“By command of His Majesty the King, whom God preserve, you are under arrest.”
I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
But in general he's a twat.
I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
There's something about him, he looks like a guy who just enjoys seeing people suffer.
I'm getting the sadist vibes from Saeward too, Devin. He's an interesting character, but he's not someone I'd ever want to meet in real life.
We know that his first Royal Audience was December 11th. Sigefrith has his Audience every month on the first Thursday after the first Saturday (i.e. the first Thursday after the Great Market), so in November that was on the 6th.
Therefore he arrived (or at least, he was hired as Royal Reeve) some time after the 6th of November. Certainly he seems to be a new face around Lothere so he doesn't seem like he was the old reeve's deputy or anything. I expect he showed up around then.
That's all we really know so far. It's perhaps significant that we haven't had Malcolm's or Sigefrith's impressions of him yet. There may be something unusual about the appointment, as well as about the man himself. I don't want to eliminate any possibilities just yet.
I Want Maire Dead before 1086 fund - Please kindly support
Saedward is such a twat.