

ID Tournament Date Sponsor Description First Second
1 Stán-Hliþ Tournament 1086-03-04 Brinstan Selle Tournament for the village of Stán-Hliþ, as well as the boys and youths of all of Thorhold Hundred. Godcild, Mason Wulfwine, Guard
4 Cyric-tún Tournament 1086-03-04 Máel Coluim mac Colbáin Tournament for Cyric-tún and Byrgen-slæd. Duncan Aethelheard
8 Hræfenwíc Tournament 1086-03-04 Sigefrith Leofricsson Hingwar Tournament for residents of Ofer-hræfenwíc, as well as boys and youths of Niþer-hræfenwíc. Cibno, Stablemaster Othulf, Manservant
6 Heá-dúna Tournament 1086-03-05 Alred Sebright Men and youths of the village of Heá-dúna, except for the residents of the Keep. Eadric Arnulfsson, Groom Kuntigern Ívarrssen
Kuntigern Ívarrssen, Silversmith
2 Plum-geard Tournament 1086-03-07 Selwyn Sigefrithssen Stearn Tournament for residents of Plum-geard and Stanbrycg. Sigefrith Frethegis
3 Dunellenburh Tournament 1086-03-07 Dunstan Sebright Tournament for the residents of Nið-mór and Brád-dene. Mynyddog Anson Arnulfsson Ridend
Anson Arnulfsson Ridend
5 Gærs-tún Tournament 1086-03-07 Áengus mac Cuilén Tournament for the men of Gærs-tún. Cynhafal, Shoemaker Marcán
Marcán, Guard
7 Gold-mæd Tournament 1086-03-07 Godefroy de Richebourg Tournament for the residents of Gold-mæd and Þorn-ræw. Hyfaidd, Shoemaker Wiverth, Guard
9 Acanweald Tournament 1086-03-11 Eadmaer Dunheard Tournament for Acanweald and Brunburn villages. Adelgar, Guard Mansige, Groom
10 Wintermere Tournament 1086-03-11 Baldwin Aelfdensson Hingwar Tournament for Wintermere and Winterburna Cenwald, Guard Wulfraed, Guard
11 Dunellen Youth Tournament 1086-03-11 Dunstan Sebright Tournament for the boys and youths of Dunellen Hundred. Ealmund, Guard Wighard
12 Nothelm Boys' Tournament 1086-03-12 Cynewulf Sebright Tournament for the boys of Nothelm Hundred. Denulf, Mason Gorthyn, Carpenter
13 Bernwald Tournament 1086-03-12 Baldwin Fritholaf Tournament for Bernwald-tún, Feówer Wegas, and Ellen-leáh. Arddur Wigen, Tailor
14 Cynges-myrt Tournament 1086-03-14 Sigefrith Hwala Tournament for men and youths of Cynges-myrt. Ceolmund Byrhtwold, Sculptor
16 Mædeshámstede Tournament 1086-03-14 Sigefrith Leofricsson Hingwar Tournament for Mædeshámstede, all ages, and Niþer-hræfenwíc men. Aldfrith Cyfulch
18 Nið-dúna Tournament 1086-03-16 Alred Sebright Tournament for men and youths of Nið-dúna and Nothelm keep, men of Hæðhylle, and youths of Gærs-tún. Sigefrith, Guard Ethelwold, Guard
17 Cyrs-tún Tournament 1086-03-17 Brede Sigefrithssen Stearn Tournament for Cyrs-tún. Godlamm, Guard Adalaver
19 Sancta Cateryns Tournament 1086-03-18 Caedwulf Hwala Tournament for Sancta Cateryns Ham, Up-eard, and youths and boys of Cyric-tún and Byrgen-slæd. Ceadwall, Furrier Ruissíne
Ruissíne, Guard
20 Hlíþ-cumb Tournament 1086-03-19 Brinstan Selle Tournament for men of Hlíþ-cumb and Hrycg-weg. Nothelm, Tannier Frithowulf, Chicken-Butcher
15 Hloþeres-tún Tournament 1086-03-21 Sigefrith Hwala Tournament for Hloþeres-tún, as well as boys of Cynges-myrt, Feówer Wegas, Cyrs-tún, and Bernwald-tún. Colman Hamelan
Colman Hamelan, Stablemaster
Alfwold, Guard
21 Lady Day Tournament 1086-03-25 Brede Sigefrithssen Stearn Tournament at Cyrs-tún, for winners of the Mædeshámstede Tournament, Gold-mæd Tournament, Cyrs-tún Tournament, and Cynges-myrt Tournament. Ceolmund Tilwulf, Guard
22 Holy Wednesday Tournament 1086-04-01 Brinstan Selle Tournament at Hlíþ-cumb, for winners of the Stán-Hliþ Tournament, Hlíþ-cumb Tournament, Acanweald Tournament, and Hræfenwíc Tournament. Othulf, Manservant Wulfwine, Guard
23 Princes' Tournament 1086-04-10 Caedwulf Hwala Tournament at Hloþeres-tún, for winners of the Hloþeres-tún Tournament, Sancta Cateryns Tournament, and Cyric-tún Tournament. Ruissíne
Ruissíne, Guard
24 Nothelm Tournament 1086-04-15 Alred Sebright Tournament at Nothelm Keep, for the winners of the Heá-dúna Tournament, Gærs-tún Tournament, and Nið-dúna Tournament. Sigefrith, Guard Marcán
Marcán, Guard