"Don’t call me your girl. And don’t ask me to smile."
If you were an elf, what nature would you have?

Submitted by Ann on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 02:20.
9% (3 votes)
26% (9 votes)
40% (14 votes)
26% (9 votes)
Total votes: 35
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Nimue just suggested a poll
Submitted by Ann on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 02:24.Nimue just suggested a poll about what natures everyone here might have, so I thought I'd make it. ^^
For me, I'm definitely water. If I can't reach my goal the conventional way, I take a detour till I find another way.
I might add the
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 04:12.I might add the "definitions" I use when guiding my elven personalities. See Humorism and the Four Temperaments.
I think I would have earth nature, myself.
And just to see if your Astrological sign matches up (this has nothing to do with my elves):
Oh, wow. Now I don't know
Submitted by Ann on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 06:33.Oh, wow. Now I don't know what I really am. There's a lot of resemblance to me in each of those descriptions. And I'm a Libra, although I don't feel particularly "airy" and I've always been a bit of a pyromaniac. ^^
He/She can be day-dreamy and
Submitted by Van on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 10:34.That is me in one sentence
Although I do see parts of myself in the other descriptions, I think Air matches up best for me personality-wise (I'm a Capricorn, an earth sign, but I've often been told I don't act like one). And it's funny because looking at the personality descriptions, my family could totally match a typical khirron two-parent, two-child, four-nature family structure. My dad would have water nature, my mom would have fire nature, I'd have air nature, and my brother would have earth nature.
What a great poll idea!
I agree, this was a fun
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 10:45.I agree, this was a fun one.
I found this online quiz if you are looking for an ever-so-slightly-more objective analysis of yourself.
Despite that I'm a scorpio
Submitted by Devin on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 10:54.Despite that I'm a scorpio water doesen't fit me as well as Air. So I have Air nature.
Yaaaaay Air! *high fives
Submitted by Van on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 10:59.Yaaaaay Air! *high fives Devin*
I took the quiz, and I got sanguine/air on that too, although I should mention that for a lot of the questions I did feel as though more than one answer fit me, so it's a good thing the quiz accepted multiple answers. I don't think many people can say they're 100% whatever one of the four. There's probably some sort of spectrum.
Heh, I didn't even notice it
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:01.Heh, I didn't even notice it took more than one answer. I still got Melancholy though.
Hi guys! I haven't
Submitted by Karen on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:07.Hi guys! I haven't commented in MONTHS, but I'm still faithfully reading updates and I HAD to comment on this poll because I had almost suggested making this exact one back...well, forever ago.
Anyway, I'd definitely be a fire nature elf; I'm an Aries and when I took the quiz that Lothere linked to, I also got choleric. So. More proof.
Also, I have some Scottish blood...wonder if that helps.
Happy to know you're still
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:10.Happy to know you're still with us!
We don't get to see Wynflaed's face enough. (It's hard to reconcile Wynflaed with the choleric person behind her, however.
Maybe I'll start hanging
Submitted by Karen on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:20.Maybe I'll start hanging around more, now that the Missile Defense Agency has blocked almost every other website out there for me.
And as for Wynflaed...she's just so cute in that picture.
Karen, if that was the
Submitted by Lothere on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:21.Karen, if that was the opening line of a novel, I would buy it.
Haha, this is nice idea.
Submitted by ermine on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:24.Haha, this is nice idea. It's like 'If you were a tree, what tree would you be?' with Lothere theme.
Usually I just get tired of those.
Personally.. I'm Aquarius. I have known it's "Air"-sign, and it sounds "quite right", but I'm not so outgoing. And now when I think, Water matches even better. Phlegmatic! That's the word.
I also though that I had few drops of Earth too, and that test suddenly gave me "Melancholic." Hmh. Fun admixture, I guess.
Only Fire is left, it doesn't sound really similar.
I always thought those horoscopes were interesting with my family, 'cause my both parents are Earth and my both siblings are Fire. And I'm that weird Air between them. ;D
Definitely water! I'm a
Submitted by Cassie on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 11:31.Definitely water! I'm a Cancer, as well, and have always loved water (swimming, showers, bafs) and have always hated/been afraid of fire. (Although that particular description makes me sound more earth-like, which is interesting. Most "water" descriptions I've read sound more like me.)
Fun poll!
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
Thanks for making the poll
Submitted by Nimue on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 09:15.Thanks for making the poll Ann! Yeah I am definitely phlegmatic, by quiz and description alike. However, I am also a Gemini, so that's a bit interesting. Maybe because I do like change quite a bit? This was fun.
Reading the descriptions, I
Submitted by stacysaurus on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 12:35.Reading the descriptions, I thought I was most like Water. I'm also a Pisces. People have told me I really seem like the stereotypical pisces
I'm not sure if that's good or bad!!
edit: I took the test and it said I'm phlegmatic!!
I voted Air. I'm a Gemini,
Submitted by Lily on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 16:57.I voted Air. I'm a Gemini, so I suppose it fits...and people have told me that I tend to be a bit volatile, never making up my mind. And my head is always in the clouds. So Air it is, I suppose.
I'm earf.
Submitted by PenelopetheFox on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 20:57.I'm earf.
People around me would say I
Submitted by wawa180859 on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 21:31.People around me would say I have Air Nature being - "generally light-hearted, funloving, a people person, loves to entertain, spontaneous, leader abilities, and confident." When I'm around people that is how I "act". I feel that I'm on stage to perform for others, but I see myself as being of Earth Nature. That whole description that Jenny put forth is exactly how "I" feel about life right now. Maybe its because I just turned 50 this year, plus lost an incredible job due to the economy and ended up "settling for less" in a new job path. As Garbo said ...." I vant to be alonnnnnne!!"
I really wish I had air or
Submitted by Jesska on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 19:41.I really wish I had air or even earth nature, since it would help out so much in my profession, etc. but it's kind of hard to shake being a water nature. Oh well, at least I get to hang out in the tragically interesting group of Vash and friends...
So sayeth life, the world is mine
You can create great tombs of marble and stone
But love, you can never entomb
So spricht das Leben, the world is mine
1. I voted earth, but I'm
Submitted by Ri on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 19:57.1. I voted earth, but I'm kind of watery too. Mud-nature?
2. We seem to be lacking in fire-people here. Coincidence, or conspiracy?
I voted water, but once I
Submitted by Sam on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 21:10.I voted water, but once I read the descriptions, I really can't decide, there's something of me in all of them. Though if I had to pick, it would probably be earth.
After thinking about it I
Submitted by Ann on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 22:45.After thinking about it I changed my vote to earth. It's what I feel suits me most, from this descripton here as well as any other I read since. Though I guess I'm air too, at least in part, because I can completely agree to what wawa180859 said. It's me in a nutshell. So, I'm earth and air, with maybe a splash of water for good measure. Mud with bubbles?
Lol, the mixing of elf
Submitted by Jesska on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 10:31.Lol, the mixing of elf natures reminds me of the harvey dangerfield joke: "Of course our marriage doesn't work, I'm water and she's earth, all we do is make mud..." Hmmm, I'm beginning to wonder that the elves caught onto this early too, not just for biological reasons.
So sayeth life, the world is mine
You can create great tombs of marble and stone
But love, you can never entomb
So spricht das Leben, the world is mine
But what would earth and air
Submitted by Ann on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 11:08.But what would earth and air make? A sandstorm?
And putting fire and water together would be very steamy.
Let's see... Earth + Air =
Submitted by Karen on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 11:46.Let's see...
Earth + Air = Dust or sandstorm?
Earth + Water = Mud
Earth + Fire = Fire being stamped out or banked a little?
Air + Water = Hurricane?
Air + Fire = Wildfire
Water + Fire = Ashes...after putting the fire out. Or steam. Like that better.
....Or something?
According to elven theology,
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 11:50.According to elven theology, Earth + AIr = Stars
I like the Water + Fire = steamy idea too, and not only because I am working on Malrua at the moment.
Air + Water = Bubbles! *say in drunken Egelric voice*
and Earth + Fire = a volcano
Submitted by Ann on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 11:56.and Earth + Fire = a volcano
Ha! I hope that Earth +
Submitted by Karen on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 12:07.Ha! I hope that Earth + Fire don't equal a volcano! The guy that I'm dating now is a Taurus (earth) and I'm an Aries (fire)! I don't want to asplode.
Astroglogically speaking I
Submitted by Ann on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 12:29.Astroglogically speaking I don't think you would. ^^ Taurus and Aries are both supposed to be too grounded for that, I think. Plus you have all those other planets, that are supposed to influence you too.
But look at Iylaine. I tried to imagine her with someone like Shus.... equals a volcano in my thinking. ^^
Edit: Would be funny to see you "errupt".

Haha, yeah. We'll see if it
Submitted by Karen on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 13:06.Haha, yeah. We'll see if it works out, but so far the "astrological" forecast looks good...the things that would normally cause problems between an Aries and Taurus don't apply in our case. As in, I'm not a spendthrift and I also prefer staying in to going out partying...most of the time.
It makes me curious about the astrological compatibility of some of our Lotherian couples.
Haha, yeah. We'll see if it
Submitted by Karen on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 13:06.Haha, yeah. We'll see if it works out, but so far the "astrological" forecast looks good...the things that would normally cause problems between an Aries and Taurus don't apply in our case. As in, I'm not a spendthrift and I also prefer staying in to going out partying...most of the time.
It makes me curious about the astrological compatibility of some of our Lotherian couples.
Iylaine + Dunstan = volcano
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 13:15.Iylaine + Dunstan = volcano too I think. He was wise to pass on that one.
If there is any astrological significance to any Lotherian couples, it is purely coincidental, since I know nothing about astrology. I just know Virgos like myself are supposed to be perfectionist, Tauruses like my dad are supposed to be stubborn, and Scorpios like my husband are supposed to be sexy. And for most of my characters I don't even know when their birthday is.
Hmm Alred and Leof are both Scorpios...
I voted for Air and when I
Submitted by Verity on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 13:10.I voted for Air and when I read the descriptions you wrote Lothere I thought it was fairly reasonable but I realised I am about half Earth then
Earth + Air = rock with lots of empty pore space
maybe a basalt with lots of holes from gas bubbles
Here is the more me Airth description:
A person who is Airth is generally light-hearted, funloving, a people person, loves to entertain, spontaneous but also can become overly pre-occupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world, thus becoming depressed. He/She can be day-dreamy and off-task to the point of not accomplishing anything.
My starsign is Pisces and I don't really believe those things. My aunt once told me there are two types of Pisces the ones who swim downstream and go with the flow and those who go upstream. I guess that makes me a salmon
Verity, you rule! That
Submitted by Ann on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 22:44.Verity, you rule!
for the salmon. Priceless! 
That description is a hit in the black. And a
Lol, I love your
Submitted by maruutsu on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 08:51.Lol, I love your description, Verity.
The test put me as Phlegmatic, but I don't think it's accurate at all. According to my therapist I'm intelligent + independent + rebellious = difficult person. So I guess that makes me Fire/Air? What nature does a difficult person have? Mmm... what's Lar's nature again? XD
Lar has sexy nature Hmmm...
Submitted by Van on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 11:25.Lar has sexy nature
Hmmm... the "difficult" nature would probably depend on what one personally finds annoying. Like, reading over the descriptions, I personally would probably be most bothered by Fire types (though not in all instances--in fact, both my mother and my best friend would probably have Fire nature) because I'm a lazy slacker and sometimes the hardcore "doer" attitude gets on my nerves. Likewise, some people might find Airheads like myself to be the difficult ones.
I'm sure you're not difficult, though
Air describes me so well it
Submitted by Desdmona on Mon, 11/16/2009 - 16:38.Air describes me so well it is creepy...I took the quiz and got Sanguine.
I haven't gotten far enough
Submitted by PorkWithBones on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 21:14.I haven't gotten far enough in reading the story yet to know much about the elf-natures (except for the bit Vash has explained to Iylaine), and I know this is a very old poll and thread, but the subject interests and amuses me enough to post here anyway.
Earth is a very easy answer for me: I fall under an Earth sign in at least two wildly different zodiac systems. I've always known myself to be melancholic under the Greek system of the humors (and was once told that I was clearly a melancholic by a brand new acquaintance, who I never again heard make reference to the humors despite working with him for years afterward), though I did not realize until now that it was associated with elemental Earth.
And then I took the quiz Lothere linked above, for a more *cough* objective assessment.
The woman meditating as she spins while watching over an invalid is a startling apropos image for me. Among other things, I've been an avid spinner for a number of years, and find it brings me peace; though I have never yet spun flax.