"Creepy, stinky, withered, rasputin-like, interfering, little crawling critters up the spine, vague stink that you can’t locate, demon-employing, angel-enslaving, creepy, creepy, creep! Keep your hands off the saint!"
The Madness of Dru

Submitted by Devin on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 15:34.
I was looking at Dru's family tree and noticed that he had a child with his 10 year old half sister who died 4 days after the birth of their daughter. I'm betting that he raped the poor child. How could the elves allow him to roam free knowing what he's capable of?

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- I love that you're out there
2 years 3 weeks ago - If anyone is interessed, I
2 years 12 weeks ago - Tainted as it's been by the
3 years 15 weeks ago - So, so sorry to hear that.
3 years 15 weeks ago - To readers of this story I
3 years 18 weeks ago - It had something to do with
3 years 39 weeks ago - That sounds so fun,
3 years 39 weeks ago - Well, I did made the top
3 years 40 weeks ago - Hello Lothere,
Maybe you
3 years 40 weeks ago - Oh, man, I forgot about the
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Ugh, I am tempted to treat
Submitted by Lothere on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 10:55.Ugh, I am tempted to treat that as a rhetorical question. HOW COULD THEY???!!! *incoherent outrage*
Elven society has gone rotten in the last few decades. Sorin is an ineffective leader, and Saralla willfully blinds herself to a lot of negative things. In the absence of a strong official government, a underworld shadow-government will often fill the void, among people as well as elves.
A few years ago, when Paul was still Kiv and he was telling Vash that he couldn't give up, he wasn't only speaking about the "OMG you must marry Iylaine and have babies or our civilization is DOOMED" aspect of the elven situation.
I won't go into more details at this time, but it's something to ponder.