vague suspicions that it would somehow be different with him. I would be surprised if she felt attracted to someone else, unless he resembled Egelric in such a way that he pushed all the right buttons. Fergus, say.
(Don't worry though... not only would that be sort of creepy, falling in love with the cloned, angel-inhabited body of the still-born son of the man you couldn't have, but I already have quite detailed plans for Fergus, and it's a little late for me to turn back now.)
But that may be taking us far from Penelope's original idea of one of the local womanizers (manizers?) meeting his match. Since the silversmith would be a man, he wouldn't pose much threat to Leofric, Egelric, or anyone else. We haven't really had any incurable flirts or serial sleep-arounders among the women. The worst was probably HIlda, flirting with her father-in-law and looking for her Real Man. Anna was quite a tease, but I already have plans for her, in a year or two.
The idea of Lady Eadgith having a torrid, bodice-ripping affair with the local young, shirtless ripply-muscled guy is perhaps the most conventionally interesting. That would certainly serve Leofric right. I have a hard time imagining it though. Maybe we will see how she's doing in an upcoming chapter, but she's haughty enough that she probably wouldn't seriously consider sleeping with a peasant. And don't forget... she's married to Leofric. She and Leila seem to agree: once you've had Leof, ordinary men lose some of their charm.
Once you go Britmarsson, you
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 05:29.Once you go Britmarsson, you never go back?
Edit: Oh btw, the match-meeting wasn't my idea! It was someone else's ingenious brainchild.
There's no such thing as too
Submitted by Lisa on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 05:32.There's no such thing as too many shirtless kilted men! *drool*
I was going to suggest a
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 06:19.I was going to suggest a shirtless, kilted Leofric, but then I remembered that his back is supposed to be a mess of scar tissue. So no.
You're right, the original match-meeting discussion was Lydia's idea. But you did bring it up....
Of course, I don't say that
Submitted by François on Thu, 07/24/2008 - 08:18.Of course, I don't say that 36 is old nowadays... it isn't at all ! But in the 1080's, people of Gunnie's class often died at 50 (even before) so 36 begins to be old. Anyway, I just don't want Gunnie to be with anybody except Egelric. I think there would be a firework or something in Lothere if ever they end together ! Back to our subject : Lady Eadgith for the silversmith ? Maybe if she were angry against Leofric and wanted to make him suffer. I also thought about Lady Gwynn if the apprentice had a big nose
~Your French Friend~
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 08/02/2008 - 18:45.Hee!
SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 08/02/2008 - 19:17.SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is his name?
Where's the
Submitted by Tiffany on Sat, 08/02/2008 - 20:21.Where's the right smiley when you need it?
That is one hunk of ...pixel!
Tell me, how are you getting all the realism?
Question, considering I don't have the game...
Do they have any yummy pecs to go with all the sim realness?
You know you've been playing
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 06:29.You know you've been playing the Sims too long when you look at a photo of a real man and wish you could download his hair.
I haven't named him yet. Maybe I will pick one of the runner-up names from the Name Araphel poll. I was thinking of making him a Manxman, which would at least explain the kilted shirtlesness. Anyone seen a good torque mesh anywhere?
ETA: Pecs
Submitted by Tiffany on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 06:42.*dies*
Oh man, Lothere, I had the
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 06:57.Oh man, Lothere, I had the exact same thought yesterday! I saw some teenaged kid on a commercial and he had the greatest short black hair. The first thing that came to mind was, "I wish I had that for my game."
And then I saw this guy and
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 17:48.And then I saw this guy and I immediately started calculating which skin and which sliders I would use...
Wow, look at that hair! It's
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 19:15.Wow, look at that hair! It's extraordinary. And that sullen little face...
I'm thinking Pixie Flirt?
Submitted by Twistedchic911 on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 21:17.YAY! RED HAIR! Ok, I;m offically content on how this Silver/Black smith looks like. Really, I think this has JUST made my day. Thank you Lothere for making the world a redder place!
(that's my red smiley. eh close enough)
"I'm going with you all the same!"
"I'm not afraid!"
"That makes it worse."
Good call, Penelope.
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 04:48.Good call, Penelope.
Twisted, sadly Silversmith is the black-haired Sim up above *points*
I haven't made that red-headed angel yet, but I Think I Will. I just have to think of a reason for his existence.
Unless I made Silversmith be Blacksmith, and Red-head be Silversmith... That would be quite a look, topless in a kilt... *ponders*
Noo, make the gorgeous,
Submitted by Sofie on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 09:15.Noo, make the gorgeous, black-haired, freckled yumminess be silversmith and the redhead can be blacksmith. Just give Red a little more muscle.
So I tried to sim our old
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 13:57.So I tried to sim our old friend the Parisian Redhead today (just for fun) and this was as close as I got:
Naturally, I completely blanked where that hair was concerned.
Damn I forgot about that
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 14:07.Damn I forgot about that guy. (Probably a good thing I did since that would another 3 hour bodyshop session.)
Really nice job on the nose and mouth.
He needs some droopier eye-baggier eyeshadow though, and maybe some of Anva's sleepy eyes,,, *twitches towards bodyshop*
Yeh know, I was tempted to
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 14:16.Yeh know, I was tempted to make my own eyes for this guy. The only ones that I had that matched in color were from Enayla and the irises were crazy big so I substituted some eyes of mysterious origin. Hmm I'll try the Anva.
EDIT: hehehe I want an avatar of "the Nose"!
I think I'm starting to get
Submitted by Sofie on Sun, 09/28/2008 - 04:43.I think I'm starting to get a little sim-crazy. I just had a look at the pic and I think your sim is hotter than RL guy, Penelope.