"I am not certain that the plan that caused Leofric to come back to life came from God."
Why did I create Lili?

Submitted by Lothere on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 19:38.
So, Devin wants to know why I created Lili's character.
I am a little embarassed to admit that sometimes I add characters just because I am bored and feel like adding new characters. It's been a while since I made Lili, but I think that was a large part of it.
However, as you might guess after reading her first appearance in "Eirik brings hostages", I was originally planning to have her go to Alred. His annoying mopiness was not acute at that point -- it only got to be unbearable when he started pining for Lili, I think -- but I needed to have something happen to him to shake him up.
So even if I made her partly for the fun of making a new character, I made her for him. They were supposed to be perfect for each other. The great crisis that had to be resolved was supposed to be Alred coming to accept that Matilda was gone forever and that it was time to move on.
But even in that first chapter she was doing her own thing:
“We also have a few Gaelic speakers,” Sigefrith said thoughtfully. “And Lady Judith is Flemish, and Sir Godefroy speaks French…”
“I do speak French and Flemish, but not Gaelic!” she said eagerly.
“Don’t let Sir Egelric teach you,” Alred advised her. “He only knows how to swear and fight.”
“Oh, that’s fine!” she grinned.
And I know Devin will disagree but I think Lili turned out to be perfect for Egelric. Even if you liked Sela for her better, I have to say that Lili (and Sela also, in her own way, at a different time) was the right lady at the right time for him.
Now that we've seen how things came apart with Hetty, it makes me wonder again how it would have been for Alred if Lili had chosen him instead. Even assuming she had not been infatuated with Egelric all the while, I just don't think Alred was the man for her, nor Lili the lady for him. Lili tended to play with her claws out, and I think Alred would have been hurt before long. She needed someone who could roll his eyes at her pranks, and scold her soundly when she went too far with them. She needed her old devil. And Egelric certainly needed her.
Now, we will just have to see whether another lady will come along, in her own way, at this time, and save him from himself.
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This is one of the fears I
Submitted by Devin on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 21:24.This is one of the fears I have about Egelric, that he constantly needs a woman to help him get out of his depression. He has 6 children, why not put all his attention on them and having them save him from himself then another woman. I'm also a bit hesitant about if Aia ever comes to live with him and his kids. I don't want Egelric falling in love with his late second wife's younger sister.
When you officially announce the launch of the forum on Verso, I would like to create a topic asking everyone out of all the women who loved Egelric, who loved him the most?
I agree with you, on that Lili was the right woman for Egelric at that time.
I almost mentioned "... or
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 06:09.I almost mentioned "... or maybe he will just save himself from himself."
But I don't know... it's been the pattern of his life so far. He goes rotten until he gets interested in some woman he thinks too good for the rotten Egelric, then he cleans himself up for her.
At the moment, I am wondering whether it could happen again at all. I know we haven't seen him since Lili died, but her death was a massive shock to him. Maybe he just won't want to love anymore. Then, as you said, we can hope he finds strength in/for his kids. But that didn't work too well when Iylaine was small.
Are smileys not working, or what?

What did you originally
Submitted by Cassie on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 13:16.What did you originally intend to do with Hetty?
Nothing! Can you believe
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 13:36.Nothing! Can you believe it?
I actually liked the looks of her husband quite a bit, and I never planned to kill him. As I said, I created those two (or rather 3) almost on a whim. Now that I think about it, I remember simply wanting an opportunity to use these cool Frankish/Germanic names I had just found, Liutgarde (which I promptly mispelled) and Hedwige. I had no plans at all for them aside from the aforementioned romantic interest for Alred. The whole thing with Raedwald, Whitehand, Eirik's difficulties, etc., came after I had already introduced them. And obviously Lili's relationship with Egelric, Alred's lovesickness, and Hetty's relationship with Alred were unplanned.
In fact, when I was preparing to answer Devin's question, I was looking through old Lili-related posts between her arrival at Sigefrith's castle and her appearance one evening at Egelric's. And there weren't any! I think she was mentioned only once. So my lack of planning is quite visible.
I'll be Egelric's wife! :-P
Submitted by Cassie on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 15:26.I'll be Egelric's wife!
Except...you know, he's a sim and all. And more than a smidgen too old for me. Though I'm sure he wouldn't mind, dirty old man that he is. *giggle*
Where do you think it all went wrong with Hetty? It all seemed to come apart so suddenly after Lili died - with Alred's grief, Hetty taking comfort from Leofric, him seeing Matilda, etc, etc. But as I recall things seemed to be going all right before that. I think maybe it was just that he could never get over Matilda, but Alred's just so complicated.
I don't think Alred will
Submitted by Devin on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 16:38.I don't think Alred will ever get over Matilda. And anyway it seems like Egelric loves the young ladies, Lady Sela was 20 at the time of her murder, and Lili was what 21 or 22?
If that! She was about 20, I
Submitted by Cassie on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 17:46.If that! She was about 20, I think. Obviously Elfleda and Gunnilda were in his time frame when he was with them - although I think Gunnilda is actually a fair bit younger than him. Not as big a gap as with Lili, obviously, but I think it's 6 years or so.
(Or Cat.) Though Sigrid is most appropriate for me...she's probably the most like me, I think, though I have a dash of Hetty as well.
I don't think Alred will ever get over Matilda, either, but I don't know if that was everything. There was a lot going on there.
Oh, and Lothere, I can't believe you don't have Lili or Matilda avatars!
And there isn't any avatars
Submitted by Devin on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 18:40.And there isn't any avatars of Sela, Maud, and Elfleda, Vash and Yusuf.
Lili was eighteen when she
Submitted by Lothere on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 19:26.Lili was eighteen when she showed up on Egelric's doorstep. He was forty-one.
He's eight years older than Gunnilda, so back when he was in his mid-twenties that was a rather significant difference. And Sela was seventeen when he first met her and eighteen when he got together with her, though he was only about thirty-seven at the time.
So I guess he does like them younger. Hmm. You might be too young for him, Cassie, but he wouldn't think himself too old for you. I suppose Gwynn has already noticed the age thing, as well.
As for Alred and Hetty, it was going fairly all right before Lili's death. The real problem was that Alred never got over Matilda, and Hetty knew it. But she did think she was the woman he loved best after Matilda. She was OK with being a second wife. I suppose she did dream of being someone's best-beloved, but Hetty being what she is, she probably didn't think she was worthy of it.
However, if you look at "Leofric has a wicked thought" and "Leofric is frightened of his own desire" I think there is some chemistry there already.
But Alred really blew it when he told her about the poem. You can't blame him (much) for not loving Hetty as much as Matilda, since he did love Hetty and was a very good husband to her. But that was an idiotic thing to tell her, drunk or not. Afterwards Hetty thought she had never truly been loved at all.
Alred screwed up then, and several other times in the following days, whereas Leofric was delivering stroke after stroke of precisely what Hetty needed at precisely the moment she needed it. That's what happened. Now, unfortunately, even though things appear to be normal between her and Alred from the outside, they really aren't. We will have a glimpse of the two of them together in a week or so, and it's not getting any better.
As for the avatars, I will add more this weekend. I wanted to get a handful up in a hurry, but I realize there are some major characters missing. More importantly I need to put a new style on this site... all this whiteness is blinding me. This weekend! Tonight I have a chapter to write. (If I can stay awake long enough...)
Oh goodness! I was teasing
Submitted by Cassie on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 09:56.Oh goodness! I was teasing about the avatars. I don't care, please write the story instead!
Poor Hetty. I think if she were a less fragile person they might be able to get past this, but given her nature this might just make her believe he never loved her at all.
And I'm starting to think that maybe Leofric is really in love with Hetty - that she might be something of a soulmate to him in a way that no other woman in his life ever has been.
Ha, when I saw the title of
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 11:44.Ha, when I saw the title of your comment I thought you were going to say you were only teasing about your offer of marriage to Egelric. Don't be surprised if he takes it seriously, as his cousin Malcolm did when Lasrua spoke a little carelessly.
Making avatars is fun, don't worry... it gives me a chance to go back through old pictures and reminisce. I had a devil of a time finding one for Alwy, though. It seemed like I never showed that guy in a reasonably frontal view. I was all the way back in the early day, blurry pictures before I found one. I may have the same problem with Maud and Elfleda.
As for Leofric and Hetty... *sigh* I know what the next installment of the Leofric & Hetty saga will be, but I have no idea what will come afterwards.
I have been very stingy lately with glimpses of some of the very people who must be going through the most turmoil -- Egelric, Hetty, Leofric, Alred, Lasrua, Malcolm... Except for Lasrua, I know when and how we will be seeing them again, but all of their futures are very much unknown to me at this point. 1086 should be an interesting year.
I can't wait! Gotta love
Submitted by Cassie on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 14:18.I can't wait! Gotta love turmoil.
As for my marriage offer...well, I do love Egelric, and I'm sure that he wouldn't consider me too young for him, but for me we'd definitely be veering into creepy/dirty-old-man territory.
Since you're going to enjoy them, I will say that I am quite excited about all the avatars to choose from...why did you choose Eadie for yours?
I think I would rather be
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 14:28.I think I would rather be married to dirty-old-devil Egelric than missing-Matilda Alred, though I wouldn't have thought so in 1084. I feel so awful for Hetty lately.
I chose Eadie for my avatar mainly because she seems like the one I most resemble. There aren't many brown-haired, blue-eyed ladies in Lothere to chose from. (Sigi being an exception, but I look less like Sigi than Eadie.) Also I liked the particular picture I found for her because she had her hair in a French braid, which I often wore when my hair was longer, and she has a bit of the Bayeux tapestry behind her head, which is one of the rare 11th century decorative elements I have, and which is all the more fitting since it depicts events at Hastings, which is how the story got started.
But knowing me and how easily bored I get, I will soon change. I have access to characters you don't even know about yet.
Wow, how do you do it?
Submitted by Sonia on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 14:53.I must admit, even though I write stories of my own, I often get side-tracked.
How on earth do you manage to stay focused all the time?
There are so many distractions around me lately that I can't sit down and concentrate long enough.
But getting back on topic, I am thoroughly enjoying reading your story. I am so glad I came out of the shadows as a lurker and decided to post a few comments. And I am so glad that my friend Taryn introduced me to it too. I keep recommending it to all my friends now, as a darned good read.
I must admit, however, that I was stunned when you killed off Alwy. He was always such a gentle giant, with his simple ways. But I guess that some characters outstay their welcome and nothing more can be developed from them.
I can't exactly pick and choose any particular characters as favourites. Although Aelfden intrigues me a lot, with his selfless nature. Always worrying about doing the right thing.
Dantalion is another one, his existence has altered dramatically.
Of all the female characters, Sela has to be the sweetest one there. With her lively nature and bright smile, she certainly brought joy back into Egelric's life. Even though it was short-lived.
Anyways, I've waffled on quite a bit today. Don't want to bore you all with my reflections and ponderings any more.
I can only guess that I have
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 17:08.I can only guess that I have less distractions than you, or am fundamentally less distractable. I don't have kids or a TV at home, don't get around much, so there isn't much to distract me. Also, I have always been the type to get sucked into projects and spend every waking minute on them. So I couldn't say which.
I try to write for at least 2 hours a day, since I've found that whatever my project of the moment is, anything less doesn't make for much progress. Whether it's writing stories, writing poetry, writing code, or drawing, or learning languages, or whatever... In my experience you learn and/or achieve more if you spend two hours a day for one year than if you spend one hour a day for two or even three years. (And just how many three-year periods do you have left in your life?? I have so much I still want to do!)
At the moment I am trying to grow as a writer of prose, though I admit this story has taken on a life of its own, and my time spent on it is like its life support. I love it too much to let it die. Maybe when the first round of characters is gone -- the SIgefriths, the Alreds, the Egelrics -- or maybe not. However, I still feel like I am making progress with my writing, so I can readily justify the time spent.
There was my waffling for the day.
I still regret killing Alwy. More than Matilda -- even though I loved Matilda more, her death was somewhat justified, since it made a constructive contribution to the story and the evolution of Alred's and her children's characters, as even Cassie recently admitted. Alwy's death, on th other hand, was a little senseless... but I guess that happens sometimes. Dear old Alwy.
As for Sela, I know Devin will have my head, but I think Lena is sweeter. Mind you, I've had the time to dream up quite a lot of back-story for Sela that hasn't been revealed in any way at all, and much of it may never be, but she was a bit on the spunky side. And she could be cruel. I don't think Lena has a particle of cruel in her. But there was no doubt she loved Egelric, though she never was utterly happy with him, and had always known she would not be.
Well, Lothere you must
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 18:45.Well, Lothere you must remember that Lady Sela had a hard short life unlike Lena. Therefore I will turn a blind eye towards this little fact you just revealed.
She IMO was the most beautiful,and kind of Egelric's wives. Lady Sela, out of all of his wives, was the one who loved Egelric the most. She gave up her own happiness , sacrificed living with her family, her speech was taken away from her, and ultimetly she lost her life because of her love for Egelric.
So when I read that in her opinon Lothere thought that Egelric would consider Lili his most beloved wife, I was like what the hell? Sela lost so much because of her love for Egelric, when she first saw him she saw and fell in love with Egelric the man, while Lili only saw Egelric the knight when she first met him.
Now of course Lili fell in love with Egelric by the time of her death, but her love could never match the love that Lady Sela had for Egelric.
Well.... Lena was not quite
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 19:17.Well.... Lena was not quite 18 when she met Aengus, and so her life has been short and not so easy thus far, though unlike Sela's it is not yet over. And I won't deny that Sela gave up an awful lot to be with Egelric... maybe more than she should have.
As for Lili, she was attracted to more than the knight in him. She was attracted to him. I don't know whether she would have showed up alone at his place if he had been only a peasant, since she also needed a protector at that time, but she picked Egelric because she wanted Egelric.
But hey, there's no doubt Sela loved Egelric and Egelric loved Sela. I just think he was cuter with Lili.
Well Lena's life right now
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 20:24.Well Lena's life right now is hard, but before she met Aengus, did she suffer the same tragedy and hardships like the base-born kisors, from what we know about her past I don't think so. But Lena's life right now isn't easy.
Yes, Egelric and Lili looked cute together, but I've noticed for awhile now is that after Lady Sela and Egelric married we saw less and less of her. I always wondered why you kept this particular character hidden, in 1079 there were only 4 posts in which she was present and in 1080 there were only 2 posts. Of course now you explained your reason, but the readers didn't get to see an intimate post of Egelric and Sela or Egelric and Sela with their children.
But there were many of Lili. In a way I love the air of mystery that surrounds Lady Sela Wodehead.
How do you feel about your readers having favorite characters, and sometimes being divided by their loyalty to their favorite characters?
Lena's life was physically
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 20:41.Lena's life was physically very comfortable, but it was also sad and empty. She was raised in a sort of harem to be a sort of concubine. She knew she would never have a husband, never be allowed to keep any boy babies she might have or even see them, and she would not be allowed to be a mother to her girls. As Paul told Alred, all she was supposed to know how to do was "sing and dance and be pretty."
Sela might have had a dirtier, rougher life before she went to live with Egelric, but she was free.
And you're right, you're right, if we had seen more of Sela with Egelric, we might have thought them a very cute couple as well. I've often said I'm sorry I didn't do more with her while she was alive.
I love the fact that my readers have favorite characters and especially that they aren't always the same characters.
Likewise it's wonderful to see the debates that rage, since it means they aren't so 2-dimensional that everyone agrees on who is good, who is bad, and who they want to "win".
"Paul speaks a secret" is a perfect example of this: in the first comment Yicke is still pleading for Araphel to have a chance, and in the next comment BonnieLaurel says basically the opposite. It's probably bad fiction writing, since the reader is supposed to feel satisfied when she gets to the end of the book and Miss Y ends up with Mr. X instead of Mr. Z, but since this book has no end, maybe it's OK.
Much as I love Alred, I'd
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:11.Much as I love Alred, I'd definitely rather be married to Egelric, too. I'd love to be Alred's female friend - like, say Gunnilda and Sir Leila are - but his wife? No.
I had a long succession of dreams this morning about Alred and Matilda. Damn I need help, LOL!
Oh, and I love the new quote on the top, too.
Exactly! I would feel so
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:20.Exactly! I would feel so lucky to have Alred as a friend... but I guess I like a man with a bit of devil in him.
I had a dream about Dantalion this morning, in one of his tall, pale, dark-haired guises. Probably Cian. He kept trying to kiss me and was generally being very annoying. He also had a bit of a cold, and he wasn't getting the concept that he should wipe his nose before trying to kiss me. So I win in the weird Lothere dream contest this morning.
I have two quotes in there now that are showing up randomly. I would like to add some more. My first goal in my learning-to-program Drupal regime is to modify the Random Quote module to allow everyone to add quotes. You could do it now if I enabled it for regular users, but I am so fussy about that sort of thing, I would like to have a slot to enter The Quote, Who Said It, (optionally) Who They Said It To, Chapter Title, and Chapter Number. Otherwise *horrors* you might not do it the way I would do it, and we can't have that.
Haha! That would be fun.
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:37.Haha! That would be fun. There are so many great lines...
Do you think there's anything Alred can do to redeem himself with Hetty at this point? I'm not sure he even wants to, to be honest - in the last Alred/Hetty chapter, he said that his heart had died.
Also, does he remember his encounter with Matilda now that he's "alive" again?
There's an idea I had before
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 07:53.There's an idea I had before you did, Cassie.... I've been thinking lately I need a way to gather some of the favorite quotes I and you and others are pulling up.
Drupal is a lot more work than WordPress to manage, but it's more extensible, and it allows a lot more community interaction too. It will be an interesting experiment for me to allow others to add content, even if it's only stuff like avatars and quotes for now. And of course you can already create forum topics and polls.
Alred is behaving beautifully with Hetty these days, but she knows the fire is out. I don't want to say he doesn't want to redeem himself with her -- one day he may decide he is lonely for a lady again -- but at the moment he is content with the way things are.
Poor Hetty is not, but you know Hetty... she surely thinks she doesn't deserve to be happy.
Alred is getting a lot of his happiness out of his son and daughter-in-law these days (remember he's the only one who knows about the baby), but once Brit is no longer able to ride, and since it hurts him to get on a horse, he may be looking back to his other "beauty" again. It is way too early for me to say. I haven't even taken pictures for the upcoming Alred + Hetty chapter yet.
He does remember his encounter with Matilda, but he hasn't told anyone. That may be one of the reasons why he has given up on loving Hetty. He's loving a ghost more than ever now.
That'll be exciting (re the
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 14:39.That'll be exciting (re the quotes.) I'll be on the lookout for good ones.
That really is tragic, though...poor Hetty. I figured that would be a consequence of his encounter with Matilda. Hetty is a darling, but that's just not enough - and I don't know if it would have been easier or harder for him if she had died still loving him. Maybe she did, I don't know. Maybe not even she knew how she felt at the end...about anything.
Edit: This is a good one I just remembered...I'm paraphrasing, but it's Alred to Brit: "My dear, if life gives you the choice, always laugh. There will be days when all you can do is cry."
We all should be careful, though - Alred says so many profound things that the quotes may all end up being from him!
That quote was from
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 15:17.That quote was from "Britamund sees her future floor", and it is henceforth in the rotation.
Gunnilda has said a few wise things herself, and Alwy of course, and there is always the wisdom of small children. I'm sure it won't be all Alred, all the time, but I admit I'm generous with him when I'm doling out the quotable quotes.
As for Matilda, I think she did love Alred when she died. I never said it though. Look at the chapter when she was dying:
I don't know what she would have explained... She got as far as "She would have liked to have to have told—" and even I wasn't allowed to hear the rest. But I think she loved him. I believe that's what she would have liked to have told him.
Yes, Gunnilda & Alwy, and
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 15:25.Yes, Gunnilda & Alwy, and the kids, say some beautiful things as well. And Egelric, to be sure. The Alred ones are just the ones that tend to jump out more often.
Oh, Matilda. That passage makes me a bit teary, even now...I hope she loved him at the end. I think she did, too - when pondering the question I've often thought of that passage. I just wish that Alred had been able to know she was thinking it. I think it would have helped him later on.
I sort of wish she had told
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 15:42.I sort of wish she had told him the last time they met. Perhaps it would have helped him live on.
Or perhaps she was wise not to... perhaps she knew he would never have consented to live if he could have gone away with her, sure of her love.
It's been a while since I read that chapter... now I'm all sniffly again. They were so in love!
Oh dear, I should not have
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 16:13.Oh dear, I should not have read that again while I was in a sensitive mood. Now I'm weeping.
I don't know - would it have made it easier or harder to let go if she had said she loved him then? I think the whole theme of that chapter was that he would not have gone happily back into life with Hetty and his family, or happy into death with Matilda, but instead he would be torn and broken whichever way he went. Which is maybe more tragic than his death would have been. And my heart just broke when he still didn't have the courage to tell her how he loved her, even though this would be his last chance.
The lesson for Alred in that
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 16:25.The lesson for Alred in that chapter was basically, "Yeah, life sucks, but you know what? Death does too." As Matilda told him, "You were supposed to die. You don’t know how lucky you are."
He discovered he felt just as bad dead as alive ("Despair, he knew now, was not a curse of the body: it was an abiding torment of the soul."). Also he was learning how important it was to be alive and have a body:
Coincidentally (or not
) that is one of the lessons Dantalion is learning at the moment.
Anyway, the sad result of this is that Alred is probably feeling more depressed than ever. But he might find it easier to go on living, now that he knows that death isn't a relief.
Oh, I love that new Matilda
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 17:14.Oh, I love that new Matilda quote. As I look through the old chapters I'm still looking for good ones.
What was that that Lili said to Egelric...about sadness and happiness, and that the happiness was worth the sadness. Bittersweet now, of course, but I loved it then and I love it now, because it showed how much Egelric had changed.
(Pssst to everyone else! Suggest quotes, too!)
That's an excellent quote to
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 17:30.That's an excellent quote to have suggested, since it's long enough to let me test quotes that wrap. Looks OK. But I have a lot of re-styling to do on the site, so I'm sure I'll manage to screw it up.
From "Lili has a few thoughts" (I wasn't in fine chapter-naming mettle that day, I see):
Yeah, I hope Egelric doesn't forget she said that now. I'm afraid he's going to give up trying to be happy now. He's hurting too much.
*Whispers that Lili-quote
Submitted by Cassie on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 20:00.*Whispers that Lili-quote into Egelric's ear*
I do miss Lili. She was just so much fun, with her boldness and silliness and jokes and blond braids.
I do feel bad for Gunnilda, pining away for Egelric all these years. Not saying she's been idle, at all - she's been a wonderful mother, wife, and friend - but it just sucks. She's done it quietly and gracefully, but it's obvious that it's been there all this time. I just can't imagine how awful it must be to be a fully adult woman, twice married and the mother of several children, and you've only ever desired one man - and never had him.
Honestly, even the characters who have had some of the hardest lives - Alred, Egelric, Iylaine, and even the tragic women like Maud, Elfleda, and Sela - have had real happiness in their lives.
Thank the heavens for Bertie! He's wonderful, and her true happiness.
And her candy! I can't
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 02/01/2008 - 20:30.And her candy! I can't think of Lili without thinking of candy.
"Lili asks for ladies":
"Gwynn is dispensed from kissing beards":
"Matilda is welcomed home":
As for Gunnilda, I'm glad you noticed her special relationship with Bertie. I don't know what's going to happen to her, but I have a feeling that relationship will be very important to her in the future. If Bertie had been just a bit older when Alwy died, she would have gone to live with him and would not have married Ethelmund at all. For what that's worth...
Oh yes, the candy! Sweet
Submitted by Cassie on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 07:47.Oh yes, the candy! Sweet little Lili and her candy...
What is Magog up to lately?
Nice try! We will see Magog
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 07:58.Nice try!
We will see Magog before the new year, that's all I will say for now. I don't want to ruin anyone's suspense.
However, although I am certain we will see Lasrua before the end of the year as well, I really have no idea what to do with the poor girl. I think she will just be hanging out with Gwynn and Condal and Leila's girls for now, but maybe I will have an idea during one of those conversations.
Maybe if I could figure out what, exactly, is her great failing or great fear, it would give me an idea about how she could overcome it to find happiness and self-fulfillment, blah blah blah... It worked on Paul and Cat and Ethelwyn, after all.
You see, I've set myself up with another one of those relationships where you want them to be together and I just can't figure out how to pull it off.
(Though it's much easier for me than one of those unsolvable love-triangles à la Vash-Malcolm-Iylaine or Araphel-Osh-Flann...)
Oh, I so want Malcolm and
Submitted by Cassie on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 09:21.Oh, I so want Malcolm and Rua together. I truly do have a mushy heart (which I'm sure you totally couldn't tell...lol) and those two together were pretty amazing. I don't see how it could work, though - Rua is so tied to her elf heritage that I'm sure she would want to be bound to him, and I don't see how Malcolm would go for that. Alas!
Perhaps an Eye Opening Experience is in order for Magog as well...
There is indeed a technical
Submitted by Lothere on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 09:32.There is indeed a technical problem that I haven't been able to solve (aside from Malcolm's inability to commit or whatever his problem is)... if he marries her elf-style, he either can't leave the valley again, or he's going to have to take her with him everywhere he goes... an overwhelming difficulty for Mr. Seven League Boots, at least once she starts having children.
So Lasrua would have to give that up. I am sure she knows it. And I don't know how she feels about that, especially since the last time they met there was enough chemistry to spontaneously synthesize TNT. One would forgive her for concluding that he was just as good a mate as an elf with fire nature would have been, and especially since she didn't seem all that wild about her fiancé. (Osh once said "She’s more in love with the idea of a husband than with Lor himself.")
Still, she's sixteen. I would imagine she figures it would all work out somehow, if only he would come back.
Heh, I can't wait to get some girl talk going between her and Gwynn and Connie. But first I need to give Gwynn something more substantial to sigh about than her little girlish crush on Ralf. Let me know if you think of somone.
I'm on it. ;) Oh, chemistry!
Submitted by Cassie on Sat, 02/02/2008 - 09:50.I'm on it.
Oh, chemistry! We are indeed hopeless in the face of it...and that was just one of those, well, absolutely electric ones. I think Malcolm would probably satisfy her, especially since those crazy Scots have that slight fire nature. It certainly hit both of them pretty hard.
You know, there is a certain
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 14:20.You know, there is a certain violet-eyed Irishman on his way to Lothere...
Lovely little forum you've got going here. Another great way for me to procrastinate! Homework? What's that?
There is also a certain
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 14:24.There is also a certain violet-eyed avatar available if you hurry.
Though I admit, that Brude avatar is like a black hole of seduction... every time I look into those gray eyes I can't look away. Why did I kill him, again?
Haha. I caught this after I
Submitted by Cearbhaill on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 14:32.Haha. I caught this after I had already changed it. With a name, face and eyes like that, how could I resist? Plus, I'll be nice and leave Brude for Verity, should she so desire.
Why did you kill him? Um. To make a better story?? You are very right about the black hole of seduction though.
This is such a way to
Submitted by François on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 14:36.This is such a way to procrastinate and far better in brown !
A few post before, you said you might stop writing after the first generation is gone or maybe not. I think it would be difficult to write after Sigefrith and Egelric and Alred and Leofric are gone, but it would be such a challenge for a writer to make an entire universe live again and again with the descendants of your first characters... And I think the quotes on the front of your forum are great. I often thought behind my screen that some of your dialogs or description were great litterature and wanted to copy it for somewhere. It is very cool to have them come back from limbs of far far away !
If you read a bit of french, come and read my Modern-Times RKC on http://aridia.canalblog.com !
Oooh, I love the new color
Submitted by Cassie on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 15:40.Oooh, I love the new color scheme and avatars! And the new quote from Tiana...LOL! Hilarious.
As if I needed more ways to procrastinate with the Kingdom of Lothere. Sigh. But I have all my work done up until Tuesday, so I'm feeling pretty okay about this...
If you're looking for yet
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 16:05.If you're looking for yet another way to procrastinate in the Kingdom of Lothere, you could try to find me a good picture of Vash, fairly straight-on, full-face, so I can make a Vash avatar. I am running out of steam looking through pictures here... I never realized I had so many characters until this afternoon. I keep thinking, Ooh! Ooh! I have to do an avatar for X, X is a Major Character! And so my afternoon is spent.
And poor Caedwulf meanwhile is standing around waiting for me to get him out of this unpleasant situation I have photographed him in...
And also Wynflaed and Sir
Submitted by Cassie on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 16:10.And also Wynflaed and Sir Sigefrith...does Leofric have one? I can't remember. And Iylaine! I don't think there's one for her yet, either. Or either of the Malcolms. I'll be on the lookout for good shots of Vash. Still looking for good quotes too, maybe from Alwy or Egelric. They both had some pretty lovely gems in their time.
*cry* There are so many
Submitted by Lothere on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 16:17.*cry* There are so many "gotta haves"! I am working on Leofric now... I am trying to find a good one with his new skin, where there is some perv and some hottie both. And maybe even a touch of the softie. Not easy. I told myself: after Leofric, I call it a day. But I keep seeing other characters in the pictures with him who are "gotta haves" too... *cry*
"Oh dear," as Eadie would
Submitted by Cassie on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 16:50."Oh dear," as Eadie would say! I'm sure you'll find a good one! You can always choose more than one...there are just SO MANY characters in this epic. The avatar of Sela in particular is really beautiful.
Edit: The new ones of Sir Sigefrith and Magog...phwoar as Verity would say, hee hee.
That's what I told you one
Submitted by François on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 12:03.That's what I told you one day, Lothere, you have like a hundred living characters to deal with !
Good luck for the avatars, though I think I'll keep Murchad because he looks like me (unless you give us a picture of Ethelwyn)
Aengus looked at Ethelwyn, and Ethelwyn looked at the Duchess, and the Duchess smiled prettily and blushed.
Aelfden realized he must have been standing dumb for a while, for little Lord Cynewulf piped up, “Can’t you think of one, Father? You should give him a saint’s name if you don’t know, like my little brother.”
The Princess giggled. “Or a dragon’s, like mine.”
'Or for a dragon, like mine.'
“Say! That’s a goo—” Cynewulf’s comment was cut short by a nudge from Sir Sigefrith.
Those were in "Aelfden slips the scales" and it was so funny you add comic dialogs with a scene that is very grave given the reason of this wedding and the state of the priest...
Cassie, those last avatars
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 12:18.Cassie, those last avatars of Sir Sigefrith and Magog were what I had in mind when I was thinking of photogenic characters. I am working on a chapter with Caedwulf and Whitehand now, and I took a ton of pictures of Stein and Sir Sigefrith goofing off and/or gossiping in the corner, largely because Sigefrith was looking smoldering-hot over there in the torchlight. (The avatar is from that scene.) Unfortunately, the way the chapter is shaping up, I don't think I'll get to use any of them.
I was trying out a new set of eyes on Sigefrith and Caedwulf, and they are both looking better than ever. Something about those new eyes is quite seductive. Leofric is so getting those eyes. (Only natural, since Sigefrith got his eyes from his father.)
And, François, one of the reasons why the Old Man is a recurring character (aside from the cuuuuute) is comic relief!
I love these new avatars,
Submitted by Devin on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 20:20.I love these new avatars, Meryt have you noticed that Lady Sela looks oriental in her avatar?
Raegan and Lissa I can't wait to see them.
I did notice that, but she's
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 02/04/2008 - 20:27.I did notice that, but she's an elf so I have an excuse. I noticed the same thing about Aia yesterday when I was taking pictures of her. I think they're both quite lovely.
We had very few pictures of Sela which weren't taken in the dark. I didn't realize that until yesterday when I was looking for some! I had a very hard time finding one for Sela.