Tuesday 18 August 2009
I just did a great big update of the site, which I haven’t updated since early July I think. Most everything is behind the scenes stuff, but I did add a little “In the chat” widget in the sidebar of the main site… if anyone is online, it will show up with the list of user names.
I also moved the quotes from the forum database to my own database, which allows me to do things like link them to their authors. So soon (as soon as I do all the linking) you will be able to get to all the Alred-related quotes in one place.
Oh! And I enabled “smart quotes” in the story and blog posts, so they will be a little more typographically correct. Let me know if the quotes are now showing up as weird question mark characters in your browser.
As usual, kindly let me know if I broke anything. I will be holding my breath for the next few days.
Random pic of Brit because she is just so pretty these days:
This is so totally off-topic, but I have this terrible feeling that Brit is going to die in childbirth
But I am hoping I'm very, very mistaken!!