"Creepy, stinky, withered, rasputin-like, interfering, little crawling critters up the spine, vague stink that you can’t locate, demon-employing, angel-enslaving, creepy, creepy, creep! Keep your hands off the saint!"
Lothere Confuzzles The Blog Analyzers
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 10:19.
So I found these really neat blog analyzers that are supposed to tell you things like the reading level of the blog and the gender of the writer. I don't think they work for this blog at all. Well actually, the writing style one was pretty good. But note that the androgynous person in the picture is a Mac user.
Check it out:
Gender Analysis
Reading Level
Writing Style
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2 years 12 weeks ago - Tainted as it's been by the
3 years 15 weeks ago - So, so sorry to hear that.
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3 years 18 weeks ago - It had something to do with
3 years 39 weeks ago - That sounds so fun,
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Heh, I thought it was going
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 11:32.Heh, I thought it was going to be because my blog is back-dated to the 11th century.
Interesting analysis. I am INTJ rather than INTP but who knows what my writing style conveys. I would like to know how they perform this deduction, though. What was their training data?
Gender-wise I am not all that surprised to learn I write like a man. I've worked and studied in male-dominated sciences and industries all my life. My friends have mostly all been men. Also the two characters I identify most with in this story are Egelric and Alred. I am not the girliest of girls. But if the success rate of their guesser is to be believed (currently at only 58% success rate) then it's not exactly a meaningful result.
Reading level Junior High! I like that. If I came out at a college-level I would definitely be writing in the Proustian stratosphere of illegibility. However, it may be that my story rates so low on a reading level because I'm writing fiction and not a technical blog.
Interestingly (or perhaps not) my other defunct and non-fictional blog came up with the exact same results.
Wow really? The same
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 12:07.Wow really? The same results?
I wonder how these things work as well. There is quite a hefty amount of text on this blog.
The writing style analysis said that I was an extraverted go-getter... Oh if only they knew the depths of my laziness. And I don't really feel like I'm terribly extraverted either.
My boyfriend's politics/entertainment blog came out with a college reading level. Not really surprising since some of the articles are so fully of philosophical rhetoric that they're virtually unreadable.
EDIT: This post was seriously suffering from the missing word syndrome!
These things are probably
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 12:23.These things are probably relatively dumb (in the artificial intelligence sense) classifiers that just look for commonalities between a given text and a corpus of training texts, without really understanding what they're looking at.
Looking at the gender and the personality type ones, in fact, they admit they are using the uClassify service, which is just that.
Mind you, the more & better training data you give such systems, the more proficient they are at classification, so it's a very interesting and potentially useful research area in computer science.
I am sure they don't read the entire blog to do their analysis, so I do wonder what page or pages they read to get their data. All the posts on the first page? The post summaries only?
I just ran the "what reading level am I?" text on the "Aelfden gives an unexpected answer" page directly, and it came out as Elementary School. I think there's something wrong there... maybe it was the comments that lowered the reading level down to that of 8-year-olds!
Anyway, if they're using other blogs as their training data then you would expect results for writing of another genre to be fairly useless.
You might play with oFaust.com too, though it's more annoying since you have to copy & paste a text. But if you do then it tries to compare your writing with other authors. I ran that same chapter and got a 22% similarity to LEWIS CARROLL of all people. Along with the whining message: "There is a slight similarity with the works of Lewis Carroll . I am bored, give me more to read, and please higher quality To which I say, oFaust, oFuck You!
These things are never that
Submitted by Van on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 16:42.These things are never that accurate, but it's fun to see what wrong answers they might come up with.
I ran mine through these, and it correctly guessed that I'm female, but it also said I was ESTP (I'm really INFP) and that my blog's reading level was "Genius" (it is definitely, definitely NOT). I then tried Dragging Blue Lake, which got all the same results that mine got. Might be a Blogger thing. Mhalwae also got a reading level of genius, but they guessed that Verity was a man (which is wrong, if I remember correctly), and then the Typealyzer detected the language as SIMPLIFIED CHINESE. I'm not normally a big fan of internet slang, but WTF? Last time I checked, Mhalwae was most definitely written in English. Saoghal got an elementary school reading level (I personally disagree), but other than that got the same results as Dragging Blue Lake and Kingdom of Naroni.
EDIT: I heartily agree, o'Faust is most certainly EVIL. I just ran it on some of my stuff and it said it was most like the guy who wrote the Wizard of Oz. I hate the Wizard of Oz
At least OFaust didn't tell
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 22:56.At least OFaust didn't tell you that you write like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!
That is true.
Submitted by Van on Fri, 12/12/2008 - 23:09.That is true.