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On deleted sims

Submitted by maruutsu on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 20:09.
So I deleted a family the other day, but they still show up in SimPe. What I'm wondering is this -- can I delete them in SimPe without it causing any conflicts in my game? Or is it wiser to un-delete them and mess with their genes and saving them for later? If so, how do I un-delete them?
Oh, me and my never-ending cluelessness.
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That depends on whether or
Submitted by Van on Wed, 09/23/2009 - 20:38.That depends on whether or not they knew anyone. If they never interacted with anyone outside the family, and no other sims have any memory of them, then deleting them should be no problem. If they did, that might be an issue, although I'm not entirely sure about that, seeing as I've never actually tried it myself. Sorry
I can, however, help you with the un-deleting. Open whatever neighborhood the family lived in in SimPE and then go Tools --> Neighborhood --> Sim Surgery. A little window will pop up, and on the side of this window there will be a scrolling, alphabetical list of all the sims in the neighborhood. Select whichever sim you want to restore and then click "Use" in the Patient Sim field. Then click "Export" and make sure to change the file name (apparently bad things will happen if you don't), and then save. The sim will now be readily available in CAS.
Unfortunately, this only works with appearance and not personality, but if you've been thinking of these sims as characters, then it shouldn't be too big of a problem to reset their personality points. Also, if there happened to be a baby who hadn't reached the toddler stage yet, I don't think you can export them because there are no babies in CAS (albeit I haven't actually tried this, as I am scared to).
Anyway, hope that sort of helped. Good luck
By "deleting them" you mean
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 04:12.By "deleting them" you mean they were in the Family Bin and you deleted them from there? I... don't think I have ever done that in my Lothere neighborhood.
At least not for Sims I actually played. I don't know what happens then. I suspect it's more radical than simply killing them... it probably deletes more of their attached files, like their possessions and (maybe?) their DNA. So perhaps it's not possible to SimPE them back to life again.
However, in the past I have deleted Sims in SimPE and not had ill effects. I have never deleted a MAIN character, but I've deleted mutant kids, townies, and a few characters I made in CAS and decided to redo. (Such as Leof, Leila, and Cedric version 1. Hard to believe Leof almost didn't look like Leof!)
However, I've read that it can be dangerous to do this (especially if they have relationships with other Sims, or (I would imagine!) some other Sim is pregnant with their child while when you delete them). That is why, nowadays, I never delete Sims, but instead plastic surgery and SimPE them into new characters.
So if that's all you're interested in, and it's an important neighborhood, I would say let those Sims stay in SimPE and just start new characters. It's probably not worth the risk of physically deleting them. (Unless you're sure you never played them, like me with Leof v 1.0.) I wouldn't "resurrect" them either, due to a chance of missing DNA or other important package files.
If you are actually interested in getting those Sims back (you weren't quite clear about what you wanted) then the procedure Van described should at least get you Sims that look like the deleted Sims.
Yep, that's what I mean. The
Submitted by maruutsu on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 11:50.Yep, that's what I mean. The background of their image in SimPe is blue, whatever that means.
I'm pretty sure they haven't interacted with any other Sims, but I'd have to check.
I actually just want to delete them fully, so that they don't take up space. If I can't, then I'd like to use their files (their sims) for other characters, which is what I meant by un-deleting them. I don't actually want sims that look like them (the reason I deleted them in the first place was because they weren't doing so great in the looks department, lol).
Hmmm... maybe backup your
Submitted by Van on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:19.Hmmm... maybe backup your neighborhood in Sim PE, then delete their character files from the Sims 2 --> Neighborhoods --> N### --> Characters folder (you can find out their file names from Neighborhood browser view in Sim PE, but you probably already knew that), and then run the game and see how things are working. If there are any issues, you can always restore the backup.
Hopefully that was at least marginally helpful. Sorry if it wasn't
You can delete Sims directly
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:27.You can delete Sims directly from within SimPE. I have done that in the past. The nice thing is that it frees up the IDs to be used again, which is the only reason why it took me until just recently to hit 1000. That's how Malo, for instance, ended up as Sim 49 even though I created him long after some of the Sims with higher IDs (Yware is Sim 65, for example).
You can? I had no idea
Submitted by Van on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 12:58.You can? I had no idea (albeit I've never tried deleting a sim either way). It's probably safer through Sim PE, actually, because it might dissociate the sim from memories and the like more efficiently? I don't know.
I should probably try it. Without Uni, I can't repurpose any sims who were main or main-ish characters (although I suppose I could always hack their files and switch their genders), but I only have about 250 sims in my largest neighborhood currently, so I've still got lots of time and space.
As I recall, it's as simple
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 09/24/2009 - 13:14.As I recall, it's as simple as clicking on the Sim's name in the Sim Descriptions pane, and pressing the delete key. You may have to commit + save afterwards. Like I said, it's been ages since I've done this. I used to delete all my townies, but they come back every time I create a new downtown (in spite of my anti-townie-regeneration mod) so I gave up.
But Lothere, if you plastic
Submitted by François on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 01:06.But Lothere, if you plastic surgery old sims, their kids wont look like them, but like their previous them, don't they ?
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A Sim who has had plastic
Submitted by Lothere on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 04:28.A Sim who has had plastic surgery will have a new entry in his package file for his plastic surgeried facial features, but his old facial features will stick around for reproductive purposes, you're right. However, in SimPE you can copy the new facial features on top of the old, and the game will then treat him as if he always looked that way.