“Every day you spend thinking about going to see her is a day you’ll not be spending at her side. And no gentle god will be coming along later and tacking those days back onto the end of your life. Nor onto hers.”
Aengus to Domnall, “Aengus does not allow himself to repine”
The Kingdom of Lothere is an ongoing medieval fantasy novel published chapter-by-chapter on the Web, illustrated with screenshots from The Sims 2.
“Nimea: Hmmm, who would I rather hang with? A group of scrappy, kick-ass underdogs led by the most gorgeous profile on the continent, or an elitist group of inflexible, stuffy nobles who spend their days committing violent genocide, braiding each other’s hair and being bossed around by an old lady with a hat that must be almost as heavy as Alred’s attitude?”
‒ Van wondering why the Bright Lady is on the side of the khírrón, “The Nine Mothers”
Story, graphics, and design copyright © 2005–2025 by the Author. All rights reserved.
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