“Leofric: You knocked-up my wife! — Alred: No, your wife sent you to me since you knocked-up mine. Now get out of here so I can finish writing this poem to Egelric’s wife.”
I'm pretty sure you're my most quoted reader by now.
Heh, that would be an interesting feature for user profile pages... I was already thinking of adding characters' quotes to their bio pages, I could always do the same for users...
What about us users with only one or two famous sayings?
It's like trophies...
Heh, I really only have one...
"Oh, Alred!"
Not a bad thing to be known for, though, all things considered.
I'm romantic, literary, cynical, and a diehard Alred Sebright groupie.
I'm surprised you don't have more Cassie, you do manage to make me LOL on a regular basis. I will have to start watching out for those Quotable Moments.
You're beating Cassie, Tiffany, what are you worrying about??
It's a contest?!?!?!
In that case, I'm getting my ass handed to me from all directions *worries*