"Leofric: You knocked-up my wife! — Alred: No, your wife sent you to me since you knocked-up mine. Now get out of here so I can finish writing this poem to Egelric's wife."
Bug report

Submitted by Sofie on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 13:23.
On this page I found death dates that are after 1085. The only death dates that show up are after 1085, and the way I remember it Sarallas children are both dead, and they don't have a death date, so maybe things got turned upside-down and now only the living elves death dates show up. And now I don't dare browse the bio pages, in case I see the death date of someone we know.

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- I love that you're out there
2 years 2 weeks ago - If anyone is interessed, I
2 years 12 weeks ago - Tainted as it's been by the
3 years 15 weeks ago - So, so sorry to hear that.
3 years 15 weeks ago - To readers of this story I
3 years 18 weeks ago - It had something to do with
3 years 38 weeks ago - That sounds so fun,
3 years 38 weeks ago - Well, I did made the top
3 years 39 weeks ago - Hello Lothere,
Maybe you
3 years 39 weeks ago - Oh, man, I forgot about the
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And I thought of another
Submitted by Sofie on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 13:27.And I thought of another thing, that I'm guessing you know about. When clicking the Recent Comments or the New under Recent Posts, the link always lead to the first page thread, which is a bit annoying when the thread has several pages. But as I said, I'm guessing you know about it and would have fixed it if it was easy to fix.
Ow, nice catch!! It turns
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 14:50.Ow, nice catch!! It turns out it was just happening for the descendants of elves, but still.
So, I fixed that page, and also took the opportunity to put pictures of elven descendants as well as human. I find it interesting that out of Saralla's 120 descendants, only one is "important" enough in the story to have a picture so far -- and he's one of Lar's band! Poor old lady.
If it's any consolation, I don't plan on killing any "important" people until the story calls for it. So I don't think you could have seen any death dates that would have interested you. Mostly the only people with in-the-future death dates right now are the thousands of randomly-generated people, since I obviously don't want to manually keep track of killing all those people at the appropriate times.
But I certainly haven't entered any death dates for people we know, just because I plan on killing them at some point in the future.
My outline is so often overthrown by events in the story that it wouldn't work out even if I tried. For example, until quite recently I never would have guessed that our imminent upcoming death would be the next person to go...
As for the forum posting... where's that smiley Stacy always uses...
Yeah. That's the forum software, which I didn't write. It drives me batty. I wish I could fix it too. I will have a look to see if there's a more recent version of the forum, but even if there is I doubt they've fixed it. Otherwise I guess we will just have to poke the people with super-long "Random questions by" threads to see if they will start new ones. 
I kind of miss seeing the
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 15:08.I kind of miss seeing the new forum posts on the main page but I'm sure there's a good reason why they're no longer there.
The "not-so-good" reason is
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 15:13.The "not-so-good" reason is that I haven't gotten around to adding it back in yet. I have been trying to squash actual bugs first, not to mention keep up with the story.
But I just spent the afternoon dealing with the sudden influx of ugly, ugly porn spam, so something tells me I won't get much story-writing done today either. (Got some awesome Gwynn + Finn picture-taking done today though.
I was grinning my way through that little session like a bear with a mouthful of bees. They both SO take after their parents.)
But! I will try to get the latest forum comment / forum topic on the story side today.
"New in the Forum" is up in
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 17:42."New in the Forum" is up in the sidebar now. I made it take the latest of whatever is getting posted on the forum -- so usually it will be a comment, but if someone posts a new forum topic, a new quote, a new Poll, etc., it should appear. Hopefully that way I won't miss so many new forum posts for hours/days, since I only get email notifications for comments. For now there's also a delay of up to 1 minute before it gets updated, to take a teeny bit of load off the database.
Who's descendents did you
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 18:15.Who's descendents did you add?
I didn't add anyone's.
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 18:19.I didn't add anyone's. Sofie just noticed that on Saralla's page of descendants, there were death dates listed for elves who weren't dead yet.
Cheers, Lothere! Also, I'm
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 18:22.Cheers, Lothere!
Also, I'm excited about this Gwynn/Finn chapter you speak of. Their interactions never cease to make me giggle.
Oh I read that first
Submitted by Devin on Sun, 01/04/2009 - 18:23.Oh
I read that first comment too quickly. 
This is something you might
Submitted by Sofie on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:35.This is something you might want to fix. As seen in FF 3.0.9.
Aha! Should be fixed now,
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:44.Aha! Should be fixed now, though you might have to hold down SHIFT when you reload the page, in case your browser is caching the CSS files.
Thanks, Sofie. I need to start a bug-finding karma scoreboard.
Yup, it works! Yay for
Submitted by Sofie on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:58.Yup, it works!
Yay for bug-karma! I absolutely don't see spelling mistakes as long as what I'm reading is interesting enough (and lothere is, that goes without saying), so there's no way I can collect the Tiffany way.
You will never be like
Submitted by Tiffany on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 13:06.You will never be like me.
Seriously, Tiffany, I think
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 13:15.Seriously, Tiffany, I think it does require a special talent to pick up on those repeated/omitted-word type of errors the way you do. No matter how many times I reread a text I just can't see them, my brain just helpfully "fixes" them for me while I'm reading!
I'm just a nitpicky
Submitted by Tiffany on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 13:35.I'm just a nitpicky freak.
And you'd think my room wouldn't be as messy as it is.
When I posted my comment on
Submitted by Sofie on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 11:23.When I posted my comment on Verso just now, I was redirected to this URL http://www.lothere.com/index.php/index.php/verso/page/61#comment-805
And while I'm at it, I just
Submitted by Sofie on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 11:30.And while I'm at it, I just clicked "Show living relatives" on Shus's page, and got a "Fatal error: Call to a member function isOnOrBefore() on a non-object in /var/www/lothere.com/includes/modules/bio/views/scripts/person/partials/people_brief.phtml on line 71" message on Ria under Deathdate.
Thanks, Sofie. I have fixed
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 05/12/2009 - 14:01.Thanks, Sofie. I have fixed those two bugs (I think) but I haven't uploaded the code yet since it's the middle of the week and I like to do that on the weekends.
Especially the second bug, that is one that has been driving me crazy for a while... I can't figure out how index.php keeps sneaking into URLs for some people. Is it because they have old bookmarks like http://www.lothere.com/index.php?p=14 or something? It's even more annoying because something like the list of recent comments is stored in a cache, and if the person who added the latest comment had index.php in their URL, all of the links in the recent comments section would have it too. Like a virus.
It actually sort of worked if you had only one index.php but index.php/index.php/stuff didn't work at all, as you noticed.
Anyway I fixed it with a somewhat hackish fix, and I'm a little leery of releasing that and making links break all over the site.
I want to test some more first.
Uh... I mentioned this in a
Submitted by Van on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 13:27.Uh... I mentioned this in a comment about half an hour ago, but it was an edit to another comment, so I'm not sure if you got it, plus you're probably at work or something right now. But... yeah, long story short, I can't log out. The "Log out" link--top or bottom of the page, main site or Verso--takes me to the comment feed page. I left a screenshot in the comment.
Sorry for bothering you--I'm only mentioning this twice because I have an unfounded, obsessive fear of navigating away from a site where I'm logged in, and have therefore been keeping the site open in a minimized window and frequently refreshing. I know, I'm weird.
EDIT: Okay, logging out on the forum logged me out elsewhere (which I didn't expect because I always have to log into the forum even when I'm logged in on the main site), so I'm safe for now. But still, you might want to look at the "Log out" links whenever you have a chance.
WHOOPS! Sorry about that.
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 08/24/2009 - 13:32.WHOOPS!
Sorry about that. It's fixed now.
Yeah I get an email whenever someone posts a comment, but not whenever someone edits a comment. FYI, in case you really really need me to read something. Sometimes I miss juicy stuff in edits because I don't always go to read the actual comment.
It would appear that
Submitted by Van on Sat, 09/12/2009 - 20:11.It would appear that registered users are not authorized to view the gallery of past preview banners.
Okay, 1. My Avatar has
Submitted by Ravenfeather on Fri, 01/01/2010 - 13:59.Okay,
1. My Avatar has disappeared and I don't know how to get a new one.
2. I'm not able to log in the chat.
I can't find the name
Submitted by François on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 07:57.I can't find the name generator anymore...
~The Princess Ogive Get More Chapters Foundation : waiting for more karma~
That's under Demographics
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 08:00.That's under Demographics rather than People. Hmm maybe it makes more sense under people?
Anyway, click "Demographics" at the top, then "Names" in the middle, then "Random names" just below.
I know that. I click on
Submitted by François on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 10:58.I know that. I click on Demographics but there is no more menu. It's only Human and Elven. Maybe it's due to Mozilla Firefox... But it worked before. I have no more menus in the middle for People, Demographics and so on...
~The Princess Ogive Get More Chapters Foundation : waiting for more karma~
Aww, you were right,
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 12:27.Aww, you were right, François! I did break the menus. I forgot to test as a normal user. It was working fine for me.
They should be working again! *distributes karma*
Don't know if it's a bug but
Submitted by Miriam on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 16:02.Don't know if it's a bug but your webpages somehow take a long time to load
sometimes they don't even load at all. Is it just me? Or do others have this problem too? Is it a space thingie or some kind of ping problem? (don't know much about ping but sometimes I hear things like that or was it distance? Or was it the same thing?)
Still not fun in any way *wants to continue reading without problems* so I'll be happy to hear the solution if there is one.
Also wierd I appear to be online twice in some way o_o; Still that might be for switching puu-chan (= computer in my personal language) or because I hit log in 2 times because I got the error message that the page is not loading.
Is it just today that you
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 16:50.Is it just today that you are having problems? Occasionally the site is extra-slow, but today I have been using it and not seeing any particular slowness.
If you are reading older chapters it may be a little slower than the newer chapters, because the most frequently-read pages (i.e. the most recent chapters) tend to be stored in the server's RAM, but the others are saved in the database and have to be retrieved. Still, that should only take a few seconds at most.
The server is in the middle of the United States so distance may be a factor.
If you are logged in twice in the forum it may be because you are logged in one time to http://www.lothere.com and again to http://lothere.com. That happens to me sometimes too.
Sorry about the slowness.
I am planning to move the site to a faster server one of these days, but that represents a lot of work, and mostly I just want to write. 
I'm having some problems
Submitted by Van on Sat, 06/26/2010 - 09:08.I'm having some problems viewing the site in the new version of Firefox. The homepage shows up okay, but if I click any links to your other pages, I get a white screen and the URL as the title on the tab and the word "Done" in the bottom corner.
But don't worry about it too much. New Firefox kind of sucks. I couldn't even upload pictures to Blogger last night, which really pissed me off, namely because I can't click and drag them in Chrome and my only other option is IE
Should be fixed now, right?
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 06/26/2010 - 09:15.Should be fixed now, right? I'm working on the site this morning, and most everything that was a blog-post type of thing was showing as a white page for four or five minutes.
D'oh! Yep, working
Submitted by Van on Sat, 06/26/2010 - 10:04.D'oh! Yep, working swimmingly now. Thank you
I'm not sure if you know
Submitted by Sam on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 12:00.I'm not sure if you know about this, but for some of the very earliest chapters where the preview pictures ought to go at the bottom of the screen, it just says "Error: Unknown file format." I thought at first that it might just be because I use Google Chrome, but it did the same when I tried it in Firefox. Example: http://lothere.com/chapter/26
I think that might be
Submitted by Ann on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 12:15.I think that might be because there aren't any preview pictures for the earlier chapters.
You're partly right, Ann.
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 15:17.You're partly right, Ann. For chapters without preview banners, I made an automatic-preview-banner-generator that takes a random image from the chapter and crops it to a preview-like size. However, there is something weird about the JPG images from my earliest chapters... they are somehow incompatible. Maybe I saved them with a weird version of Photoshop or something. So I will have to re-save the images and try again with the automatic thing. It's just that.... those early chapters are so painful for me to look at. *hides from 5-years-ago writing self*
Thanks, Sam. You're right, I should really take care of that because giant red scary error messages don't exactly inspire confidence in someone reading the story for the first time.
The downloads page doesn't
Submitted by maruutsu on Mon, 10/04/2010 - 19:43.The downloads page doesn't seem to load for me. I've tried refreshing to no avail. I'm using Firefox, by the way.
Funny you should mention
Submitted by Van on Mon, 10/04/2010 - 22:50.Funny you should mention that. For me, it doesn't load in Chrome. Weeeird.
Thanks you guys! I broke
Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 03:47.Thanks you guys! I broke that page this weekend when I did a big update to the site.
It's fixed now. *distributes karma*
Hi guys! Haven't been
Submitted by Sofie on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 05:45.Hi guys!
Haven't been participating in the forum or the comments in a long while, but I'm still following the story, and of course I'm still loving it!
I seem to remember a problem with the RSS-feed being mentioned some time a year or two ago, but I couldn't find anything about it now. The problem I have is with the chapter RSS, which keeps publishing every chapter twice. Anyone else have the same problem, or a solution? I've tried canceling the subscription and resubscribing, but it doesn't help.
Hi Sofie! Glad to know
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 06:02.Hi Sofie!
Glad to know you're still with us.
Have you had this problem with the RSS feed in the last week or so? I discovered this bug myself recently, and I think I fixed it as of last weekend. So hopefully starting approximately now, once Google Reader and the others have downloaded my latest feeds (and once you have clicked on them and caught up reading), it should not have new chapters showing up twice.
(I discovered that it was counting a chapter as re-published if I simply updated it to fix a spelling mistake or something. So for as long as a chapter appeared in the latest 10 list of chapters, it got republished every time I modified it.
I believe it will no longer do that.)
If you're still having the problem can you tell me what RSS reader you are using? Is it Google Reader?
Ugh, I just looked in my own
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 06:09.Ugh, I just looked in my own Google Reader and I think I found another problem...
I think they might be showing up twice because it is catching both "http://www.lothere.com/chapter/1779" and "http://lothere.com/chapter/1779" and counting them as two different items. I will have to look into this some more.
Thanks for letting me know!